8 research outputs found

    Chromatic number of graphs and edge Folkman numbers

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    In the paper we give a lower bound for the number of vertices of a given graph using its chromatic number. We find the graphs for which this bound is exact. The results are applied in the theory of Foklman numbers.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    On a Class of Vertex Folkman Numbers

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    Let a1 , . . . , ar, be positive integers, i=1 ... r, m = βˆ‘(ai βˆ’ 1) + 1 and p = max{a1 , . . . , ar }. For a graph G the symbol G β†’ (a1 , . . . , ar ) means that in every r-coloring of the vertices of G there exists a monochromatic ai -clique of color i for some i ∈ {1, . . . , r}. In this paper we consider the vertex Folkman numbers F (a1 , . . . , ar ; m βˆ’ 1) = min |V (G)| : G β†’ (a1 , . . . , ar ) and Kmβˆ’1 βŠ‚ G} We prove that F (a1 , . . . , ar ; m βˆ’ 1) = m + 6, if p = 3 and m ≧ 6 (Theorem 3) and F (a1 , . . . , ar ; m βˆ’ 1) = m + 7, if p = 4 and m ≧ 6 (Theorem 4)

    On the Nonexistence of Some Generalized Folkman Numbers

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    For an undirected simple graph GG, we write Gβ†’(H1,H2)vG \rightarrow (H_1, H_2)^v if and only if for every red-blue coloring of its vertices there exists a red H1H_1 or a blue H2H_2. The generalized vertex Folkman number Fv(H1,H2;H)F_v(H_1, H_2; H) is defined as the smallest integer nn for which there exists an HH-free graph GG of order nn such that Gβ†’(H1,H2)vG \rightarrow (H_1, H_2)^v. The generalized edge Folkman numbers Fe(H1,H2;H)F_e(H_1, H_2; H) are defined similarly, when colorings of the edges are considered. We show that Fe(Kk+1,Kk+1;Kk+2βˆ’e)F_e(K_{k+1},K_{k+1};K_{k+2}-e) and Fv(Kk,Kk;Kk+1βˆ’e)F_v(K_k,K_k;K_{k+1}-e) are well defined for kβ‰₯3k \geq 3. We prove the nonexistence of Fe(K3,K3;H)F_e(K_3,K_3;H) for some HH, in particular for H=B3H=B_3, where BkB_k is the book graph of kk triangular pages, and for H=K1+P4H=K_1+P_4. We pose three problems on generalized Folkman numbers, including the existence question of edge Folkman numbers Fe(K3,K3;B4)F_e(K_3, K_3; B_4), Fe(K3,K3;K1+C4)F_e(K_3, K_3; K_1+C_4) and Fe(K3,K3;P2βˆͺP3β€Ύ)F_e(K_3, K_3; \overline{P_2 \cup P_3} ). Our results lead to some general inequalities involving two-color and multicolor Folkman numbers