32,182 research outputs found

    Design of Optimal Sparse Feedback Gains via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers

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    We design sparse and block sparse feedback gains that minimize the variance amplification (i.e., the H2H_2 norm) of distributed systems. Our approach consists of two steps. First, we identify sparsity patterns of feedback gains by incorporating sparsity-promoting penalty functions into the optimal control problem, where the added terms penalize the number of communication links in the distributed controller. Second, we optimize feedback gains subject to structural constraints determined by the identified sparsity patterns. In the first step, the sparsity structure of feedback gains is identified using the alternating direction method of multipliers, which is a powerful algorithm well-suited to large optimization problems. This method alternates between promoting the sparsity of the controller and optimizing the closed-loop performance, which allows us to exploit the structure of the corresponding objective functions. In particular, we take advantage of the separability of the sparsity-promoting penalty functions to decompose the minimization problem into sub-problems that can be solved analytically. Several examples are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the developed approach.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. Automat. Contro

    Distributed Robust Set-Invariance for Interconnected Linear Systems

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    We introduce a class of distributed control policies for networks of discrete-time linear systems with polytopic additive disturbances. The objective is to restrict the network-level state and controls to user-specified polyhedral sets for all times. This problem arises in many safety-critical applications. We consider two problems. First, given a communication graph characterizing the structure of the information flow in the network, we find the optimal distributed control policy by solving a single linear program. Second, we find the sparsest communication graph required for the existence of a distributed invariance-inducing control policy. Illustrative examples, including one on platooning, are presented.Comment: 8 Pages. Submitted to American Control Conference (ACC), 201

    Distributed Design for Decentralized Control using Chordal Decomposition and ADMM

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    We propose a distributed design method for decentralized control by exploiting the underlying sparsity properties of the problem. Our method is based on chordal decomposition of sparse block matrices and the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). We first apply a classical parameterization technique to restrict the optimal decentralized control into a convex problem that inherits the sparsity pattern of the original problem. The parameterization relies on a notion of strongly decentralized stabilization, and sufficient conditions are discussed to guarantee this notion. Then, chordal decomposition allows us to decompose the convex restriction into a problem with partially coupled constraints, and the framework of ADMM enables us to solve the decomposed problem in a distributed fashion. Consequently, the subsystems only need to share their model data with their direct neighbours, not needing a central computation. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network System
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