4 research outputs found

    Cycles of a given length in tournaments

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    We study the asymptotic behavior of the maximum number of directed cycles of a given length in a tournament: let c(ℓ)c(\ell) be the limit of the ratio of the maximum number of cycles of length ℓ\ell in an nn-vertex tournament and the expected number of cycles of length ℓ\ell in the random nn-vertex tournament, when nn tends to infinity. It is well-known that c(3)=1c(3)=1 and c(4)=4/3c(4)=4/3. We show that c(ℓ)=1c(\ell)=1 if and only if ℓ\ell is not divisible by four, which settles a conjecture of Day. If ℓ\ell is divisible by four, we show that 1+2⋅(2/π)ℓ≤c(ℓ)≤1+(2/π+o(1))ℓ1+2\cdot\left(2/\pi\right)^{\ell}\le c(\ell)\le 1+\left(2/\pi+o(1)\right)^{\ell} and determine the value c(ℓ)c(\ell) exactly for ℓ=8\ell = 8. We also give a full description of the asymptotic structure of tournaments with the maximum number of cycles of length ℓ\ell when ℓ\ell is not divisible by four or ℓ∈{4,8}\ell\in\{4,8\}.Comment: One of the programs used to verify the validity of Lemma 16 is available as an ancillary fil


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    A tournament graph G is a vertex set V of size n, together with a directed edge set E ⊂ V × V such that (i, j) ∈ E if and only if (j, i) ∉ E for all distinct i, j ∈ V and (i, i) ∉ E for all i ∈ V. We explore the following generalization: For a fixed k we orient every k-subset of V by assigning it an orientation. That is, every facet of the (k − 1)-skeleton of the (n − 1)-dimensional simplex on V is given an orientation. In this dissertation we bound the number of compatible k-simplices, that is we bound the number of k-simplices such that its (k − 1)-faces with the already-specified orientation form an oriented boundary. We prove lower and upper bounds for all k ≥ 3. For k = 3 these bounds agree when the number of vertices n is q or q + 1 where q is a prime power congruent to 3 modulo 4. We also prove some lower bounds for values k \u3e 3 and analyze the asymptotic behavior

    A Collection of Problems in Extremal Combinatorics

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    PhDExtremal combinatorics is concerned with how large or small a combinatorial structure can be if we insist it satis es certain properties. In this thesis we investigate four different problems in extremal combinatorics, each with its own unique flavour. We begin by examining a graph saturation problem. We say a graph G is H-saturated if G contains no copy of H as a subgraph, but the addition of any new edge to G creates a copy of H. We look at how few edges a Kp- saturated graph can have when we place certain conditions on its minimum degree. We look at a problem in Ramsey Theory. The k-colour Ramsey number Rk(H) of a graph H is de ned as the least integer n such that every k- colouring of Kn contains a monochromatic copy of H. For an integer r > 3 let Cr denote the cycle on r vertices. By studying a problem related to colourings without short odd cycles, we prove new lower bounds for Rk(Cr) when r is odd. Bootstrap percolation is a process in graphs that can be used to model how infection spreads through a community. We say a set of vertices in a graph percolates if, when this set of vertices start off as infected, the whole graph ends up infected. We study minimal percolating sets, that is, percolating sets with no proper percolating subsets. In particular, we investigate if there is any relation between the smallest and the largest minimal percolating sets in bounded degree graph sequences. A tournament is a complete graph where every edge has been given an orientation. We look at the maximum number of directed k-cycles a tournament can have and investigate when there exist tournaments with many more k-cycles than expected in a random tournament.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, grant number EP/K50290X/1