8,141 research outputs found

    Dendritic and axonal targeting patterns of a genetically-specified class of retinal ganglion cells that participate in image-forming circuits.

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    BackgroundThere are numerous functional types of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), each participating in circuits that encode a specific aspect of the visual scene. This functional specificity is derived from distinct RGC morphologies and selective synapse formation with other retinal cell types; yet, how these properties are established during development remains unclear. Islet2 (Isl2) is a LIM-homeodomain transcription factor expressed in the developing retina, including approximately 40% of all RGCs, and has previously been implicated in the subtype specification of spinal motor neurons. Based on this, we hypothesized that Isl2+ RGCs represent a related subset that share a common function.ResultsWe morphologically and molecularly characterized Isl2+ RGCs using a transgenic mouse line that expresses GFP in the cell bodies, dendrites and axons of Isl2+ cells (Isl2-GFP). Isl2-GFP RGCs have distinct morphologies and dendritic stratification patterns within the inner plexiform layer and project to selective visual nuclei. Targeted filling of individual cells reveals that the majority of Isl2-GFP RGCs have dendrites that are monostratified in layer S3 of the IPL, suggesting they are not ON-OFF direction-selective ganglion cells. Molecular analysis shows that most alpha-RGCs, indicated by expression of SMI-32, are also Isl2-GFP RGCs. Isl2-GFP RGCs project to most retino-recipient nuclei during early development, but specifically innervate the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and superior colliculus (SC) at eye opening. Finally, we show that the segregation of Isl2+ and Isl2- RGC axons in the SC leads to the segregation of functional RGC types.ConclusionsTaken together, these data suggest that Isl2+ RGCs comprise a distinct class and support a role for Isl2 as an important component of a transcription factor code specifying functional visual circuits. Furthermore, this study describes a novel genetically-labeled mouse line that will be a valuable resource in future investigations of the molecular mechanisms of visual circuit formation

    How lateral inhibition and fast retinogeniculo-cortical oscillations create vision: A new hypothesis

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    The role of the physiological processes involved in human vision escapes clarification in current literature. Many unanswered questions about vision include: 1) whether there is more to lateral inhibition than previously proposed, 2) the role of the discs in rods and cones, 3) how inverted images on the retina are converted to erect images for visual perception, 4) what portion of the image formed on the retina is actually processed in the brain, 5) the reason we have an after-image with antagonistic colors, and 6) how we remember space. This theoretical article attempts to clarify some of the physiological processes involved with human vision. The global integration of visual information is conceptual; therefore, we include illustrations to present our theory. Universally, the eyeball is 2.4 cm and works together with membrane potential, correspondingly representing the retinal layers,photoreceptors, and cortex. Images formed within the photoreceptors must first be converted into chemical signals on the photoreceptorsā€™ individual discs and the signals at each disc are transduced from light photons into electrical signals. We contend that the discs code the electrical signals into accurate distances and are shown in our figures. The pre-existing oscillations among the various cortices including the striate and parietal cortex,and the retina work in unison to create an infrastructure of visual space that functionally ā€˜ā€˜placesā€ the objects within this ā€˜ā€˜neuralā€ space. The horizontal layers integrate all discs accurately to create a retina that is pre-coded for distance. Our theory suggests image inversion never takes place on the retina,but rather images fall onto the retina as compressed and coiled, then amplified through lateral inhibition through intensification and amplification on the OFF-center cones. The intensified and amplified images are decompressed and expanded in the brain, which become the images we perceive as external vision

    Gene therapy restores vision in rd1 mice after removal of a confounding mutation in Gpr179

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    The rd1 mouse with a mutation in the Pde6b gene was the first strain of mice identified with a retinal degeneration. However, AAV-mediated gene supplementation of rd1 mice only results in structural preservation of photoreceptors, and restoration of the photoreceptor-mediated a-wave, but not in restoration of the bipolar cell-mediated b-wave. Here we show that a mutation in Gpr179 prevents the full restoration of vision in rd1 mice. Backcrossing rd1 with C57BL6 mice reveals the complete lack of b-wave in a subset of mice, consistent with an autosomal recessive Mendelian inheritance pattern. We identify a mutation in the Gpr179 gene, which encodes for a G-protein coupled receptor localized to the dendrites of ON-bipolar cells. Gene replacement in rd1 mice that are devoid of the mutation in Gpr179 successfully restores the function of both photoreceptors and bipolar cells, which is maintained for up to 13 months. Our discovery may explain the failure of previous gene therapy attempts in rd1 mice, and we propose that Grp179 mutation status should be taken into account in future studies involving rd1 mice

