2 research outputs found

    A Broadband Microwave Radiometer Technique at X-band for Rain and Drop Size Distribution Estimation

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    Radiometric brightess temperatures below about 12 GHz provide accurate estimates of path attenuation through precipitation and cloud water. Multiple brightness temperature measurements at X-band frequencies can be used to estimate rainfall rate and parameters of the drop size distribution once correction for cloud water attenuation is made. Employing a stratiform storm model, calculations of the brightness temperatures at 9.5, 10 and 12 GHz are used to simulate estimates of path-averaged median mass diameter, number concentration and rainfall rate. The results indicate that reasonably accurate estimates of rainfall rate and information on the drop size distribution can be derived over ocean under low to moderate wind speed conditions

    Use of Dual-wavelength Radar for Snow Parameter Estimates

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    Use of dual-wavelength radar, with properly chosen wavelengths, will significantly lessen the ambiguities in the retrieval of microphysical properties of hydrometeors. In this paper, a dual-wavelength algorithm is described to estimate the characteristic parameters of the snow size distributions. An analysis of the computational results, made at X and Ka bands (T-39 airborne radar) and at S and X bands (CP-2 ground-based radar), indicates that valid estimates of the median volume diameter of snow particles, D(sub 0), should be possible if one of the two wavelengths of the radar operates in the non-Rayleigh scattering region. However, the accuracy may be affected to some extent if the shape factors of the Gamma function used for describing the particle distribution are chosen far from the true values or if cloud water attenuation is significant. To examine the validity and accuracy of the dual-wavelength radar algorithms, the algorithms are applied to the data taken from the Convective and Precipitation-Electrification Experiment (CaPE) in 1991, in which the dual-wavelength airborne radar was coordinated with in situ aircraft particle observations and ground-based radar measurements. Having carefully co-registered the data obtained from the different platforms, the airborne radar-derived size distributions are then compared with the in-situ measurements and ground-based radar. Good agreement is found for these comparisons despite the uncertainties resulting from mismatches of the sample volumes among the different sensors as well as spatial and temporal offsets