275 research outputs found

    Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes: Principles and Finite Length Performance

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    In this paper, we give an overview of spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs), the spatial coupling of parallel and serially concatenated convolutional codes, recently introduced by the authors. For presentation purposes, we focus on spatially coupled serially concatenated codes (SC-SCCs). We review the main principles of SC-TCs and discuss their exact density evolution (DE) analysis on the binary erasure channel. We also consider the construction of a family of rate-compatible SC-SCCs with simple 4-state component encoders. For all considered code rates, threshold saturation of the belief propagation (BP) to the maximum a posteriori threshold of the uncoupled ensemble is demonstrated, and it is shown that the BP threshold approaches the Shannon limit as the coupling memory increases. Finally we give some simulation results for finite lengths.Comment: Invited paper, IEEE Int. Symp. Wireless Communications Systems (ISWCS), Aug. 201

    Spatially Coupled Turbo Codes

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    In this paper, we introduce the concept of spatially coupled turbo codes (SC-TCs), as the turbo codes counterpart of spatially coupled low-density parity-check codes. We describe spatial coupling for both Berrou et al. and Benedetto et al. parallel and serially concatenated codes. For the binary erasure channel, we derive the exact density evolution (DE) equations of SC-TCs by using the method proposed by Kurkoski et al. to compute the decoding erasure probability of convolutional encoders. Using DE, we then analyze the asymptotic behavior of SC-TCs. We observe that the belief propagation (BP) threshold of SC-TCs improves with respect to that of the uncoupled ensemble and approaches its maximum a posteriori threshold. This phenomenon is especially significant for serially concatenated codes, whose uncoupled ensemble suffers from a poor BP threshold.Comment: in Proc. 8th International Symposium on Turbo Codes & Iterative Information Processing 2014, Bremen, Germany, August 2014. To appear. (The PCC ensemble is changed with respect to the one in the previous version of the paper. However, it gives identical thresholds

    A Unified Ensemble of Concatenated Convolutional Codes

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    We introduce a unified ensemble for turbo-like codes (TCs) that contains the four main classes of TCs: parallel concatenated codes, serially concatenated codes, hybrid concatenated codes, and braided convolutional codes. We show that for each of the original classes of TCs, it is possible to find an equivalent ensemble by proper selection of the design parameters in the unified ensemble. We also derive the density evolution (DE) equations for this ensemble over the binary erasure channel. The thresholds obtained from the DE indicate that the TC ensembles from the unified ensemble have similar asymptotic behavior to the original TC ensembles

    Turbo-Detected Unequal Error Protection Irregular Convolutional Codes Designed for the Wideband Advanced Multirate Speech Codec

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    Abstract—since the different bits of multimedia information, such as speech and video, have different error sensitivity, efficient unequalprotection channel coding schemes have to be used to ensure that the perceptually more important bits benefit from more powerful protection. Furthermore, in the context of turbo detection the channel codes should also match the characteristics of the channel for the sake of attaining a good convergence performance. In this paper, we address this design dilemma by using irregular convolutional codes (IRCCs) which constitute a family of different-rate subcodes. we benefit from the high design flexibility of IRCCs and hence excellent convergence properties are maintained while having unequal error protection capabilities matched to the requirements of the source. An EXIT chart based design procedure is proposed and used in the context of protecting the different-sensitivity speech bits of the wideband AMR speech codec. As a benefit, the unequalprotection system using IRCCs exhibits an SNR advantage of about 0.4dB over the equal-protection system employing regular convolutional codes, when communicating over a Gaussian channel

    Self-concatenated code design and its application in power-efficient cooperative communications

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    In this tutorial, we have focused on the design of binary self-concatenated coding schemes with the help of EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts and Union bound analysis. The design methodology of future iteratively decoded self-concatenated aided cooperative communication schemes is presented. In doing so, we will identify the most important milestones in the area of channel coding, concatenated coding schemes and cooperative communication systems till date and suggest future research directions

    Distributed Turbo-Like Codes for Multi-User Cooperative Relay Networks

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    In this paper, a distributed turbo-like coding scheme for wireless networks with relays is proposed. We consider a scenario where multiple sources communicate with a single destination with the help of a relay. The proposed scheme can be regarded as of the decode-and-forward type. The relay decodes the information from the sources and it properly combines and re-encodes them to generate some extra redundancy, which is transmitted to the destination. The amount of redundancy generated by the relay can simply be adjusted according to requirements in terms of performance, throughput and/or power. At the destination, decoding of the information of all sources is performed jointly exploiting the redundancy provided by the relay in an iterative fashion. The overall communication network can be viewed as a serially concatenated code. The proposed distributed scheme achieves significant performance gains with respect to the non-cooperation system, even for a very large number of users. Furthermore, it presents a high flexibility in terms of code rate, block length and number of users.Comment: Submitted to ICC 201