45 research outputs found

    DMT Optimality of LR-Aided Linear Decoders for a General Class of Channels, Lattice Designs, and System Models

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    The work identifies the first general, explicit, and non-random MIMO encoder-decoder structures that guarantee optimality with respect to the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (DMT), without employing a computationally expensive maximum-likelihood (ML) receiver. Specifically, the work establishes the DMT optimality of a class of regularized lattice decoders, and more importantly the DMT optimality of their lattice-reduction (LR)-aided linear counterparts. The results hold for all channel statistics, for all channel dimensions, and most interestingly, irrespective of the particular lattice-code applied. As a special case, it is established that the LLL-based LR-aided linear implementation of the MMSE-GDFE lattice decoder facilitates DMT optimal decoding of any lattice code at a worst-case complexity that grows at most linearly in the data rate. This represents a fundamental reduction in the decoding complexity when compared to ML decoding whose complexity is generally exponential in rate. The results' generality lends them applicable to a plethora of pertinent communication scenarios such as quasi-static MIMO, MIMO-OFDM, ISI, cooperative-relaying, and MIMO-ARQ channels, in all of which the DMT optimality of the LR-aided linear decoder is guaranteed. The adopted approach yields insight, and motivates further study, into joint transceiver designs with an improved SNR gap to ML decoding.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure (3 subfigures), submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    A compressed sensing approach to block-iterative equalization: connections and applications to radar imaging reconstruction

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    The widespread of underdetermined systems has brought forth a variety of new algorithmic solutions, which capitalize on the Compressed Sensing (CS) of sparse data. While well known greedy or iterative threshold type of CS recursions take the form of an adaptive filter followed by a proximal operator, this is no different in spirit from the role of block iterative decision-feedback equalizers (BI-DFE), where structure is roughly exploited by the signal constellation slicer. By taking advantage of the intrinsic sparsity of signal modulations in a communications scenario, the concept of interblock interference (IBI) can be approached more cunningly in light of CS concepts, whereby the optimal feedback of detected symbols is devised adaptively. The new DFE takes the form of a more efficient re-estimation scheme, proposed under recursive-least-squares based adaptations. Whenever suitable, these recursions are derived under a reduced-complexity, widely-linear formulation, which further reduces the minimum-mean-square-error (MMSE) in comparison with traditional strictly-linear approaches. Besides maximizing system throughput, the new algorithms exhibit significantly higher performance when compared to existing methods. Our reasoning will also show that a properly formulated BI-DFE turns out to be a powerful CS algorithm itself. A new algorithm, referred to as CS-Block DFE (CS-BDFE) exhibits improved convergence and detection when compared to first order methods, thus outperforming the state-of-the-art Complex Approximate Message Passing (CAMP) recursions. The merits of the new recursions are illustrated under a novel 3D MIMO Radar formulation, where the CAMP algorithm is shown to fail with respect to important performance measures.A proliferação de sistemas sub-determinados trouxe a tona uma gama de novas soluções algorítmicas, baseadas no sensoriamento compressivo (CS) de dados esparsos. As recursões do tipo greedy e de limitação iterativa para CS se apresentam comumente como um filtro adaptativo seguido de um operador proximal, não muito diferente dos equalizadores de realimentação de decisão iterativos em blocos (BI-DFE), em que um decisor explora a estrutura do sinal de constelação. A partir da esparsidade intrínseca presente na modulação de sinais no contexto de comunicações, a interferência entre blocos (IBI) pode ser abordada utilizando-se o conceito de CS, onde a realimentação ótima de símbolos detectados é realizada de forma adaptativa. O novo DFE se apresenta como um esquema mais eficiente de reestimação, baseado na atualização por mínimos quadrados recursivos (RLS). Sempre que possível estas recursões são propostas via formulação linear no sentido amplo, o que reduz ainda mais o erro médio quadrático mínimo (MMSE) em comparação com abordagens tradicionais. Além de maximizar a taxa de transferência de informação, o novo algoritmo exibe um desempenho significativamente superior quando comparado aos métodos existentes. Também mostraremos que um equalizador BI-DFE formulado adequadamente se torna um poderoso algoritmo de CS. O novo algoritmo CS-BDFE apresenta convergência e detecção aprimoradas, quando comparado a métodos de primeira ordem, superando as recursões de Passagem de Mensagem Aproximada para Complexos (CAMP). Os méritos das novas recursões são ilustrados através de um modelo tridimensional para radares MIMO recentemente proposto, onde o algoritmo CAMP falha em aspectos importantes de medidas de desempenho

    Joint Unitary Triangularization for MIMO Networks

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    This work considers communication networks where individual links can be described as MIMO channels. Unlike orthogonal modulation methods (such as the singular-value decomposition), we allow interference between sub-channels, which can be removed by the receivers via successive cancellation. The degrees of freedom earned by this relaxation are used for obtaining a basis which is simultaneously good for more than one link. Specifically, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions for shaping the ratio vector of sub-channel gains of two broadcast-channel receivers. We then apply this to two scenarios: First, in digital multicasting we present a practical capacity-achieving scheme which only uses scalar codes and linear processing. Then, we consider the joint source-channel problem of transmitting a Gaussian source over a two-user MIMO channel, where we show the existence of non-trivial cases, where the optimal distortion pair (which for high signal-to-noise ratios equals the optimal point-to-point distortions of the individual users) may be achieved by employing a hybrid digital-analog scheme over the induced equivalent channel. These scenarios demonstrate the advantage of choosing a modulation basis based upon multiple links in the network, thus we coin the approach "network modulation".Comment: Submitted to IEEE Tran. Signal Processing. Revised versio

    Approximate minimum BER power allocation for MIMO-THP system

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    This paper proposes a transmit power allocation (TPA) scheme based on multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) structure, where a TPA matrix is introduced to the conventional MIMO-THP. We analyze the influence of the introduced TPA matrix on the performance of MIMO-THP. The proposed TPA scheme invokes the minimum average uncoded bit-error rate (BER) criterion subjected to a sum-power constraint. During the derivation, we consider the effects of precoding loss factor on the TPA scheme and obtain a closed-form expression of the TPA. Compared to existing TPA methods for MIMO-THP systems, the proposed scheme reduces processing complexity and improves the BER performance

    Comparativa de técnicas no lineales de igualación y precodificación en sistemas MIMO

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    Este documento aborda la descripción, análisis, implementación y simulación de varias estrategias empleadas en transmisión y/o en recepción, cuyo objetivo es el de eliminar la Interferencia Intersimbólica (ISI) en un sistema Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) multi-usuario. La primera estrategia estudiada es la técnica de multiplexación espacial conocida como V-BLAST (Vertical- Bell Layered Space-Time), en cuyo esquema se lleva a cabo una codificación y decodificación secuencial. En segundo lugar, se estudia una modificación del algoritmo de detección que emplean las técnicas V-BLAST, denominada V-BLAST/MAP, con la que se consigue una mejora de la actuación, introduciendo una complejidad ligeramente superior. En tercer lugar se lleva a cabo un estudio del algoritmo de decodificación GDFE, que representa una generalización de los DFE’s tradicionales. En último lugar se estudia la técnica de pre-codificación no lineal conocida como Tomlinson-Harashima que emplea ecualización espacial, con la que también se pretende en este proyecto hacer una comparación entre estrategias duales en transmisión y en recepción. A partir de los resultados obtenidos en simulación, se realiza una comparativa de las distintas técnicas estudiadas, de cara a su implantación en sistemas de comunicaciones presentes y futuros.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Successive Integer-Forcing and its Sum-Rate Optimality

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    Integer-forcing receivers generalize traditional linear receivers for the multiple-input multiple-output channel by decoding integer-linear combinations of the transmitted streams, rather then the streams themselves. Previous works have shown that the additional degree of freedom in choosing the integer coefficients enables this receiver to approach the performance of maximum-likelihood decoding in various scenarios. Nonetheless, even for the optimal choice of integer coefficients, the additive noise at the equalizer's output is still correlated. In this work we study a variant of integer-forcing, termed successive integer-forcing, that exploits these noise correlations to improve performance. This scheme is the integer-forcing counterpart of successive interference cancellation for traditional linear receivers. Similarly to the latter, we show that successive integer-forcing is capacity achieving when it is possible to optimize the rate allocation to the different streams. In comparison to standard successive interference cancellation receivers, the successive integer-forcing receiver offers more possibilities for capacity achieving rate tuples, and in particular, ones that are more balanced.Comment: A shorter version was submitted to the 51st Allerton Conferenc