3 research outputs found

    An Evaluation Method for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithms

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    In data mining, anomaly detection aims at identifying the observations which do not conform to an expected behavior. To date, a large number of techniques for anomaly detection have been proposed and developed. These techniques have been successfully applied to many real world applications such as fraud detection for credit cards and intrusion detection in network security. However, there are very little research relating to the method for evaluating the goodness of unsupervised anomaly detection techniques. In this paper, the authors introduce a method for evaluating the performance of unsupervised anomaly detection techniques. The method is based on the application of internal validation metrics in clustering algorithms to anomaly detection. The experiments were conducted on a number of benchmarking datasets. The results are compared with the result of a recent proposed approach that shows that some proposed metrics are very consistent when being used to evaluate the performance of unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms

    On the improvement of complexity time and detection rate of outlier detectors : an unsupervised ensemble perspective

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    This thesis presents two unsupervised algorithms to detect outlier observations whose aberrant behavior is hidden in lower dimensional subspaces or cannot be identified with the use of a single detector. In particular, we contemplated three facets: first, the difficulty of a single detector to identify different types of outliers; second, the propensity of interesting outliers to hide in low dimensional subspaces; third, the impact that distinct distance measures have on the outlier detection process. The ambition of the proposed algorithms is to improve our understanding about data observations whose outlier behavior is not evident using simple outlier detection algorithms. Accordingly, we addressed three specific problems. First, we propose to design an ensemble based on different types of outlier detectors with a set of weights assigned without supervision. Second, we propose an ensemble to identify observations whose outlier behavior is visible only on specific subspaces. Third, we develop a scheme to understand how a single detector or an ensemble of outlier detectors is influenced by the selection of a distance metric and its interaction with different dimensionalities, data sizes, parameter settings or ensemble components. There is a wide availability of algorithms aimed at detecting outliers. However, the number of unsupervised ensemble approaches is limited and are mainly oriented towards the detection of a specific type of outlier. Accordingly, our first goal is to detect, in a unsupervised manner, distinct type of outlying observations. We propose an approach capable of using the output of different types of detectors, assigning specific weights to each detector depending on an internal evaluation (unsupervised) of the ability that each algorithm has on the specific dataset at hand; furthermore, this approach assigns a second weight to each data observation in order to increase the gap between outlier and inliers, further improving the outlier detection rate. The main contribution of this work is an ensemble of outlier detectors, whose components can be based on different assumptions, with an enhanced outlier detection rate when compared with similar single and ensemble approaches for outlier detection. Nonetheless, our approach exhibits a processing time linearly dependent on the number of ensemble components; this behavior is not exclusive of our approach, being instead prevalent in the ensemble outlier detection literature. The second part of this thesis focuses on the detection of a complex type of outliers, known in the literature as interesting outliers, which are detectable only on specific subspaces of the data, on the contrary simple outliers are detectable on full dimensionality. Since our first approach was unable to efficiently detect this type of outlier, our second goal is the detection of lower dimensional outliers in a computationally efficient time. We propose an unsupervised ensemble based on different subspaces and subsamples of data which provides a higher detection rate and is computationally more efficient than similar ensemble approaches; in some cases, our approach is even better to that of a single execution of a simple outlier detection algorithm. The main contributions of this work are the possibility of detecting lower dimensional outliers within an improved processing time. The last section of this thesis is oriented towards the study of the interaction between distance metric, parameter settings, data size, dimensionality and number of ensemble components in determining the detection rate and processing time of an outlier detector. Hence, our third goal is to improve our comprehension about the multiple factors influencing an outlier detection algorithm. A set of experiments has been devised to evaluate both detection rate and processing time. The experiments cover a wide set of synthetic and real-world data scenarios. Our synthetic data experiments allow us to introduce perturbations in the size and dimensionality of the data, while real world data permits an evaluation of the effect of varying the parameter settings of an algorithm. To the best of our knowledge this is the first evaluation considering a complete set of factors, mainly distance metrics, influencing the effectiveness and efficiency of an outlier detector. The understanding achieved in this study can be a key step towards the development of new ensemble approaches or the selection and parameterization of existing ones

    On the internal evaluation of unsupervised outlier detection

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    A área de detecção de outliers (ou detecção de anomalias) possui um papel fundamental na descoberta de padrões em dados que podem ser considerados excepcionais sob alguma perspectiva. Uma importante distinção se dá entre as técnicas supervisionadas e não supervisionadas. O presente trabalho enfoca as técnicas de detecção não supervisionadas. Existem dezenas de algoritmos desta categoria na literatura, porém cada um deles utiliza uma intuição própria do que deve ser considerado um outlier ou não, que é naturalmente um conceito subjetivo. Isso dificulta sensivelmente a escolha de um algoritmo em particular e também a escolha de uma configuração adequada para o algoritmo escolhido em uma dada aplicação prática. Isso também torna altamente complexo avaliar a qualidade da solução obtida por um algoritmo/configuração em particular adotados pelo analista, especialmente em função da problemática de se definir uma medida de qualidade que não seja vinculada ao próprio critério utilizado pelo algoritmo. Tais questões estão inter-relacionadas e se referem respectivamente aos problemas de seleção de modelos e avaliação (ou validação) de resultados em aprendizado de máquina não supervisionado. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um índice pioneiro para avaliação não supervisionada de detecção de outliers. O índice, chamado IREOS (Internal, Relative Evaluation of Outlier Solutions), avalia e compara diferentes soluções (top-n, i.e., rotulações binárias) candidatas baseando-se apenas nas informações dos dados e nas próprias soluções a serem avaliadas. O índice também é ajustado estatisticamente para aleatoriedade e extensivamente avaliado em vários experimentos envolvendo diferentes coleções de bases de dados sintéticas e reais.Outlier detection (or anomaly detection) plays an important role in the pattern discovery from data that can be considered exceptional in some sense. An important distinction is that between the supervised and unsupervised techniques. In this work we focus on unsupervised outlier detection techniques. There are dozens of algorithms of this category in literature, however, each of these algorithms uses its own intuition to judge what should be considered an outlier or not, which naturally is a subjective concept. This substantially complicates the selection of a particular algorithm and also the choice of an appropriate configuration of parameters for a given algorithm in a practical application. This also makes it highly complex to evaluate the quality of the solution obtained by an algorithm or configuration adopted by the analyst, especially in light of the problem of defining a measure of quality that is not hooked on the criterion used by the algorithm itself. These issues are interrelated and refer respectively to the problems of model selection and evaluation (or validation) of results in unsupervised learning. Here we developed a pioneer index for unsupervised evaluation of outlier detection results. The index, called IREOS (Internal, Relative Evaluation of Outlier Solutions), can evaluate and compare different candidate (top-n, i.e., binary labelings) solutions based only upon the data information and the solution to be evaluated. The index is also statistically adjusted for chance and extensively evaluated in several experiments involving different collections of synthetic and real data sets