24 research outputs found

    On the path-loss attenuation regime for positive cost and linear scaling of transport capacity in wireless networks

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    Scaling Laws of Cognitive Networks

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    We consider a cognitive network consisting of n random pairs of cognitive transmitters and receivers communicating simultaneously in the presence of multiple primary users. Of interest is how the maximum throughput achieved by the cognitive users scales with n. Furthermore, how far these users must be from a primary user to guarantee a given primary outage. Two scenarios are considered for the network scaling law: (i) when each cognitive transmitter uses constant power to communicate with a cognitive receiver at a bounded distance away, and (ii) when each cognitive transmitter scales its power according to the distance to a considered primary user, allowing the cognitive transmitter-receiver distances to grow. Using single-hop transmission, suitable for cognitive devices of opportunistic nature, we show that, in both scenarios, with path loss larger than 2, the cognitive network throughput scales linearly with the number of cognitive users. We then explore the radius of a primary exclusive region void of cognitive transmitters. We obtain bounds on this radius for a given primary outage constraint. These bounds can help in the design of a primary network with exclusive regions, outside of which cognitive users may transmit freely. Our results show that opportunistic secondary spectrum access using single-hop transmission is promising.Comment: significantly revised and extended, 30 pages, 13 figures, submitted to IEEE Journal of Special Topics in Signal Processin

    Information Theoretic Operating Regimes of Large Wireless Networks

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    In analyzing the point-to-point wireless channel, insights about two qualitatively different operating regimes--bandwidth- and power-limited--have proven indispensable in the design of good communication schemes. In this paper, we propose a new scaling law formulation for wireless networks that allows us to develop a theory that is analogous to the point-to-point case. We identify fundamental operating regimes of wireless networks and derive architectural guidelines for the design of optimal schemes. Our analysis shows that in a given wireless network with arbitrary size, area, power, bandwidth, etc., there are three parameters of importance: the short-distance SNR, the long-distance SNR, and the power path loss exponent of the environment. Depending on these parameters we identify four qualitatively different regimes. One of these regimes is especially interesting since it is fundamentally a consequence of the heterogeneous nature of links in a network and does not occur in the point-to-point case; the network capacity is {\em both} power and bandwidth limited. This regime has thus far remained hidden due to the limitations of the existing formulation. Existing schemes, either multihop transmission or hierarchical cooperation, fail to achieve capacity in this regime; we propose a new hybrid scheme that achieves capacity.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Exact Capacity Scaling of Extended Wireless Networks

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    n source and destination pairs randomly located in an area extending linearly with n want to communicate with each other. Signals transmitted from one user to another at distance r apart are subject to a power attenuation of r^{-alpha} and random phase changes. Classical multihop architectures that decode and forward packets can deliver a sqrt{n}-scaling of the aggregate throughput, while recently proposed hierarchical cooperation achieves n^{2-alpha/2}-scaling, which is superior to multi-hop for alpha4, while the moderate-attenuation regime (2 2. Our result shows that the mentioned schemes are scaling-optimal, namely that no other scheme can beat hierarchical cooperation when alpha 3. The key ingredient is a careful evaluation of the scaling of the cut-set bound

    Throughput Scaling of Wireless Networks With Random Connections

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    This work studies the throughput scaling laws of ad hoc wireless networks in the limit of a large number of nodes. A random connections model is assumed in which the channel connections between the nodes are drawn independently from a common distribution. Transmitting nodes are subject to an on-off strategy, and receiving nodes employ conventional single-user decoding. The following results are proven: 1) For a class of connection models with finite mean and variance, the throughput scaling is upper-bounded by O(n1/3)O(n^{1/3}) for single-hop schemes, and O(n1/2)O(n^{1/2}) for two-hop (and multihop) schemes. 2) The Θ(n1/2)\Theta (n^{1/2}) throughput scaling is achievable for a specific connection model by a two-hop opportunistic relaying scheme, which employs full, but only local channel state information (CSI) at the receivers, and partial CSI at the transmitters. 3) By relaxing the constraints of finite mean and variance of the connection model, linear throughput scaling Θ(n)\Theta (n) is achievable with Pareto-type fading models.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Fundamentals of Large Sensor Networks: Connectivity, Capacity, Clocks and Computation

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    Sensor networks potentially feature large numbers of nodes that can sense their environment over time, communicate with each other over a wireless network, and process information. They differ from data networks in that the network as a whole may be designed for a specific application. We study the theoretical foundations of such large scale sensor networks, addressing four fundamental issues- connectivity, capacity, clocks and function computation. To begin with, a sensor network must be connected so that information can indeed be exchanged between nodes. The connectivity graph of an ad-hoc network is modeled as a random graph and the critical range for asymptotic connectivity is determined, as well as the critical number of neighbors that a node needs to connect to. Next, given connectivity, we address the issue of how much data can be transported over the sensor network. We present fundamental bounds on capacity under several models, as well as architectural implications for how wireless communication should be organized. Temporal information is important both for the applications of sensor networks as well as their operation.We present fundamental bounds on the synchronizability of clocks in networks, and also present and analyze algorithms for clock synchronization. Finally we turn to the issue of gathering relevant information, that sensor networks are designed to do. One needs to study optimal strategies for in-network aggregation of data, in order to reliably compute a composite function of sensor measurements, as well as the complexity of doing so. We address the issue of how such computation can be performed efficiently in a sensor network and the algorithms for doing so, for some classes of functions.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Submitted to the Proceedings of the IEE

    Hierarchical Cooperation Achieves Linear Capacity Scaling in Ad Hoc Networks

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