995 research outputs found

    Light scattering and dissipative dynamics of many fermionic atoms in an optical lattice

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    We investigate the many-body dissipative dynamics of fermionic atoms in an optical lattice in the presence of incoherent light scattering. Deriving and solving a master equation to describe this process microscopically for many particles, we observe contrasting behaviour in terms of the robustness against this type of heating for different many-body states. In particular, we find that the magnetic correlations exhibited by a two-component gas in the Mott insulating phase should be particularly robust against decoherence from light scattering, because the decoherence in the lowest band is suppressed by a larger factor than the timescales for effective superexchange interactions that drive coherent dynamics. Furthermore, the derived formalism naturally generalizes to analogous states with SU(N) symmetry. In contrast, for typical atomic and laser parameters, two-particle correlation functions describing bound dimers for strong attractive interactions exhibit superradiant effects due to the indistinguishability of off-resonant photons scattered by atoms in different internal states. This leads to rapid decay of correlations describing off-diagonal long-range order for these states. Our predictions should be directly measurable in ongoing experiments, providing a basis for characterising and controlling heating processes in quantum simulation with fermions.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of Velocity-Dependent Dark Matter Annihilation on the Energy Spectrum of the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background

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    We calculate the effects of velocity-dependent dark matter annihilation cross sections on the intensity of the extragalactic gamma-ray background. Our formalism does not assume a locally thermal distribution of dark matter particles in phase space, and is valid for arbitrary velocity-dependent annihilation. As concrete examples, we calculate the effects of p-wave annihilation (with the vv-weighted cross section of σv=a+bv2\sigma v=a+bv^2) on the mean intensity of extragalactic gamma rays produced in cosmological dark matter halos. This velocity variation makes the shape of the energy spectrum harder, but this change in the shape is too small to see unless b/a\agt 10^6. While we find no such models in the parameter space of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), we show that it is possible to find b/a\agt 10^6 in the extension MSSM⊗U(1)B−L\otimes U(1)_{B-L}. However, we find that the most dominant effect of the p-wave annihilation is the suppression of the amplitude of the gamma-ray background. A non-zero bb at the dark matter freeze-out epoch requires a smaller value of aa in order for the relic density constraint to be satisfied, suppressing the amplitude by a factor as low as 10−610^{-6} for a thermal relic. Non-thermal relics will have weaker amplitude suppression. As another velocity-dependent effect, we calculate the spectrum for s-wave annihilation into fermions enhanced by the attractive Sommerfeld effect. Resonances associated with this effect result in significantly enhanced intensities, with a slightly softer energy spectrum.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Lattice Monte Carlo Simulations with Two Impurity Worldlines

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    We develop the impurity lattice Monte Carlo formalism, for the case of two distinguishable impurities in a bath of polarized fermions. The majority particles are treated as explicit degrees of freedom, while the impurities are described by worldlines. The latter serve as localized auxiliary fields, which affect the majority particles. We apply the method to non-relativistic three-dimensional systems of two impurities and a number of majority particles where both the impurity-impurity interaction and the impurity-majority interaction have zero range. We consider the case of an attractive impurity-majority interaction, and we study the formation and disintegration of bound states as a function of the impurity-impurity interaction strength. We also discuss the potential applications of this formalism to other quantum many-body systems.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
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