3 research outputs found

    An Analysis of The Multi-Channel and Multi-phase Queuing System for The Single Trip Commuter Line

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    Abstrak Sarana transportasi merupakan aspek yang sangat penting bagi suatu kota, termasuk kota Tangerang. Namun sayangnya sarana transportasi di kota Tangerang masih belum memadai. Salah satu jenis transportasi yang banyak digunakan saat ini adalah kereta api commuter line. Namun akhir-akhir ini kereta api commuter line mulai mengalami berbagai masalah, seperti antrian yang semakin panjang dan waktu antrian penumpang yang semakin lama. Penelitian ini melakukan analisis sistem pelayanan di Stasiun Tangerang. Sistem antrian di stasiun Tangerang dimodelkan dan diolah dengan bantuan software Win QSB dan software simulasi ARENA. Sebanyak empat skenario dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan konfigurasi sistem layanan yang optimal menggantikan sistem existing. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan perubahan konfigurasi sistem layanan di stasiun Tangerang yang dapat menurunkan biaya sistem pelayanan. Kata kunci: antrian pembelian tiket, multi-channel, multi-phase, WinQSB, simulasi, ARENA  Abstract Transportation is an important aspect for Tangerang. The transportation system in Tangerang unfortunately are insufficient for to meet the demand. One of the mass transportation mode used recently is commuter line train, which now have some problems, such as the long queue and long queuing time passengers. This research was done in Tangerang city station. Queuing system was modelled and solved by Win QSB and ARENA software. There were four scenarios developed to get the optimal configuration for the service system in the station. This research recommended  a new service system configuration which can reduce the service system cost. Keywords: ticket purchasing queue, multi channel, multi phase, WinQSB, simulation, ARENAÂ

    Upstream traffic capacity of a WDM EPON under online GATE-driven scheduling

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    Passive optical networks are increasingly used for access to the Internet and it is important to understand the performance of future long-reach, multi-channel variants. In this paper we discuss requirements on the dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) algorithm used to manage the upstream resource in a WDM EPON and propose a simple novel DBA algorithm that is considerably more efficient than classical approaches. We demonstrate that the algorithm emulates a multi-server polling system and derive capacity formulas that are valid for general traffic processes. We evaluate delay performance by simulation demonstrating the superiority of the proposed scheduler. The proposed scheduler offers considerable flexibility and is particularly efficient in long-reach access networks where propagation times are high