146,611 research outputs found

    The Perfect Binary One-Error-Correcting Codes of Length 15: Part II--Properties

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    A complete classification of the perfect binary one-error-correcting codes of length 15 as well as their extensions of length 16 was recently carried out in [P. R. J. \"Osterg{\aa}rd and O. Pottonen, "The perfect binary one-error-correcting codes of length 15: Part I--Classification," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory vol. 55, pp. 4657--4660, 2009]. In the current accompanying work, the classified codes are studied in great detail, and their main properties are tabulated. The results include the fact that 33 of the 80 Steiner triple systems of order 15 occur in such codes. Further understanding is gained on full-rank codes via switching, as it turns out that all but two full-rank codes can be obtained through a series of such transformations from the Hamming code. Other topics studied include (non)systematic codes, embedded one-error-correcting codes, and defining sets of codes. A classification of certain mixed perfect codes is also obtained.Comment: v2: fixed two errors (extension of nonsystematic codes, table of coordinates fixed by symmetries of codes), added and extended many other result

    Absolutely Maximally Entangled states, combinatorial designs and multi-unitary matrices

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    Absolutely Maximally Entangled (AME) states are those multipartite quantum states that carry absolute maximum entanglement in all possible partitions. AME states are known to play a relevant role in multipartite teleportation, in quantum secret sharing and they provide the basis novel tensor networks related to holography. We present alternative constructions of AME states and show their link with combinatorial designs. We also analyze a key property of AME, namely their relation to tensors that can be understood as unitary transformations in every of its bi-partitions. We call this property multi-unitarity.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. Comments are very welcom

    Genuinely multipartite entangled states and orthogonal arrays

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    A pure quantum state of N subsystems with d levels each is called k-multipartite maximally entangled state, written k-uniform, if all its reductions to k qudits are maximally mixed. These states form a natural generalization of N-qudits GHZ states which belong to the class 1-uniform states. We establish a link between the combinatorial notion of orthogonal arrays and k-uniform states and prove the existence of several new classes of such states for N-qudit systems. In particular, known Hadamard matrices allow us to explicitly construct 2-uniform states for an arbitrary number of N>5 qubits. We show that finding a different class of 2-uniform states would imply the Hadamard conjecture, so the full classification of 2-uniform states seems to be currently out of reach. Additionally, single vectors of another class of 2-uniform states are one-to-one related to maximal sets of mutually unbiased bases. Furthermore, we establish links between existence of k-uniform states, classical and quantum error correction codes and provide a novel graph representation for such states.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. Comments are very welcome

    Entanglement and quantum combinatorial designs

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    We introduce several classes of quantum combinatorial designs, namely quantum Latin squares, cubes, hypercubes and a notion of orthogonality between them. A further introduced notion, quantum orthogonal arrays, generalizes all previous classes of designs. We show that mutually orthogonal quantum Latin arrangements can be entangled in the same way than quantum states are entangled. Furthermore, we show that such designs naturally define a remarkable class of genuinely multipartite highly entangled states called kk-uniform, i.e. multipartite pure states such that every reduction to kk parties is maximally mixed. We derive infinitely many classes of mutually orthogonal quantum Latin arrangements and quantum orthogonal arrays having an arbitrary large number of columns. The corresponding multipartite kk-uniform states exhibit a high persistency of entanglement, which makes them ideal candidates to develop multipartite quantum information protocols.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Comments are very welcome

    Orthogonal Codes for Robust Low-Cost Communication

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    Orthogonal coding schemes, known to asymptotically achieve the capacity per unit cost (CPUC) for single-user ergodic memoryless channels with a zero-cost input symbol, are investigated for single-user compound memoryless channels, which exhibit uncertainties in their input-output statistical relationships. A minimax formulation is adopted to attain robustness. First, a class of achievable rates per unit cost (ARPUC) is derived, and its utility is demonstrated through several representative case studies. Second, when the uncertainty set of channel transition statistics satisfies a convexity property, optimization is performed over the class of ARPUC through utilizing results of minimax robustness. The resulting CPUC lower bound indicates the ultimate performance of the orthogonal coding scheme, and coincides with the CPUC under certain restrictive conditions. Finally, still under the convexity property, it is shown that the CPUC can generally be achieved, through utilizing a so-called mixed strategy in which an orthogonal code contains an appropriate composition of different nonzero-cost input symbols.Comment: 2nd revision, accepted for publicatio

    Optimal Ramp Schemes and Related Combinatorial Objects

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    In 1996, Jackson and Martin proved that a strong ideal ramp scheme is equivalent to an orthogonal array. However, there was no good characterization of ideal ramp schemes that are not strong. Here we show the equivalence of ideal ramp schemes to a new variant of orthogonal arrays that we term augmented orthogonal arrays. We give some constructions for these new kinds of arrays, and, as a consequence, we also provide parameter situations where ideal ramp schemes exist but strong ideal ramp schemes do not exist

    Interatomic potentials for condensed matter

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    This paper forms an introduction to a discussion of interatomic forces. As such, it comments on the basic principles, and on some of the problems which underly present formulations, the ways in which future work should develop, and the classes of physical problem for which difficulties remain