14 research outputs found

    Camera-based Image Forgery Localization using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Camera fingerprints are precious tools for a number of image forensics tasks. A well-known example is the photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) noise pattern, a powerful device fingerprint. Here, to address the image forgery localization problem, we rely on noiseprint, a recently proposed CNN-based camera model fingerprint. The CNN is trained to minimize the distance between same-model patches, and maximize the distance otherwise. As a result, the noiseprint accounts for model-related artifacts just like the PRNU accounts for device-related non-uniformities. However, unlike the PRNU, it is only mildly affected by residuals of high-level scene content. The experiments show that the proposed noiseprint-based forgery localization method improves over the PRNU-based reference

    Autoencoder with recurrent neural networks for video forgery detection

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    Video forgery detection is becoming an important issue in recent years, because modern editing software provide powerful and easy-to-use tools to manipulate videos. In this paper we propose to perform detection by means of deep learning, with an architecture based on autoencoders and recurrent neural networks. A training phase on a few pristine frames allows the autoencoder to learn an intrinsic model of the source. Then, forged material is singled out as anomalous, as it does not fit the learned model, and is encoded with a large reconstruction error. Recursive networks, implemented with the long short-term memory model, are used to exploit temporal dependencies. Preliminary results on forged videos show the potential of this approach.Comment: Presented at IS&T Electronic Imaging: Media Watermarking, Security, and Forensics, January 201

    Enhancing sensor pattern noise via filtering distortion removal

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    In this work, we propose a method to obtain higher quality sensor pattern noise (SPN) for identifying source cameras. We believe that some components of SPN have been severely contaminated by the errors introduced by denoising filters and the quality of SPN can be improved by abandoning those components. In our proposed method, some coefficients with higher denoising errors are abandoned in the wavelet representation of SPN and the remaining wavelet coefficients are further enhanced to suppress the scene details in the SPN. These two steps aim to provide better SPN with higher signalto-noise ratio (SNR) and therefore improve the identification performance. The experimental results on 2,000 images captured by 10 cameras (each responsible for 200 images), show that our method achieves better receiver operating characteristic (ROC) performance when compared with some state-of-the-art methods

    User profiles’ image clustering for digital investigations

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    Sharing images on Social Network (SN) platforms is one of the most widespread behaviors which may cause privacy-intrusive and illegal content to be widely distributed. Clustering the images shared through SN platforms according to the acquisition cameras embedded in smartphones is regarded as a significant task in forensic investigations of cybercrimes. The Sensor Pattern Noise (SPN) caused by camera sensor imperfections due to the manufacturing process has been proved to be an effective and robust camera fingerprint that can be used for several tasks, such as digital evidence analysis, smartphone fingerprinting and user profile linking as well. Clustering the images uploaded by users on their profiles is a way of fingerprinting the camera sources and it is considered a challenging task since users may upload different types of images, i.e., the images taken by users’ smartphones (taken images) and single images from different sources, cropped images, or generic images from the Web (shared images). The shared images make a perturbation in the clustering task, as they do not usually present sufficient characteristics of SPN of their related sources. Moreover, they are not directly referable to the user’s device so they have to be detected and removed from the clustering process. In this paper, we propose a user profiles’ image clustering method without prior knowledge about the type and number of the camera sources. The hierarchical graph-based method clusters both types of images, taken images and shared images. The strengths of our method include overcoming large-scale image datasets, the presence of shared images that perturb the clustering process and the loss of image details caused by the process of content compression on SN platforms. The method is evaluated on the VISION dataset, which is a public benchmark including images from 35 smartphones. The dataset is perturbed by 3000 images, simulating the shared images from different sources except for users’ smartphones. Experimental results confirm the robustness of the proposed method against perturbed datasets and its effectiveness in the image clustering