1,698 research outputs found

    Invariance of KMS states on graph C*-algebras under classical and quantum symmetry

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    We study invariance of KMS states on graph C*-algebras coming from strongly connected and circulant graphs under the classical and quantum symmetry of the graphs. We show that the unique KMS state for strongly connected graphs is invariant under quantum automorphism group of the graph. For circulant graphs, it is shown that the action of classical and quantum automorphism group preserves only one of the KMS states occurring at the critical inverse temperature. We also give an example of a graph C*-algebra having more than one KMS state such that all of them are invariant under the action of classical automorphism group of the graph, but there is a unique KMS state which is invariant under the action of quantum automorphism group of the graph.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    Good potentials for almost isomorphism of countable state Markov shifts

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    Almost isomorphism is an equivalence relation on countable state Markov shifts which provides a strong version of Borel conjugacy; still, for mixing SPR shifts, entropy is a complete invariant of almost isomorphism. In this paper, we establish a class of potentials on countable state Markov shifts whose thermodynamic formalism is respected by almost isomorphism

    Combinatorics and Geometry of Transportation Polytopes: An Update

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    A transportation polytope consists of all multidimensional arrays or tables of non-negative real numbers that satisfy certain sum conditions on subsets of the entries. They arise naturally in optimization and statistics, and also have interest for discrete mathematics because permutation matrices, latin squares, and magic squares appear naturally as lattice points of these polytopes. In this paper we survey advances on the understanding of the combinatorics and geometry of these polyhedra and include some recent unpublished results on the diameter of graphs of these polytopes. In particular, this is a thirty-year update on the status of a list of open questions last visited in the 1984 book by Yemelichev, Kovalev and Kravtsov and the 1986 survey paper of Vlach.Comment: 35 pages, 13 figure

    The Vertex Reinforced Jump Process and a Random Schr\"odinger operator on finite graphs

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    We introduce a new exponential family of probability distributions, which can be viewed as a multivariate generalization of the Inverse Gaussian distribution. Considered as the potential of a random Schr\"odinger operator, this exponential family is related to the random field that gives the mixing measure of the Vertex Reinforced Jump Process (VRJP), and hence to the mixing measure of the Edge Reinforced Random Walk (ERRW), the so-called magic formula. In particular, it yields by direct computation the value of the normalizing constants of these mixing measures, which solves a question raised by Diaconis. The results of this paper are instrumental in [Sabot-Zeng,2015], where several properties of the VRJP and the ERRW are proved, in particular a functional central limit theorem in transient regimes, and recurrence of the 2-dimensional ERRW.Comment: 15 page

    Quantum automorphism groups of homogeneous graphs

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    Associated to a finite graph XX is its quantum automorphism group GG. The main problem is to compute the Poincar\'e series of GG, meaning the series f(z)=1+c1z+c2z2+...f(z)=1+c_1z+c_2z^2+... whose coefficients are multiplicities of 1 into tensor powers of the fundamental representation. In this paper we find a duality between certain quantum groups and planar algebras, which leads to a planar algebra formulation of the problem. Together with some other results, this gives ff for all homogeneous graphs having 8 vertices or less.Comment: 30 page

    Almost isomorphism for countable state Markov shifts

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    Countable state Markov shifts are a natural generalization of the well-known subshifts of finite type. They are the subject of current research both for their own sake and as models for smooth dynamical systems. In this paper, we investigate their almost isomorphism and entropy conjugacy and obtain a complete classification for the especially important class of strongly positive recurrent Markov shifts. This gives a complete classification up to entropy conjugacy of the natural extensions of smooth entropy expanding maps, including all smooth interval maps with non-zero topological entropy

    On Structural and Spectral Properties of Distance Magic Graphs

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    A graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is said to be distance magic if there is a bijection ff from a vertex set of GG to the first ∣V(G)∣|V(G)| natural numbers such that for each vertex vv, its weight given by ∑u∈N(v)f(u)\sum_{u \in N(v)}f(u) is constant, where N(v)N(v) is an open neighborhood of a vertex vv. In this paper, we introduce the concept of pp-distance magic labeling and establish the necessary and sufficient condition for a graph to be distance magic. Additionally, we introduce necessary and sufficient conditions for a connected regular graph to exhibit distance magic properties in terms of the eigenvalues of its adjacency and Laplacian matrices. Furthermore, we study the spectra of distance magic graphs, focusing on singular distance magic graphs. Also, we show that the number of distance magic labelings of a graph is, at most, the size of its automorphism group
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