48 research outputs found

    Determinacy and the Structure of L(R)

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    Let ω = {0, 1, 2, ... } be the set of natural numbers and R = ω^ω the set of all infinite sequences from ω, or for simplicity reals. To each set A ⊆ R we associate a two-person infinite game, in which players I and II alternatively play natural numbers I x(0) x(2) II x(1) x(3)...x(O), x(l), x(2), ... and if x is the real they eventually produce, then I wins iff x є A. The notion of a winning strategy for player I or II is defined in the usual way, and we call A determined if either player I or player II has a winning strategy in the above game. For a collection ⌈ of sets of reals let ⌈-DET be the statement that all sets A є ⌈ are determined. Finally AD (The Axiom of Determinacy) is the statement that all sets of reals are determined

    The Theory of Countable Analytical Sets

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    The purpose of this paper is the study of the structure of countable sets in the various levels of the analytical hierarchy of sets of reals. It is first shown that, assuming projective determinacy, there is for each odd n a largest countable ∏_n^1 set of reals, C_n (this is also true for n even, replacing ∏_n^1 by Σ_n^1 and has been established earlier by Solovay for n = 2 and by Moschovakis and the author for all even n > 2). The internal structure of the sets C_n is then investigated in detail, the point of departure being the fact that each C_n is a set of Δ_n^1-degrees, wellordered under their usual partial ordering. Finally, a number of applications of the preceding theory is presented, covering a variety of topics such as specification of bases, ω-models of analysis, higher-level analogs of the constructible universe, inductive definability, etc

    On Projective Ordinals

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    We study in this paper the projective ordinals δ^1_n, where δ^1_n = sup{ξ: ξ is the length of ɑ Δ^1_n prewellordering of the continuum}. These ordinals were introduced by Moschovakis in [8] to serve as a measure of the "definable length" of the continuum. We prove first in §2 that projective determinacy implies δ^1_n 0 (the same result for odd n is due to Moschovakis). Next, in the context of full determinacy, we partly generalize (in §3) the classical fact that δ^1_1 ℵ_l and the result of Martin that δ^1_3 = ℵ_(ω + 1) by proving that δ^1_(n2+1) = λ^+_(2n+1), where λ_(2n+1) is a cardinal of cofinality ω. Finally we discuss in §4 the connection between the projective ordinals and Solovay's uniform indiscernibles. We prove among other things that ∀α (α^# exists) implies that every δ^1_n with n ≥ 3 is a fixed point of the increasing enumeration of the uniform indiscernibles

    Principal sequences and stationary sets

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    Book Reviews

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