24 research outputs found

    The Generalized Area Theorem and Some of its Consequences

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    There is a fundamental relationship between belief propagation and maximum a posteriori decoding. The case of transmission over the binary erasure channel was investigated in detail in a companion paper. This paper investigates the extension to general memoryless channels (paying special attention to the binary case). An area theorem for transmission over general memoryless channels is introduced and some of its many consequences are discussed. We show that this area theorem gives rise to an upper-bound on the maximum a posteriori threshold for sparse graph codes. In situations where this bound is tight, the extrinsic soft bit estimates delivered by the belief propagation decoder coincide with the correct a posteriori probabilities above the maximum a posteriori threshold. More generally, it is conjectured that the fundamental relationship between the maximum a posteriori and the belief propagation decoder which was observed for transmission over the binary erasure channel carries over to the general case. We finally demonstrate that in order for the design rate of an ensemble to approach the capacity under belief propagation decoding the component codes have to be perfectly matched, a statement which is well known for the special case of transmission over the binary erasure channel.Comment: 27 pages, 46 ps figure

    Decay of Correlations for Sparse Graph Error Correcting Codes

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    The subject of this paper is transmission over a general class of binary-input memoryless symmetric channels using error correcting codes based on sparse graphs, namely low-density generator-matrix and low-density parity-check codes. The optimal (or ideal) decoder based on the posterior measure over the code bits, and its relationship to the sub-optimal belief propagation decoder, are investigated. We consider the correlation (or covariance) between two codebits, averaged over the noise realizations, as a function of the graph distance, for the optimal decoder. Our main result is that this correlation decays exponentially fast for fixed general low-density generator-matrix codes and high enough noise parameter, and also for fixed general low-density parity-check codes and low enough noise parameter. This has many consequences. Appropriate performance curves - called GEXIT functions - of the belief propagation and optimal decoders match in high/low noise regimes. This means that in high/low noise regimes the performance curves of the optimal decoder can be computed by density evolution. Another interpretation is that the replica predictions of spin-glass theory are exact. Our methods are rather general and use cluster expansions first developed in the context of mathematical statistical mechanics.Comment: 40 pages, Submitted to SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematic

    Conservation laws for coding

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    This work deals with coding systems based on sparse graph codes. The key issue we address is the relationship between iterative (in particular belief propagation) and maximum a posteriori decoding. We show that between the two there is a fundamental connection, which is reminiscent of the Maxwell construction in thermodynamics. The main objects we consider are EXIT-like functions. EXIT functions were originally introduced as handy tools for the design of iterative coding systems. It gradually became clear that EXIT functions possess several fundamental properties. Many of these properties, however, apply only to the erasure case. This motivates us to introduce GEXIT functions that coincide with EXIT functions over the erasure channel. In many aspects, GEXIT functions over general memoryless output-symmetric channels play the same role as EXIT functions do over the erasure channel. In particular, GEXIT functions are characterized by the general area theorem. As a first consequence, we demonstrate that in order for the rate of an ensemble of codes to approach the capacity under belief propagation decoding, the GEXIT functions of the component codes have to be matched perfectly. This statement was previously known as the matching condition for the erasure case. We then use these GEXIT functions to show that in the limit of large blocklengths a fundamental connection appears between belief propagation and maximum a posteriori decoding. A decoding algorithm, which we call Maxwell decoder, provides an operational interpretation of this relationship for the erasure case. Both the algorithm and the analysis of the decoder are the translation of the Maxwell construction from statistical mechanics to the context of probabilistic decoding. We take the first steps to extend this construction to general memoryless output-symmetric channels. More exactly, a general upper bound on the maximum a posteriori threshold for sparse graph codes is given. It is conjectured that the fundamental connection between belief propagation and maximum a posteriori decoding carries over to the general case

    Statistical physics methods for sparse graph codes

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    This thesis deals with the asymptotic analysis of coding systems based on sparse graph codes. The goal of this work is to analyze the decoder performance when transmitting over a general binary-input memoryless symmetric-output (BMS) channel. We consider the two most fundamental decoders, the optimal maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoder and the sub-optimal belief propagation (BP) decoder. The BP decoder has low-complexity and its performance analysis is, hence, of great interest. The MAP decoder, on the other hand, is computationally expensive. However, the MAP decoder analysis provides fundamental limits on the code performance. As a result, the MAP-decoding analysis is important in designing codes which achieve the ultimate Shannon limit. It would be fair to say that, over the binary erasure channel (BEC), the performance of the MAP and BP decoder has been thoroughly understood. However, much less is known in the case of transmission over general BMS channels. The combinatorial methods used for analyzing the case of BEC do not extend easily to the general case. The main goal of this thesis is to advance the analysis in the case of transmission over general BMS channels. To do this, we use the recent convergence of statistical physics and coding theory. Sparse graph codes can be mapped into appropriate statistical physics spin-glass models. This allows us to use sophisticated methods from rigorous statistical mechanics like the correlation inequalities, interpolation method and cluster expansions for the purpose of our analysis. One of the main results of this thesis is that in some regimes of noise, the BP decoder is optimal for a typical code in an ensemble of codes. This result is a pleasing extension of the same result for the case of BEC. An important consequence of our results is that the heuristic predictions of the replica and cavity methods of spin-glass theory are correct in the realm of sparse graph codes

    Sharp Bounds for Optimal Decoding of Low Density Parity Check Codes

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    Consider communication over a binary-input memoryless output-symmetric channel with low density parity check (LDPC) codes and maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding. The replica method of spin glass theory allows to conjecture an analytic formula for the average input-output conditional entropy per bit in the infinite block length limit. Montanari proved a lower bound for this entropy, in the case of LDPC ensembles with convex check degree polynomial, which matches the replica formula. Here we extend this lower bound to any irregular LDPC ensemble. The new feature of our work is an analysis of the second derivative of the conditional input-output entropy with respect to noise. A close relation arises between this second derivative and correlation or mutual information of codebits. This allows us to extend the realm of the interpolation method, in particular we show how channel symmetry allows to control the fluctuations of the overlap parameters.Comment: 40 Pages, Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor