11 research outputs found

    Secure Network Coding in the Setting in Which a Non-Source Node May Generate Random Keys

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    It is common in the study of secure multicast network coding in the presence of an eavesdropper that has access to z network links, to assume that the source node is the only node that generates random keys. In this setting, the secure multicast rate is well understood. Computing the secure multicast rate, or even the secure unicast rate, in the more general setting in which all network nodes may generate (independent) random keys is known to be as difficult as computing the (non-secure) capacity of multiple-unicast network coding instances — a well known open problem. This work treats an intermediate model of secure unicast in which only one node can generate random keys, however that node need not be the source node. The secure communication rate for this setting is characterized again with an eavesdropper that has access to z network links

    A Security Condition for Multi-Source Linear Network Coding

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    Secure Network Coding in the Setting in Which a Non-Source Node May Generate Random Keys

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    It is common in the study of secure multicast network coding in the presence of an eavesdropper that has access to z network links, to assume that the source node is the only node that generates random keys. In this setting, the secure multicast rate is well understood. Computing the secure multicast rate, or even the secure unicast rate, in the more general setting in which all network nodes may generate (independent) random keys is known to be as difficult as computing the (non-secure) capacity of multiple-unicast network coding instances — a well known open problem. This work treats an intermediate model of secure unicast in which only one node can generate random keys, however that node need not be the source node. The secure communication rate for this setting is characterized again with an eavesdropper that has access to z network links

    Esquemas de segurança contra ataques de poluição em codificação de rede sobre redes sem fios

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    Doutoramento em TelecomunicaçõesResumo em português não disponivelThe topic of this thesis is how to achieve e cient security against pollution attacks by exploiting the structure of network coding. There has recently been growing interest in using network coding techniques to increase the robustness and throughput of data networks, and reduce the delay in wireless networks, where a network coding-based scheme takes advantage of the additive nature of wireless signals by allowing two nodes to transmit simultaneously to the relay node. However, Network Coding (NC)-enabled wireless networks are susceptible to a severe security threat, known as data pollution attack, where a malicious node injects into the network polluted (i.e., corrupted) packets that prevent the destination nodes from decoding correctly. Due to recoding at the intermediate nodes, according to the core principle of NC, the polluted packets propagate quickly into other packets and corrupt bunches of legitimate packets leading to network resource waste. Hence, a lot of research e ort has been devoted to schemes against data pollution attacks. Homomorphic Message Authentication Code (MAC)-based schemes are a promising solution against data pollution attacks. However, most of them are susceptible to a new type of pollution attack, called tag pollution attack, where an adversary node randomly modi es tags appended to the end of the transmitted packets. Therefore, in this thesis, we rst propose a homomorphic message authentication code-based scheme, providing resistance against data pollution attacks and tag pollution attacks in XOR NC-enabled wireless networks. Moreover, we propose four homomorphic message authentication code-based schemes which provide resistance against data and tag pollution attacks in Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC). Our results show that our proposed schemes are more e cient compared to other competitive tag pollution immune schemes in terms of complexity, communication overhead and key storage overhead