2,171 research outputs found

    Preconditioning complex symmetric linear systems

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    A new polynomial preconditioner for symmetric complex linear systems based on Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting (HSS) for complex symmetric linear systems is herein presented. It applies to Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Gradient (COCG) or Conjugate Orthogonal Conjugate Residual (COCR) iterative solvers and does not require any estimation of the spectrum of the coefficient matrix. An upper bound of the condition number of the preconditioned linear system is provided. Moreover, to reduce the computational cost, an inexact variant based on incomplete Cholesky decomposition or orthogonal polynomials is proposed. Numerical results show that the present preconditioner and its inexact variant are efficient and robust solvers for this class of linear systems. A stability analysis of the method completes the description of the preconditioner.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, 4 table

    Convergence rates of Kernel Conjugate Gradient for random design regression

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    We prove statistical rates of convergence for kernel-based least squares regression from i.i.d. data using a conjugate gradient algorithm, where regularization against overfitting is obtained by early stopping. This method is related to Kernel Partial Least Squares, a regression method that combines supervised dimensionality reduction with least squares projection. Following the setting introduced in earlier related literature, we study so-called "fast convergence rates" depending on the regularity of the target regression function (measured by a source condition in terms of the kernel integral operator) and on the effective dimensionality of the data mapped into the kernel space. We obtain upper bounds, essentially matching known minimax lower bounds, for the L2\mathcal{L}^2 (prediction) norm as well as for the stronger Hilbert norm, if the true regression function belongs to the reproducing kernel Hilbert space. If the latter assumption is not fulfilled, we obtain similar convergence rates for appropriate norms, provided additional unlabeled data are available

    Fast convergence of trust-regions for non-isolated minima via analysis of CG on indefinite matrices

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    Trust-region methods (TR) can converge quadratically to minima where the Hessian is positive definite. However, if the minima are not isolated, then the Hessian there cannot be positive definite. The weaker Polyak\unicode{x2013}{\L}ojasiewicz (P{\L}) condition is compatible with non-isolated minima, and it is enough for many algorithms to preserve good local behavior. Yet, TR with an exact\textit{exact} subproblem solver lacks even basic features such as a capture theorem under P{\L}. In practice, a popular inexact\textit{inexact} subproblem solver is the truncated conjugate gradient method (tCG). Empirically, TR-tCG exhibits super-linear convergence under P{\L}. We confirm this theoretically. The main mathematical obstacle is that, under P{\L}, at points arbitrarily close to minima, the Hessian has vanishingly small, possibly negative eigenvalues. Thus, tCG is applied to ill-conditioned, indefinite systems. Yet, the core theory underlying tCG is that of CG, which assumes a positive definite operator. Accordingly, we develop new tools to analyze the dynamics of CG in the presence of small eigenvalues of any sign, for the regime of interest to TR-tCG

    Application of wavelets to singular integral scattering equations

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    The use of orthonormal wavelet basis functions for solving singular integral scattering equations is investigated. It is shown that these basis functions lead to sparse matrix equations which can be solved by iterative techniques. The scaling properties of wavelets are used to derive an efficient method for evaluating the singular integrals. The accuracy and efficiency of the wavelet transforms is demonstrated by solving the two-body T-matrix equation without partial wave projection. The resulting matrix equation which is characteristic of multiparticle integral scattering equations is found to provide an efficient method for obtaining accurate approximate solutions to the integral equation. These results indicate that wavelet transforms may provide a useful tool for studying few-body systems.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure
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