276,000 research outputs found

    On the equivalence of linear sets

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    Let LL be a linear set of pseudoregulus type in a line ℓ\ell in Σ∗=PG(t−1,qt)\Sigma^*=\mathrm{PG}(t-1,q^t), t=5t=5 or t>6t>6. We provide examples of qq-order canonical subgeometries Σ1, Σ2⊂Σ∗\Sigma_1,\, \Sigma_2 \subset \Sigma^* such that there is a (t−3)(t-3)-space Γ⊂Σ∗∖(Σ1∪Σ2∪ℓ)\Gamma \subset \Sigma^*\setminus (\Sigma_1 \cup \Sigma_2 \cup \ell) with the property that for i=1,2i=1,2, LL is the projection of Σi\Sigma_i from center Γ\Gamma and there exists no collineation ϕ\phi of Σ∗\Sigma^* such that Γϕ=Γ\Gamma^{\phi}=\Gamma and Σ1ϕ=Σ2\Sigma_1^{\phi}=\Sigma_2. Condition (ii) given in Theorem 3 in Lavrauw and Van de Voorde (Des. Codes Cryptogr. 56:89-104, 2010) states the existence of a collineation between the projecting configurations (each of them consisting of a center and a subgeometry), which give rise by means of projections to two linear sets. It follows from our examples that this condition is not necessary for the equivalence of two linear sets as stated there. We characterize the linear sets for which the condition above is actually necessary.Comment: Preprint version. Referees' suggestions and corrections implemented. The final version is to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Some characteristics of matroids through rough sets

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    At present, practical application and theoretical discussion of rough sets are two hot problems in computer science. The core concepts of rough set theory are upper and lower approximation operators based on equivalence relations. Matroid, as a branch of mathematics, is a structure that generalizes linear independence in vector spaces. Further, matroid theory borrows extensively from the terminology of linear algebra and graph theory. We can combine rough set theory with matroid theory through using rough sets to study some characteristics of matroids. In this paper, we apply rough sets to matroids through defining a family of sets which are constructed from the upper approximation operator with respect to an equivalence relation. First, we prove the family of sets satisfies the support set axioms of matroids, and then we obtain a matroid. We say the matroids induced by the equivalence relation and a type of matroid, namely support matroid, is induced. Second, through rough sets, some characteristics of matroids such as independent sets, support sets, bases, hyperplanes and closed sets are investigated.Comment: 13 page

    Rough sets and matroidal contraction

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    Rough sets are efficient for data pre-processing in data mining. As a generalization of the linear independence in vector spaces, matroids provide well-established platforms for greedy algorithms. In this paper, we apply rough sets to matroids and study the contraction of the dual of the corresponding matroid. First, for an equivalence relation on a universe, a matroidal structure of the rough set is established through the lower approximation operator. Second, the dual of the matroid and its properties such as independent sets, bases and rank function are investigated. Finally, the relationships between the contraction of the dual matroid to the complement of a single point set and the contraction of the dual matroid to the complement of the equivalence class of this point are studied.Comment: 11 page

    Estimating Maximally Probable Constrained Relations by Mathematical Programming

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    Estimating a constrained relation is a fundamental problem in machine learning. Special cases are classification (the problem of estimating a map from a set of to-be-classified elements to a set of labels), clustering (the problem of estimating an equivalence relation on a set) and ranking (the problem of estimating a linear order on a set). We contribute a family of probability measures on the set of all relations between two finite, non-empty sets, which offers a joint abstraction of multi-label classification, correlation clustering and ranking by linear ordering. Estimating (learning) a maximally probable measure, given (a training set of) related and unrelated pairs, is a convex optimization problem. Estimating (inferring) a maximally probable relation, given a measure, is a 01-linear program. It is solved in linear time for maps. It is NP-hard for equivalence relations and linear orders. Practical solutions for all three cases are shown in experiments with real data. Finally, estimating a maximally probable measure and relation jointly is posed as a mixed-integer nonlinear program. This formulation suggests a mathematical programming approach to semi-supervised learning.Comment: 16 page

