18 research outputs found

    Compressing Sparse Sequences under Local Decodability Constraints

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    We consider a variable-length source coding problem subject to local decodability constraints. In particular, we investigate the blocklength scaling behavior attainable by encodings of rr-sparse binary sequences, under the constraint that any source bit can be correctly decoded upon probing at most dd codeword bits. We consider both adaptive and non-adaptive access models, and derive upper and lower bounds that often coincide up to constant factors. Notably, such a characterization for the fixed-blocklength analog of our problem remains unknown, despite considerable research over the last three decades. Connections to communication complexity are also briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. First five pages to appear in 2015 International Symposium on Information Theory. This version contains supplementary materia

    Defect tolerance: fundamental limits and examples

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    This paper addresses the problem of adding redundancy to a collection of physical objects so that the overall system is more robust to failures. In contrast to its information counterpart, which can exploit parity to protect multiple information symbols from a single erasure, physical redundancy can only be realized through duplication and substitution of objects. We propose a bipartite graph model for designing defect-tolerant systems, in which the defective objects are replaced by the judiciously connected redundant objects. The fundamental limits of this model are characterized under various asymptotic settings and both asymptotic and finite-size systems that approach these limits are constructed. Among other results, we show that the simple modular redundancy is in general suboptimal. As we develop, this combinatorial problem of defect tolerant system design has a natural interpretation as one of graph coloring, and the analysis is significantly different from that traditionally used in information redundancy for error-control codes.©201

    Space Complexity of Two Adaptive Bitprobe Schemes Storing Three Elements

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    We consider the following set membership problem in the bitprobe model - that of storing subsets of size at most three from a universe of size m, and answering membership queries using two adaptive bitprobes. Baig and Kesh [Mirza Galib Anwarul Husain Baig and Deepanjan Kesh, 2018] proposed a scheme for the problem which takes O(m^{2/3}) space. In this paper, we present a proof which shows that any scheme for the problem requires Omega(m^{2/3}) amount of space. These two results together settle the space complexity issue for this particular problem

    Data structures for storing small sets in the bitprobe model

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    We study the following set membership problem in the bit probe model: given a set S from a finite universe U, represent it in memory so that membership queries of the form "Is x in S?" can be answered with a small number of bitprobes. We obtain explicit schemes that come close to the information theoretic lower bound of Buhrman et al. [STOC 2000, SICOMP 2002] and improve the results of Radhakrishnan et al. [ESA 2001] when the size of sets and the number of probes is small. We show that any scheme that stores sets of size two from a universe of size m and answers membership queries using two bitprobes requires space Ω(m4/7). The previous best lower bound (shown by Buhrman et al. using information theoretic arguments) was Ω(√m). The same lower bound applies for larger sets using standard padding arguments. This is the first instance where the information theoretic lower bound is found to be not tight for adaptive schemes. We show that any non-adaptive three probe scheme for storing sets of size two from a universe of size m requires Ω(√m) bits of memory. This extends a result of Alon and Feige [SODA 2009] to small sets

    Set Membership with Non-Adaptive Bit Probes

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    We consider the non-adaptive bit-probe complexity of the set membership problem, where a set S of size at most n from a universe of size m is to be represented as a short bit vector in order to answer membership queries of the form "Is x in S?" by non-adaptively probing the bit vector at t places. Let s_N(m,n,t) be the minimum number of bits of storage needed for such a scheme. In this work, we show existence of non-adaptive and adaptive schemes for a range of t that improves an upper bound of Buhrman, Miltersen, Radhakrishnan and Srinivasan (2002) on s_N(m,n,t). For three non-adaptive probes, we improve the previous best lower bound on s_N(m,n,3) by Alon and Feige (2009)

    Lower Bounds on Non-Adaptive Data Structures Maintaining Sets of Numbers, from Sunflowers

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