70 research outputs found

    On the intersections of Fibonacci, Pell, and Lucas numbers

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    We describe how to compute the intersection of two Lucas sequences of the forms {Un(P,±1)}n=0∞\{U_n(P,\pm 1) \}_{n=0}^{\infty} or {Vn(P,±1)}n=0∞\{V_n(P,\pm 1) \}_{n=0}^{\infty} with P∈ZP\in\mathbb{Z} that includes sequences of Fibonacci, Pell, Lucas, and Lucas-Pell numbers. We prove that such an intersection is finite except for the case Un(1,−1)U_n(1,-1) and Un(3,1)U_n(3,1) and the case of two VV-sequences when the product of their discriminants is a perfect square. Moreover, the intersection in these cases also forms a Lucas sequence. Our approach relies on solving homogeneous quadratic Diophantine equations and Thue equations. In particular, we prove that 0, 1, 2, and 5 are the only numbers that are both Fibonacci and Pell, and list similar results for many other pairs of Lucas sequences. We further extend our results to Lucas sequences with arbitrary initial terms

    Fibonacci or Lucas numbers that are products of two Lucas numbers or two Fibonacci numbers

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    This contribution presents all possible solutions to the Diophantine equations Fk=LmLnF_k=L_mL_n and Lk=FmFnL_k=F_mF_n. To be clear, Fibonacci numbers that are the product of two arbitrary Lucas numbers and Lucas numbers that are the product of two arbitrary Fibonacci numbers are determined herein. The results under consideration are proven by using Dujella-Peth\"o lemma in coordination with Matveev's theorem. All common terms of the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are determined. Further, the Lucas-square Fibonacci and Fibonacci-square Lucas numbers are given

    Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (43.)

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    A General Approach to Proving Properties of Fibonacci Representations via Automata Theory

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    We provide a method, based on automata theory, to mechanically prove the correctness of many numeration systems based on Fibonacci numbers. With it, long case-based and induction-based proofs of correctness can be replaced by simply constructing a regular expression (or finite automaton) specifying the rules for valid representations, followed by a short computation. Examples of the systems that can be handled using our technique include Brown's lazy representation (1965), the far-difference representation developed by Alpert (2009), and three representations proposed by Hajnal (2023). We also provide three additional systems and prove their validity.Comment: In Proceedings AFL 2023, arXiv:2309.0112

    Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (54.)

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