335 research outputs found

    A comparison theorem for ff-vectors of simplicial polytopes

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    Let fi(P)f_i(P) denote the number of ii-dimensional faces of a convex polytope PP. Furthermore, let S(n,d)S(n,d) and C(n,d)C(n,d) denote, respectively, the stacked and the cyclic dd-dimensional polytopes on nn vertices. Our main result is that for every simplicial dd-polytope PP, if fr(S(n1,d))≤fr(P)≤fr(C(n2,d)) f_r(S(n_1,d))\le f_r(P) \le f_r(C(n_2,d)) for some integers n1,n2n_1, n_2 and rr, then fs(S(n1,d))≤fs(P)≤fs(C(n2,d)) f_s(S(n_1,d))\le f_s(P) \le f_s(C(n_2,d)) for all ss such that r<sr<s. For r=0r=0 these inequalities are the well-known lower and upper bound theorems for simplicial polytopes. The result is implied by a certain ``comparison theorem'' for ff-vectors, formulated in Section 4. Among its other consequences is a similar lower bound theorem for centrally-symmetric simplicial polytopes.Comment: 8 pages. Revised and corrected version. To appear in "Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly

    Triangulated Manifolds with Few Vertices: Centrally Symmetric Spheres and Products of Spheres

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    The aim of this paper is to give a survey of the known results concerning centrally symmetric polytopes, spheres, and manifolds. We further enumerate nearly neighborly centrally symmetric spheres and centrally symmetric products of spheres with dihedral or cyclic symmetry on few vertices, and we present an infinite series of vertex-transitive nearly neighborly centrally symmetric 3-spheres.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figure

    Bier spheres and posets

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    In 1992 Thomas Bier presented a strikingly simple method to produce a huge number of simplicial (n-2)-spheres on 2n vertices as deleted joins of a simplicial complex on n vertices with its combinatorial Alexander dual. Here we interpret his construction as giving the poset of all the intervals in a boolean algebra that "cut across an ideal." Thus we arrive at a substantial generalization of Bier's construction: the Bier posets Bier(P,I) of an arbitrary bounded poset P of finite length. In the case of face posets of PL spheres this yields cellular "generalized Bier spheres." In the case of Eulerian or Cohen-Macaulay posets P we show that the Bier posets Bier(P,I) inherit these properties. In the boolean case originally considered by Bier, we show that all the spheres produced by his construction are shellable, which yields "many shellable spheres", most of which lack convex realization. Finally, we present simple explicit formulas for the g-vectors of these simplicial spheres and verify that they satisfy a strong form of the g-conjecture for spheres.Comment: 15 pages. Revised and slightly extended version; last section rewritte
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