    Information recovery from rank-order encoded images

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    The time to detection of a visual stimulus by the primate eye is recorded at 100 ā€“ 150ms. This near instantaneous recognition is in spite of the considerable processing required by the several stages of the visual pathway to recognise and react to a visual scene. How this is achieved is still a matter of speculation. Rank-order codes have been proposed as a means of encoding by the primate eye in the rapid transmission of the initial burst of information from the sensory neurons to the brain. We study the efficiency of rank-order codes in encoding perceptually-important information in an image. VanRullen and Thorpe built a model of the ganglion cell layers of the retina to simulate and study the viability of rank-order as a means of encoding by retinal neurons. We validate their model and quantify the information retrieved from rank-order encoded images in terms of the visually-important information recovered. Towards this goal, we apply the ā€˜perceptual information preservation algorithmā€™, proposed by Petrovic and Xydeas after slight modification. We observe a low information recovery due to losses suffered during the rank-order encoding and decoding processes. We propose to minimise these losses to recover maximum information in minimum time from rank-order encoded images. We first maximise information recovery by using the pseudo-inverse of the filter-bank matrix to minimise losses during rankorder decoding. We then apply the biological principle of lateral inhibition to minimise losses during rank-order encoding. In doing so, we propose the Filteroverlap Correction algorithm. To test the perfomance of rank-order codes in a biologically realistic model, we design and simulate a model of the foveal-pit ganglion cells of the retina keeping close to biological parameters. We use this as a rank-order encoder and analyse its performance relative to VanRullen and Thorpeā€™s retinal model

    Evidence for glutamate-mediated excitotoxic mechanisms during photoreceptor degeneration in the rd1 mouse retina

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    PURPOSE: Kinetic studies of photoreceptor cell death in the retinal degeneration (rd1) mouse model suggest that photoreceptor degeneration could result from cumulative damage. Since alterations in glutamate metabolism have been described in different models of retinitis pigmentosa, we investigated in the present work whether changes in glutamate turnover occur in the degenerating rd1 retina and whether glutamate-mediated excitotoxic mechanisms may contribute to rod photoreceptor death in this model. METHODS: Free amino acid levels were quantified in rd1 and wild-type retinas using an amino acid analyzer selecting times corresponding to early, intermediate, and terminal phases of rod photoreceptor degeneration. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to compare the mRNA expression levels of the glial L-glutamate/L-aspartate transporter GLAST, glutamine synthetase (GS), and vimentin, a marker for retinal glia, between rd1 and wild-type mouse retinas. 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX), an antagonist of both AMPA and kainate subtypes of ionotropic glutamate receptors, was then daily administered from postnatal day 3 (PN3) to PN21 to rd1 mice while control rd1 mice received only physiological saline solution (7 per treatment). At PN22, the respective numbers of surviving rods i

    A Unified Model of Spatiotemporal Processing in the Retina

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    A computational model of visual processing in the vertebrate retina provides a unified explanation of a range of data previously treated by disparate models. Three results are reported here: the model proposes a functional explanation for the primary feed-forward retinal circuit found in vertebrate retinae, it shows how this retinal circuit combines nonlinear adaptation with the desirable properties of linear processing, and it accounts for the origin of parallel transient (nonlinear) and sustained (linear) visual processing streams as simple variants of the same retinal circuit. The retina, owing to its accessibility and to its fundamental role in the initial transduction of light into neural signals, is among the most extensively studied neural structures in the nervous system. Since the pioneering anatomical work by RamĆ³n y Cajal at the turn of the last century[1], technological advances have abetted detailed descriptions of the physiological, pharmacological, and functional properties of many types of retinal cells. However, the relationship between structure and function in the retina is still poorly understood. This article outlines a computational model developed to address fundamental constraints of biological visual systems. Neurons that process nonnegative input signals-such as retinal illuminance-are subject to an inescapable tradeoff between accurate processing in the spatial and temporal domains. Accurate processing in both domains can be achieved with a model that combines nonlinear mechanisms for temporal and spatial adaptation within three layers of feed-forward processing. The resulting architecture is structurally similar to the feed-forward retinal circuit connecting photoreceptors to retinal ganglion cells through bipolar cells. This similarity suggests that the three-layer structure observed in all vertebrate retinae[2] is a required minimal anatomy for accurate spatiotemporal visual processing. This hypothesis is supported through computer simulations showing that the model's output layer accounts for many properties of retinal ganglion cells[3],[4],[5],[6]. Moreover, the model shows how the retina can extend its dynamic range through nonlinear adaptation while exhibiting seemingly linear behavior in response to a variety of spatiotemporal input stimuli. This property is the basis for the prediction that the same retinal circuit can account for both sustained (X) and transient (Y) cat ganglion cells[7] by simple morphological changes. The ability to generate distinct functional behaviors by simple changes in cell morphology suggests that different functional pathways originating in the retina may have evolved from a unified anatomy designed to cope with the constraints of low-level biological vision.Sloan Fellowshi
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