295 research outputs found

    Differentially Oblivious Database Joins: Overcoming the Worst-Case Curse of Fully Oblivious Algorithms

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    Numerous high-profile works have shown that access patterns to even encrypted databases can leak secret information and sometimes even lead to reconstruction of the entire database. To thwart access pattern leakage, the literature has focused on oblivious algorithms, where obliviousness requires that the access patterns leak nothing about the input data. In this paper, we consider the Join operator, an important database primitive that has been extensively studied and optimized. Unfortunately, any fully oblivious Join algorithm would require always padding the result to the worst-case length which is quadratic in the data size N. In comparison, an insecure baseline incurs only O(R + N) cost where R is the true result length, and in the common case in practice, R is relatively short. As a typical example, when R = O(N), any fully oblivious algorithm must inherently incur a prohibitive, N-fold slowdown relative to the insecure baseline. Indeed, the (non-private) database and algorithms literature invariably focuses on studying the instance-specific rather than worst-case performance of database algorithms. Unfortunately, the stringent notion of full obliviousness precludes the design of efficient algorithms with non-trivial instance-specific performance. To overcome this worst-case performance barrier of full obliviousness and enable algorithms with good instance-specific performance, we consider a relaxed notion of access pattern privacy called (?, ?)-differential obliviousness (DO), originally proposed in the seminal work of Chan et al. (SODA\u2719). Rather than insisting that the access patterns leak no information whatsoever, the relaxed DO notion requires that the access patterns satisfy (?, ?)-differential privacy. We show that by adopting the relaxed DO notion, we can obtain efficient database Join mechanisms whose instance-specific performance approximately matches the insecure baseline, while still offering a meaningful notion of privacy to individual users. Complementing our upper bound results, we also prove new lower bounds regarding the performance of any DO Join algorithm. Differential obliviousness (DO) is a new notion and is a relatively unexplored territory. Following the pioneering investigations by Chan et al. and others, our work is among the very first to formally explore how DO can help overcome the worst-case performance curse of full obliviousness; moreover, we motivate our work with database applications. Our work shows new evidence why DO might be a promising notion, and opens up several exciting future directions

    Efficiently Hardening SGX Enclaves against Memory Access Pattern Attacks via Dynamic Program Partitioning

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    Intel SGX is known to be vulnerable to a class of practical attacks exploiting memory access pattern side-channels, notably page-fault attacks and cache timing attacks. A promising hardening scheme is to wrap applications in hardware transactions, enabled by Intel TSX, that return control to the software upon unexpected cache misses and interruptions so that the existing side-channel attacks exploiting these micro-architectural events can be detected and mitigated. However, existing hardening schemes scale only to small-data computation, with a typical working set smaller than one or few times (e.g., 88 times) of a CPU data cache. This work tackles the data scalability and performance efficiency of security hardening schemes of Intel SGX enclaves against memory-access pattern side channels. The key insight is that the size of TSX transactions in the target computation is critical, both performance- and security-wise. Unlike the existing designs, this work dynamically partitions target computations to enlarge transactions while avoiding aborts, leading to lower performance overhead and improved side-channel security. We materialize the dynamic partitioning scheme and build a C++ library to monitor and model cache utilization at runtime. We further build a data analytical system using the library and implement various external oblivious algorithms. Performance evaluation shows that our work can effectively increase transaction size and reduce the execution time by up to two orders of magnitude compared with the state-of-the-art solutions

    Network-Oblivious Algorithms

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    A framework is proposed for the design and analysis of network-oblivious algorithms, namely algorithms that can run unchanged, yet efficiently, on a variety of machines characterized by different degrees of parallelism and communication capabilities. The framework prescribes that a network-oblivious algorithm be specified on a parallel model of computation where the only parameter is the problem\u2019s input size, and then evaluated on a model with two parameters, capturing parallelism granularity and communication latency. It is shown that for a wide class of network-oblivious algorithms, optimality in the latter model implies optimality in the decomposable bulk synchronous parallel model, which is known to effectively describe a wide and significant class of parallel platforms. The proposed framework can be regarded as an attempt to port the notion of obliviousness, well established in the context of cache hierarchies, to the realm of parallel computation. Its effectiveness is illustrated by providing optimal network-oblivious algorithms for a number of key problems. Some limitations of the oblivious approach are also discussed

    Online Sorting via Searching and Selection

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    In this paper, we present a framework based on a simple data structure and parameterized algorithms for the problems of finding items in an unsorted list of linearly ordered items based on their rank (selection) or value (search). As a side-effect of answering these online selection and search queries, we progressively sort the list. Our algorithms are based on Hoare's Quickselect, and are parameterized based on the pivot selection method. For example, if we choose the pivot as the last item in a subinterval, our framework yields algorithms that will answer q<=n unique selection and/or search queries in a total of O(n log q) average time. After q=\Omega(n) queries the list is sorted. Each repeated selection query takes constant time, and each repeated search query takes O(log n) time. The two query types can be interleaved freely. By plugging different pivot selection methods into our framework, these results can, for example, become randomized expected time or deterministic worst-case time. Our methods are easy to implement, and we show they perform well in practice
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