76 research outputs found

    On the General Sum-connectivity Index of Connected Graphs with Given Order and Girth

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    In this paper, we show that in the classof connected graphs GG of order nβ‰₯3n\geq 3 having girth at least equal to kk, 3≀k≀n3\leq k\leq n, the unique graph GG having minimum general sum-connectivity index χα(G)\chi _{\alpha }(G) consists of CkC_{k} and nβˆ’kn-k pendant vertices adjacent to a unique vertex of CkC_{k}, if -1\leq \alpha <0. This property does not hold for zeroth-order general Randi\' c index 0RΞ±(G)^{0}R_{\alpha}(G)

    General degree distance of graphs

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    We generalize several topological indices and introduce the general degree distance of a connected graph GG. For a,b∈Ra, b \in \mathbb{R}, the general degree distance DDa,b(G)=βˆ‘v∈V(G)[degG(v)]aSGb(v)DD_{a,b} (G) = \sum_{ v \in V(G)} [deg_{G}(v)]^a S^b_{G} (v), where V(G)V(G) is the vertex set of GG, degG(v)deg_G (v) is the degree of a vertex vv, SGb(v)=βˆ‘w∈V(G)βˆ–{v}[dG(v,w)]bS^b_{G} (v) = \sum_{ w \in V(G) \setminus \{ v \} } [d_{G} (v,w) ]^{b} and dG(v,w)d_{G} (v,w) is the distance between vv and ww in GG. We present some sharp bounds on the general degree distance for multipartite graphs and trees of given order, graphs of given order and chromatic number, graphs of given order and vertex connectivity, and graphs of given order and number of pendant vertices
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