6 research outputs found

    Agent cooperation for monitoring and diagnosing a MAP

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    Abstract. The paper addresses the tasks of monitoring and diagnosing the execution of a Multi-Agent Plan, taking into account a very challenging scenario where the degree of system observability may be so low that an agent may not have enough information for univocally determining the outcome of the actions it executes (i.e., pending outcomes). The paper discusses how the ambiguous results of the monitoring step (i.e., trajectory-set) are refined by exploiting the exchange of local interpretations between agents, whose actions are bounded by causal dependencies. The refinement of the trajectory-set becomes an essential step to disambiguate pending outcomes and to explain action failures

    Cooperative Monitoring to Diagnose Multiagent Plans

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    Diagnosing the execution of a Multiagent Plan (MAP) means identifying and explaining action failures (i.e., actions that did not reach their expected effects). Current approaches to MAP diagnosis are substantially centralized, and assume that action failures are inde-pendent of each other. In this paper, the diagnosis of MAPs, executed in a dynamic and partially observable environment, is addressed in a fully distributed and asynchronous way; in addition, action failures are no longer assumed as independent of each other. The paper presents a novel methodology, named Cooperative Weak-Committed Moni-toring (CWCM), enabling agents to cooperate while monitoring their own actions. Coop-eration helps the agents to cope with very scarcely observable environments: what an agent cannot observe directly can be acquired from other agents. CWCM exploits nondetermin-istic action models to carry out two main tasks: detecting action failures and building trajectory-sets (i.e., structures representing the knowledge an agent has about the environ-ment in the recent past). Relying on trajectory-sets, each agent is able to explain its own action failures in terms of exogenous events that have occurred during the execution of the actions themselves. To cope with dependent failures, CWCM is coupled with a diagnostic engine that distinguishes between primary and secondary action failures. An experimental analysis demonstrates that the CWCM methodology, together with the proposed diagnostic inferences, are effective in identifying and explaining action failures even in scenarios where the system observability is significantly reduced. 1