30,918 research outputs found

    Second-Order Asymptotics for the Classical Capacity of Image-Additive Quantum Channels

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    We study non-asymptotic fundamental limits for transmitting classical information over memoryless quantum channels, i.e. we investigate the amount of classical information that can be transmitted when a quantum channel is used a finite number of times and a fixed, non-vanishing average error is permissible. We consider the classical capacity of quantum channels that are image-additive, including all classical to quantum channels, as well as the product state capacity of arbitrary quantum channels. In both cases we show that the non-asymptotic fundamental limit admits a second-order approximation that illustrates the speed at which the rate of optimal codes converges to the Holevo capacity as the blocklength tends to infinity. The behavior is governed by a new channel parameter, called channel dispersion, for which we provide a geometrical interpretation.Comment: v2: main results significantly generalized and improved; v3: extended to image-additive channels, change of title, journal versio

    Comparison of Channels: Criteria for Domination by a Symmetric Channel

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    This paper studies the basic question of whether a given channel VV can be dominated (in the precise sense of being more noisy) by a qq-ary symmetric channel. The concept of "less noisy" relation between channels originated in network information theory (broadcast channels) and is defined in terms of mutual information or Kullback-Leibler divergence. We provide an equivalent characterization in terms of Ο‡2\chi^2-divergence. Furthermore, we develop a simple criterion for domination by a qq-ary symmetric channel in terms of the minimum entry of the stochastic matrix defining the channel VV. The criterion is strengthened for the special case of additive noise channels over finite Abelian groups. Finally, it is shown that domination by a symmetric channel implies (via comparison of Dirichlet forms) a logarithmic Sobolev inequality for the original channel.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures. Presented at 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT

    The Divergence Index: A Decomposable Measure of Segregation and Inequality

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    Decomposition analysis is a critical tool for understanding the social and spatial dimensions of inequality, segregation, and diversity. In this paper, I propose a new measure - the Divergence Index - to address the need for a decomposable measure of segregation. Although the Information Theory Index has been used to decompose segregation within and between communities, I argue that it measures relative diversity not segregation. I demonstrate the importance of this conceptual distinction with two empirical analyses: I decompose segregation and relative homogeneity in the Detroit metropolitan area, and I analyze the relationship between the indexes in the 100 largest U.S. cities. I show that it is problematic to interpret the Information Theory Index as a measure of segregation, especially when analyzing local-level results or any decomposition of overall results. Segregation and diversity are important aspects of residential differentiation, and it is critical that we study each concept as the structure and stratification of the U.S. population becomes more complex

    Dissipation of information in channels with input constraints

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    One of the basic tenets in information theory, the data processing inequality states that output divergence does not exceed the input divergence for any channel. For channels without input constraints, various estimates on the amount of such contraction are known, Dobrushin's coefficient for the total variation being perhaps the most well-known. This work investigates channels with average input cost constraint. It is found that while the contraction coefficient typically equals one (no contraction), the information nevertheless dissipates. A certain non-linear function, the \emph{Dobrushin curve} of the channel, is proposed to quantify the amount of dissipation. Tools for evaluating the Dobrushin curve of additive-noise channels are developed based on coupling arguments. Some basic applications in stochastic control, uniqueness of Gibbs measures and fundamental limits of noisy circuits are discussed. As an application, it shown that in the chain of nn power-constrained relays and Gaussian channels the end-to-end mutual information and maximal squared correlation decay as Θ(log⁑log⁑nlog⁑n)\Theta(\frac{\log\log n}{\log n}), which is in stark contrast with the exponential decay in chains of discrete channels. Similarly, the behavior of noisy circuits (composed of gates with bounded fan-in) and broadcasting of information on trees (of bounded degree) does not experience threshold behavior in the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Namely, unlike the case of discrete channels, the probability of bit error stays bounded away from 121\over 2 regardless of the SNR.Comment: revised; include appendix B on contraction coefficient for mutual information on general alphabet

    Convergence of Smoothed Empirical Measures with Applications to Entropy Estimation

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    This paper studies convergence of empirical measures smoothed by a Gaussian kernel. Specifically, consider approximating Pβˆ—NΟƒP\ast\mathcal{N}_\sigma, for NΟƒβ‰œN(0,Οƒ2Id)\mathcal{N}_\sigma\triangleq\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma^2 \mathrm{I}_d), by P^nβˆ—NΟƒ\hat{P}_n\ast\mathcal{N}_\sigma, where P^n\hat{P}_n is the empirical measure, under different statistical distances. The convergence is examined in terms of the Wasserstein distance, total variation (TV), Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, and Ο‡2\chi^2-divergence. We show that the approximation error under the TV distance and 1-Wasserstein distance (W1\mathsf{W}_1) converges at rate eO(d)nβˆ’12e^{O(d)}n^{-\frac{1}{2}} in remarkable contrast to a typical nβˆ’1dn^{-\frac{1}{d}} rate for unsmoothed W1\mathsf{W}_1 (and dβ‰₯3d\ge 3). For the KL divergence, squared 2-Wasserstein distance (W22\mathsf{W}_2^2), and Ο‡2\chi^2-divergence, the convergence rate is eO(d)nβˆ’1e^{O(d)}n^{-1}, but only if PP achieves finite input-output Ο‡2\chi^2 mutual information across the additive white Gaussian noise channel. If the latter condition is not met, the rate changes to Ο‰(nβˆ’1)\omega(n^{-1}) for the KL divergence and W22\mathsf{W}_2^2, while the Ο‡2\chi^2-divergence becomes infinite - a curious dichotomy. As a main application we consider estimating the differential entropy h(Pβˆ—NΟƒ)h(P\ast\mathcal{N}_\sigma) in the high-dimensional regime. The distribution PP is unknown but nn i.i.d samples from it are available. We first show that any good estimator of h(Pβˆ—NΟƒ)h(P\ast\mathcal{N}_\sigma) must have sample complexity that is exponential in dd. Using the empirical approximation results we then show that the absolute-error risk of the plug-in estimator converges at the parametric rate eO(d)nβˆ’12e^{O(d)}n^{-\frac{1}{2}}, thus establishing the minimax rate-optimality of the plug-in. Numerical results that demonstrate a significant empirical superiority of the plug-in approach to general-purpose differential entropy estimators are provided.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1810.1158

    A Simple Derivation of the Refined Sphere Packing Bound Under Certain Symmetry Hypotheses

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    A judicious application of the Berry-Esseen theorem via suitable Augustin information measures is demonstrated to be sufficient for deriving the sphere packing bound with a prefactor that is Ξ©(nβˆ’0.5(1βˆ’Espβ€²(R)))\mathit{\Omega}\left(n^{-0.5(1-E_{sp}'(R))}\right) for all codes on certain families of channels -- including the Gaussian channels and the non-stationary Renyi symmetric channels -- and for the constant composition codes on stationary memoryless channels. The resulting non-asymptotic bounds have definite approximation error terms. As a preliminary result that might be of interest on its own, the trade-off between type I and type II error probabilities in the hypothesis testing problem with (possibly non-stationary) independent samples is determined up to some multiplicative constants, assuming that the probabilities of both types of error are decaying exponentially with the number of samples, using the Berry-Esseen theorem.Comment: 20 page
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