8 research outputs found

    Convergence and Perturbation Resilience of Dynamic String-Averaging Projection Methods

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    We consider the convex feasibility problem (CFP) in Hilbert space and concentrate on the study of string-averaging projection (SAP) methods for the CFP, analyzing their convergence and their perturbation resilience. In the past, SAP methods were formulated with a single predetermined set of strings and a single predetermined set of weights. Here we extend the scope of the family of SAP methods to allow iteration-index-dependent variable strings and weights and term such methods dynamic string-averaging projection (DSAP) methods. The bounded perturbation resilience of DSAP methods is relevant and important for their possible use in the framework of the recently developed superiorization heuristic methodology for constrained minimization problems.Comment: Computational Optimization and Applications, accepted for publicatio

    String-Averaging Projected Subgradient Methods for Constrained Minimization

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    We consider constrained minimization problems and propose to replace the projection onto the entire feasible region, required in the Projected Subgradient Method (PSM), by projections onto the individual sets whose intersection forms the entire feasible region. Specifically, we propose to perform such projections onto the individual sets in an algorithmic regime of a feasibility-seeking iterative projection method. For this purpose we use the recently developed family of Dynamic String-Averaging Projection (DSAP) methods wherein iteration-index-dependent variable strings and variable weights are permitted. This gives rise to an algorithmic scheme that generalizes, from the algorithmic structural point of view, earlier work of Helou Neto and De Pierro, of Nedi\'c, of Nurminski, and of Ram et al.Comment: Optimization Methods and Software, accepted for publicatio

    Weak and Strong Superiorization: Between Feasibility-Seeking and Minimization

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    We review the superiorization methodology, which can be thought of, in some cases, as lying between feasibility-seeking and constrained minimization. It is not quite trying to solve the full fledged constrained minimization problem; rather, the task is to find a feasible point which is superior (with respect to an objective function value) to one returned by a feasibility-seeking only algorithm. We distinguish between two research directions in the superiorization methodology that nourish from the same general principle: Weak superiorization and strong superiorization and clarify their nature.Comment: Revised version. Presented at the Tenth Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, October 16-19, 2014, Constantza, Romania. http://www.ima.ro/workshop/tenth_workshop