    On the Number of Membranes in Unary P Systems

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    We consider P systems with a linear membrane structure working on objects over a unary alphabet using sets of rules resembling homomorphisms. Such a restricted variant of P systems allows for a unique minimal representation of the generated unary language and in that way for an effective solution of the equivalence problem. Moreover, we examine the descriptional complexity of unary P systems with respect to the number of membranes

    Hierarchy of Conservation Laws of Diffusion--Convection Equations

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    We introduce notions of equivalence of conservation laws with respect to Lie symmetry groups for fixed systems of differential equations and with respect to equivalence groups or sets of admissible transformations for classes of such systems. We also revise the notion of linear dependence of conservation laws and define the notion of local dependence of potentials. To construct conservation laws, we develop and apply the most direct method which is effective to use in the case of two independent variables. Admitting possibility of dependence of conserved vectors on a number of potentials, we generalize the iteration procedure proposed by Bluman and Doran-Wu for finding nonlocal (potential) conservation laws. As an example, we completely classify potential conservation laws (including arbitrary order local ones) of diffusion--convection equations with respect to the equivalence group and construct an exhaustive list of locally inequivalent potential systems corresponding to these equations.Comment: 24 page

    Subgeometries and linear sets on a projective line

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    We define the splash of a subgeometry on a projective line, extending the definition of \cite{BaJa13} to general dimension and prove that a splash is always a linear set. We also prove the converse: each linear set on a projective line is the splash of some subgeometry. Therefore an alternative description of linear sets on a projective line is obtained. We introduce the notion of a club of rank rr, generalizing the definition from \cite{FaSz2006}, and show that clubs correspond to tangent splashes. We determine the condition for a splash to be a scattered linear set and give a characterization of clubs, or equivalently of tangent splashes. We also investigate the equivalence problem for tangent splashes and determine a necessary and sufficient condition for two tangent splashes to be (projectively) equivalent

    Basis Functions for Linear-Scaling First-Principles Calculations

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    In the framework of a recently reported linear-scaling method for density-functional-pseudopotential calculations, we investigate the use of localized basis functions for such work. We propose a basis set in which each local orbital is represented in terms of an array of `blip functions'' on the points of a grid. We analyze the relation between blip-function basis sets and the plane-wave basis used in standard pseudopotential methods, derive criteria for the approximate equivalence of the two, and describe practical tests of these criteria. Techniques are presented for using blip-function basis sets in linear-scaling calculations, and numerical tests of these techniques are reported for Si crystal using both local and non-local pseudopotentials. We find rapid convergence of the total energy to the values given by standard plane-wave calculations as the radius of the linear-scaling localized orbitals is increased.Comment: revtex file, with two encapsulated postscript figures, uses epsf.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Parametric matroid of rough set

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    Rough set is mainly concerned with the approximations of objects through an equivalence relation on a universe. Matroid is a combinatorial generalization of linear independence in vector spaces. In this paper, we define a parametric set family, with any subset of a universe as its parameter, to connect rough sets and matroids. On the one hand, for a universe and an equivalence relation on the universe, a parametric set family is defined through the lower approximation operator. This parametric set family is proved to satisfy the independent set axiom of matroids, therefore it can generate a matroid, called a parametric matroid of the rough set. Three equivalent representations of the parametric set family are obtained. Moreover, the parametric matroid of the rough set is proved to be the direct sum of a partition-circuit matroid and a free matroid. On the other hand, since partition-circuit matroids were well studied through the lower approximation number, we use it to investigate the parametric matroid of the rough set. Several characteristics of the parametric matroid of the rough set, such as independent sets, bases, circuits, the rank function and the closure operator, are expressed by the lower approximation number.Comment: 15 page
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