1 research outputs found

    On the solvability of the mutual localization problem with anonymous position measures

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    This paper formulates and investigates a novel problem called Mutual Localization with Anonymous Position Measures. This is an extension of Mutual Localization with Position Measures, with the additional assumption that the identities of the measured robots are not known. A necessary and sufficient condition for the uniqueness of the solution is presented, which requires O(n 2/log n) to be verified and is based on the notion of rotational symmetry in ℝ 2. We also derive the relationship between the number of robots and the number of possible solutions, and classify the solutions in a number of equivalence classes which is linear in n. A control law is finally proposed that effectively breaks symmetric formations so as to guarantee unique solvability of the problem is also proposed; its performance is illustrated through simulations. ©2010 IEEE