3,854 research outputs found

    Analytic vectors in continuous p-adic representations

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    Given a compact p-adic Lie group G over a finite unramified extension L/Q_p let G_0 be the product over all Galois conjugates of G. We construct an exact and faithful functor from admissible G-Banach space representations to admissible locally L-analytic G_0-representations that coincides with passage to analytic vectors in case L=Q_p. On the other hand, we study the functor "passage to analytic vectors" and its derived functors over general basefields. As an application we determine the higher analytic vectors in certain locally analytic induced representations.Comment: Final version (appeared in Comp. Math. 2009). Exposition shortened. Minor items correcte

    The Riesz representation theorem and weak∗{}^* compactness of semimartingales

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    We show that the sequential closure of a family of probability measures on the canonical space of c{\`a}dl{\`a}g paths satisfying Stricker's uniform tightness condition is a weak∗{}^* compact set of semimartingale measures in the pairing of the Riesz representation theorem under topological assumptions on the path space. Similar results are obtained for quasi- and supermartingales under analogous conditions. In particular, we give a full characterization of the strongest topology on the Skorokhod space for which these results are true.Comment: V1-V6 differ substantially from v7-v8 in exposition v9 adds lemma 3.5, example 3.9, remark 5.6, proposition 5.7 (i) and some other minor remark

    Algebras of p-adic distributions and admissible representations

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    Let G be a compact, locally L-analytic group, where L is a finite extension of Qp. Let K be a discretely valued extension field of L. We study the algebra D(G,K) of K-valued locally analytic distributions on G, and apply our results to the locally analytic representation theory of G in vector spaces over K. Our objective is to lay a useful and powerful foundation for the further study of such representations. We show that the noncommutative, nonnoetherian ring D(G,K) "behaves" like the ring of functions on a rigid Stein space, and that (at least when G is Qp-analytic) it is a faithfully flat extension of its subring K\otimes Zp[[G]], where Zp[[G]] is the completed group ring of G. We use this point of view to describe an abelian subcategory of D(G,K) modules that we call coadmissible. We say that a locally analytic representation V of G is admissible if its strong dual is coadmissible as D(G,K)-module. For noncompact G, we say V is admissible if its strong dual is coadmissible as D(H,K) module for some compact open subgroup H. In this way we obtain an abelian category of admissible locally analytic representations. These methods allow us to answer a number of questions raised in our earlier papers on p-adic representations; for example we show the existence of analytic vectors in the admissible Banach space representations of G that we studied in "Banach space representations ...", Israel J. Math. 127, 359-380 (2002). Finally we construct a dimension theory for D(G,K), which behaves for coadmissible modules like a regular ring, and show that smooth admissible representations are zero dimensional

    Uniform topologies on types

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    We study the robustness of interim correlated rationalizability to perturbations of higher-order beliefs. We introduce a new metric topology on the universal type space, called uniform weak topology, under which two types are close if they have similar first-order beliefs, attach similar probabilities to other players having similar first-order beliefs, and so on, where the degree of similarity is uniform over the levels of the belief hierarchy. This topology generalizes the now classic notion of proximity to common knowledge based on common p-beliefs (Monderer and Samet 1989). We show that convergence in the uniform weak topology implies convergence in the uniform strategic topology (Dekel, Fudenberg, and Morris 2006). Moreover, when the limit is a finite type, uniform-weak convergence is also a necessary condition for convergence in the strategic topology. Finally, we show that the set of finite types is nowhere dense under the uniform strategic topology. Thus, our results shed light on the connection between similarity of beliefs and similarity of behaviors in games.Rationalizability, incomplete information, higher-order beliefs, strategic topology, electronic mail game

    Limit operators, collective compactness, and the spectral theory of infinite matrices

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    In the first half of this memoir we explore the interrelationships between the abstract theory of limit operators (see e.g. the recent monographs of Rabinovich, Roch and Silbermann (2004) and Lindner (2006)) and the concepts and results of the generalised collectively compact operator theory introduced by Chandler-Wilde and Zhang (2002). We build up to results obtained by applying this generalised collectively compact operator theory to the set of limit operators of an operator (its operator spectrum). In the second half of this memoir we study bounded linear operators on the generalised sequence space , where and is some complex Banach space. We make what seems to be a more complete study than hitherto of the connections between Fredholmness, invertibility, invertibility at infinity, and invertibility or injectivity of the set of limit operators, with some emphasis on the case when the operator is a locally compact perturbation of the identity. Especially, we obtain stronger results than previously known for the subtle limiting cases of and . Our tools in this study are the results from the first half of the memoir and an exploitation of the partial duality between and and its implications for bounded linear operators which are also continuous with respect to the weaker topology (the strict topology) introduced in the first half of the memoir. Results in this second half of the memoir include a new proof that injectivity of all limit operators (the classic Favard condition) implies invertibility for a general class of almost periodic operators, and characterisations of invertibility at infinity and Fredholmness for operators in the so-called Wiener algebra. In two final chapters our results are illustrated by and applied to concrete examples. Firstly, we study the spectra and essential spectra of discrete Schrödinger operators (both self-adjoint and non-self-adjoint), including operators with almost periodic and random potentials. In the final chapter we apply our results to integral operators on

    Spectral synthesis for Banach Algebras II

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    This paper continues the study of spectral synthesis and the topologies tau-infinity and tau-r on the ideal space of a Banach algebra, concentrating particularly on the class of Haagerup tensor products of C*-algebras. For this class, it is shown that spectral synthesis is equivalent to the Hausdorffness of tau_infinity. Under a weak extra condition, spectral synthesis is shown to be equivalent to the Hausdorffness of tau_r

    On duality theory and pseudodifferential techniques for Colombeau algebras: generalized delta functionals, kernels and wave front sets

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    Summarizing basic facts from abstract topological modules over Colombeau generalized complex numbers we discuss duality of Colombeau algebras. In particular, we focus on generalized delta functionals and operator kernels as elements of dual spaces. A large class of examples is provided by pseudodifferential operators acting on Colombeau algebras. By a refinement of symbol calculus we review a new characterization of the wave front set for generalized functions with applications to microlocal analysis
