4 research outputs found

    Distinct Distances in Graph Drawings

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    The \emph{distance-number} of a graph GG is the minimum number of distinct edge-lengths over all straight-line drawings of GG in the plane. This definition generalises many well-known concepts in combinatorial geometry. We consider the distance-number of trees, graphs with no K4K^-_4-minor, complete bipartite graphs, complete graphs, and cartesian products. Our main results concern the distance-number of graphs with bounded degree. We prove that nn-vertex graphs with bounded maximum degree and bounded treewidth have distance-number in O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n). To conclude such a logarithmic upper bound, both the degree and the treewidth need to be bounded. In particular, we construct graphs with treewidth 2 and polynomial distance-number. Similarly, we prove that there exist graphs with maximum degree 5 and arbitrarily large distance-number. Moreover, as Δ\Delta increases the existential lower bound on the distance-number of Δ\Delta-regular graphs tends to Ω(n0.864138)\Omega(n^{0.864138})

    Infinite quantum permutations

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    We define and study quantum permutations of infinite sets. This leads to discrete quantum groups which can be viewed as infinite variants of the quantum permutation groups introduced by Wang. More precisely, the resulting quantum groups encode universal quantum symmetries of the underlying sets among all discrete quantum groups. We also discuss quantum automorphisms of infinite graphs, including some examples and open problems regarding both the existence and non-existence of quantum symmetries in this setting