111 research outputs found

    Virtual and Mixed Reality in Telerobotics: A Survey

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    Output Feedback Bilateral Teleoperation with Force Estimation in the Presence of Time Delays

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    This thesis presents a novel bilateral teleoperation algorithm for n degree of freedom nonlinear manipulators connected through time delays. Teleoperation has many practical uses, as there are many benefits that come from being able to operate machines from a distance. For instance, the ability to send a remote controlled robotic vehicle into a hazardous environment can be a great asset in many industrial applications. As well, the field of remote medicine can benefit from these technologies. A highly skilled surgeon could perform surgery on a patient who is located in another city, or even country. Earth to space operations and deep sea exploration are other areas where teleoperation is quite useful. Central to the approach presented in this work is the use of second order sliding mode unknown input observers for estimating the external forces acting on the manipulators. The use of these observers removes the need for both velocity and force sensors, leading to a lower cost hardware setup that provides all of the advantages of a position-force teleoperation algorithm. Stability results for this new algorithm are presented for several cases. Stability of each of the master and slave sides of the teleoperation system is demonstrated, showing that the master and slave are both stabilized by their respective controllers when the unknown input observers are used for state and force estimation. Additionally, closed loop stability results for the teleoperation system connected to a variety of slave side environments are presented. Delay-independent stability results for a linear spring-damper environment as well as a general finite-gain stable nonlinear environment are given. Delay-dependent stability results for the case where the slave environment is a liner spring-damper and the delays are commensurate are also presented. As well, stability results for the closed loop under the assumption that the human operator is modeled as a finite-gain stable nonlinear environment are given. Following the theoretical presentation, numerical simulations illustrating the algorithm are presented, and experimental results verifying the practical application of the approach are given

    Closed-loop real-time control on distributed networks

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    This thesis is an effort to develop closed-loop control strategies on computer networks and study their stability in the presence of network delays and packet losses. An algorithm using predictors was designed to ensure the system stability in presence of network delays and packet losses. A single actuator magnetic ball levitation system was used as a test bed to validate the proposed algorithm. A brief study of real-time requirements of the networked control system is presented and a client-server architecture is developed using real-time operating environment to implement the proposed algorithm. Real-time performance of the communication on Ethernet based on user datagram protocol (UDP) was explored and UDP is presented as a suitable protocol for networked control systems. Predictors were designed based on parametric estimation models. Autoregressive (AR) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models of various orders were designed using MATLAB and an eighth order AR model was adopted based on the best-fit criterion. The system output was predicted several steps ahead using these predictors and control output was calculated using the predictions. This control output output was used in the events of excessive network delays to maintain system stability. Experiments employing simulations of consecutive packet losses and network delays were performed to validate the satisfactory performance of the predictor based algorithm. The current system compensates for up to 20 percent data losses in the network without loosing stability

    A Comprehensive Survey of the Tactile Internet: State of the art and Research Directions

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    The Internet has made several giant leaps over the years, from a fixed to a mobile Internet, then to the Internet of Things, and now to a Tactile Internet. The Tactile Internet goes far beyond data, audio and video delivery over fixed and mobile networks, and even beyond allowing communication and collaboration among things. It is expected to enable haptic communication and allow skill set delivery over networks. Some examples of potential applications are tele-surgery, vehicle fleets, augmented reality and industrial process automation. Several papers already cover many of the Tactile Internet-related concepts and technologies, such as haptic codecs, applications, and supporting technologies. However, none of them offers a comprehensive survey of the Tactile Internet, including its architectures and algorithms. Furthermore, none of them provides a systematic and critical review of the existing solutions. To address these lacunae, we provide a comprehensive survey of the architectures and algorithms proposed to date for the Tactile Internet. In addition, we critically review them using a well-defined set of requirements and discuss some of the lessons learned as well as the most promising research directions

