87 research outputs found

    Near Data Processing for Efficient and Trusted Systems

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    We live in a world which constantly produces data at a rate which only increases with time. Conventional processor architectures fail to process this abundant data in an efficient manner as they expend significant energy in instruction processing and moving data over deep memory hierarchies. Furthermore, to process large amounts of data in a cost effective manner, there is increased demand for remote computation. While cloud service providers have come up with innovative solutions to cater to this increased demand, the security concerns users feel for their data remains a strong impediment to their wide scale adoption. An exciting technique in our repertoire to deal with these challenges is near-data processing. Near-data processing (NDP) is a data-centric paradigm which moves computation to where data resides. This dissertation exploits NDP to both process the data deluge we face efficiently and design low-overhead secure hardware designs. To this end, we first propose Compute Caches, a novel NDP technique. Simple augmentations to underlying SRAM design enable caches to perform commonly used operations. In-place computation in caches not only avoids excessive data movement over memory hierarchy, but also significantly reduces instruction processing energy as independent sub-units inside caches perform computation in parallel. Compute Caches significantly improve the performance and reduce energy expended for a suite of data intensive applications. Second, this dissertation identifies security advantages of NDP. While memory bus side channel has received much attention, a low-overhead hardware design which defends against it remains elusive. We observe that smart memory, memory with compute capability, can dramatically simplify this problem. To exploit this observation, we propose InvisiMem which uses the logic layer in the smart memory to implement cryptographic primitives, which aid in addressing memory bus side channel efficiently. Our solutions obviate the need for expensive constructs like Oblivious RAM (ORAM) and Merkle trees, and have one to two orders of magnitude lower overheads for performance, space, energy, and memory bandwidth, compared to prior solutions. This dissertation also addresses a related vulnerability of page fault side channel in which the Operating System (OS) induces page faults to learn application's address trace and deduces application secrets from it. To tackle it, we propose Sanctuary which obfuscates page fault channel while allowing the OS to manage memory as a resource. To do so, we design a novel construct, Oblivious Page Management (OPAM) which is derived from ORAM but is customized for page management context. We employ near-memory page moves to reduce OPAM overhead and also propose a novel memory partition to reduce OPAM transactions required. For a suite of cloud applications which process sensitive data we show that page fault channel can be tackled at reasonable overheads.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144139/1/shaizeen_1.pd

    Facilitating Emerging Non-volatile Memories in Next-Generation Memory System Design: Architecture-Level and Application-Level Perspectives

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    This dissertation focuses on three types of emerging NVMs, spin-transfer torque RAM (STT-RAM), phase change memory (PCM), and metal-oxide resistive RAM (ReRAM). STT-RAM has been identified as the best replacement of SRAM to build large-scale and low-power on-chip caches and also an energy-efficient alternative to DRAM as main memory. PCM and ReRAM have been considered to be promising technologies for building future large-scale and low-power main memory systems. This dissertation investigates two aspects to facilitate them in next-generation memory system design, architecture-level and application-level perspectives. First, multi-level cell (MLC) STT-RAM based cache design is optimized by using data encoding and data compression. Second, MLC STT-RAM is utilized as persistent main memory for fast and energy-efficient local checkpointing. Third, the commonly used database indexing algorithm, B+tree, is redesigned to be NVM-friendly. Forth, a novel processing-in-memory architecture built on ReRAM based main memory is proposed to accelerate neural network applications

    Demystifying the Characteristics of 3D-Stacked Memories: A Case Study for Hybrid Memory Cube

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    Three-dimensional (3D)-stacking technology, which enables the integration of DRAM and logic dies, offers high bandwidth and low energy consumption. This technology also empowers new memory designs for executing tasks not traditionally associated with memories. A practical 3D-stacked memory is Hybrid Memory Cube (HMC), which provides significant access bandwidth and low power consumption in a small area. Although several studies have taken advantage of the novel architecture of HMC, its characteristics in terms of latency and bandwidth or their correlation with temperature and power consumption have not been fully explored. This paper is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to characterize the thermal behavior of HMC in a real environment using the AC-510 accelerator and to identify temperature as a new limitation for this state-of-the-art design space. Moreover, besides bandwidth studies, we deconstruct factors that contribute to latency and reveal their sources for high- and low-load accesses. The results of this paper demonstrates essential behaviors and performance bottlenecks for future explorations of packet-switched and 3D-stacked memories.Comment: EEE Catalog Number: CFP17236-USB ISBN 13: 978-1-5386-1232-

    A new Method for the Analysis of Radiation-induced Effects in 3D VLSI Face-to-Back LUTs

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    In recent years, three-dimensional IC (3D IC) has gained much attention as a promising approach to increase IC performance due to their several advantages in terms of integration density, power dissipation and achievable clock frequencies. However, the reliability of 3D ICs regarding soft errors induced by radiation is not investigated yet. In this work, we propose a method for evaluating the sensitivity of 3D ICs to Single Event Transient induced by Heavy Ions. The flow starts with identifying the characteristics of the generated transient pulses with respect to the radiation profile and 3D layout of the design. Secondly, our method provides a Dynamic Error Rate using a Simulation-based Fault Injection environment. Experimental results achieved applying the approach on a 15nm 3D configurable Look-Up-Table (LUT) designed on two tiers demonstrated the feasibility of the method, showing the vulnerability characterization of four different functional configurations using eight different types of heavy ions

    Improving the Performance and Endurance of Persistent Memory with Loose-Ordering Consistency

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    Persistent memory provides high-performance data persistence at main memory. Memory writes need to be performed in strict order to satisfy storage consistency requirements and enable correct recovery from system crashes. Unfortunately, adhering to such a strict order significantly degrades system performance and persistent memory endurance. This paper introduces a new mechanism, Loose-Ordering Consistency (LOC), that satisfies the ordering requirements at significantly lower performance and endurance loss. LOC consists of two key techniques. First, Eager Commit eliminates the need to perform a persistent commit record write within a transaction. We do so by ensuring that we can determine the status of all committed transactions during recovery by storing necessary metadata information statically with blocks of data written to memory. Second, Speculative Persistence relaxes the write ordering between transactions by allowing writes to be speculatively written to persistent memory. A speculative write is made visible to software only after its associated transaction commits. To enable this, our mechanism supports the tracking of committed transaction ID and multi-versioning in the CPU cache. Our evaluations show that LOC reduces the average performance overhead of memory persistence from 66.9% to 34.9% and the memory write traffic overhead from 17.1% to 3.4% on a variety of workloads.Comment: This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed System
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