3 research outputs found

    On the synthesis of integral and dynamic recurrences

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    PhD ThesisSynthesis techniques for regular arrays provide a disciplined and well-founded approach to the design of classes of parallel algorithms. The design process is guided by a methodology which is based upon a formal notation and transformations. The mathematical model underlying synthesis techniques is that of affine Euclidean geometry with embedded lattice spaces. Because of this model, computationally powerful methods are provided as an effective way of engineering regular arrays. However, at present the applicability of such methods is limited to so-called affine problems. The work presented in this thesis aims at widening the applicability of standard synthesis methods to more general classes of problems. The major contributions of this thesis are the characterisation of classes of integral and dynamic problems, and the provision of techniques for their systematic treatment within the framework of established synthesis methods. The basic idea is the transformation of the initial algorithm specification into a specification with data dependencies of increased regularity, so that corresponding regular arrays can be obtained by a direct application of the standard mapping techniques. We will complement the formal development of the techniques with the illustration of a number of case studies from the literature.EPSR

    Automatic parallelisation for a class of URE problems

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    PhD ThesisThis thesis deals with the methodology and software of automatic parallelisation for numerical supercomputing and supercomputers. Basically, we focus on the problem of Uniform Recurrence Equations (URE) which exists widely in numerical computations. vVepropose a complete methodology of automatic generation of parallel programs for regular array designs. The methodology starts with an introduction of a set of canonical dependencies which generates a general modelling of the various URE problems. Based on these canonical dependencies, partitioning and mapping methods are developed which gives the foundation of the universal design process. Using the theoretical results we propose the structures of parallel programs and eventually generate automatically parallel codes which run correctly and efficiently on transputer array. The achievements presented in this thesis can be regarded as a significant progress in the area of automatic generation of parallel codes and regular (systolic) array design. This methodology is integrated and self-contained, and may be the only practical working package in this area.The Research Committee of University of Newcastle upon Tyne: CVCP Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme

    [PhD Thesis] On the Synthesis of Integral and Dynamic Recurrences

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