    Wave impedance selection for passivity-based bilateral teleoperation

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    When a task must be executed in a remote or dangerous environment, teleoperation systems may be employed to extend the influence of the human operator. In the case of manipulation tasks, haptic feedback of the forces experienced by the remote (slave) system is often highly useful in improving an operator's ability to perform effectively. In many of these cases (especially teleoperation over the internet and ground-to-space teleoperation), substantial communication latency exists in the control loop and has the strong tendency to cause instability of the system. The first viable solution to this problem in the literature was based on a scattering/wave transformation from transmission line theory. This wave transformation requires the designer to select a wave impedance parameter appropriate to the teleoperation system. It is widely recognized that a small value of wave impedance is well suited to free motion and a large value is preferable for contact tasks. Beyond this basic observation, however, very little guidance exists in the literature regarding the selection of an appropriate value. Moreover, prior research on impedance selection generally fails to account for the fact that in any realistic contact task there will simultaneously exist contact considerations (perpendicular to the surface of contact) and quasi-free-motion considerations (parallel to the surface of contact). The primary contribution of the present work is to introduce an approximate linearized optimum for the choice of wave impedance and to apply this quasi-optimal choice to the Cartesian reality of such a contact task, in which it cannot be expected that a given joint will be either perfectly normal to or perfectly parallel to the motion constraint. The proposed scheme selects a wave impedance matrix that is appropriate to the conditions encountered by the manipulator. This choice may be implemented as a static wave impedance value or as a time-varying choice updated according to the instantaneous conditions encountered. A Lyapunov-like analysis is presented demonstrating that time variation in wave impedance will not violate the passivity of the system. Experimental trials, both in simulation and on a haptic feedback device, are presented validating the technique. Consideration is also given to the case of an uncertain environment, in which an a priori impedance choice may not be possible

    Safe Haptics-enabled Patient-Robot Interaction for Robotic and Telerobotic Rehabilitation of Neuromuscular Disorders: Control Design and Analysis

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    Motivation: Current statistics show that the population of seniors and the incidence rate of age-related neuromuscular disorders are rapidly increasing worldwide. Improving medical care is likely to increase the survival rate but will result in even more patients in need of Assistive, Rehabilitation and Assessment (ARA) services for extended periods which will place a significant burden on the world\u27s healthcare systems. In many cases, the only alternative is limited and often delayed outpatient therapy. The situation will be worse for patients in remote areas. One potential solution is to develop technologies that provide efficient and safe means of in-hospital and in-home kinesthetic rehabilitation. In this regard, Haptics-enabled Interactive Robotic Neurorehabilitation (HIRN) systems have been developed. Existing Challenges: Although there are specific advantages with the use of HIRN technologies, there still exist several technical and control challenges, e.g., (a) absence of direct interactive physical interaction between therapists and patients; (b) questionable adaptability and flexibility considering the sensorimotor needs of patients; (c) limited accessibility in remote areas; and (d) guaranteeing patient-robot interaction safety while maximizing system transparency, especially when high control effort is needed for severely disabled patients, when the robot is to be used in a patient\u27s home or when the patient experiences involuntary movements. These challenges have provided the motivation for this research. Research Statement: In this project, a novel haptics-enabled telerobotic rehabilitation framework is designed, analyzed and implemented that can be used as a new paradigm for delivering motor therapy which gives therapists direct kinesthetic supervision over the robotic rehabilitation procedure. The system also allows for kinesthetic remote and ultimately in-home rehabilitation. To guarantee interaction safety while maximizing the performance of the system, a new framework for designing stabilizing controllers is developed initially based on small-gain theory and then completed using strong passivity theory. The proposed control framework takes into account knowledge about the variable biomechanical capabilities of the patient\u27s limb(s) in absorbing interaction forces and mechanical energy. The technique is generalized for use for classical rehabilitation robotic systems to realize patient-robot interaction safety while enhancing performance. In the next step, the proposed telerobotic system is studied as a modality of training for classical HIRN systems. The goal is to first model and then regenerate the prescribed kinesthetic supervision of an expert therapist. To broaden the population of patients who can use the technology and HIRN systems, a new control strategy is designed for patients experiencing involuntary movements. As the last step, the outcomes of the proposed theoretical and technological developments are translated to designing assistive mechatronic tools for patients with force and motion control deficits. This study shows that proper augmentation of haptic inputs can not only enhance the transparency and safety of robotic and telerobotic rehabilitation systems, but it can also assist patients with force and motion control deficiencies