2 research outputs found

    Diagn贸stico sobre el nivel de madurez de alineaci贸n estrat茅gica de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y el negocio de una entidad del sector salud de Villavicencio mediante el modelo SAM de Luftman

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    Information Technologies (IT) provides optimization, service improvement and a higher level of competitiveness, adding value to the strategic results of organizations. However, to maximize these potential IT contributions, organizations must achieve a high level of alignment between business strategies and IT strategies. Several authors have proposed different alignment strategies and have created measurement instruments to estimate the maturity degree of the alignment in each organization. One of the most recognized is the Luftman SAM (Strategic Alignment Maturity) model, which has a scale of 5 alignment levels and evaluates 6 dimensions (Communication, Value, IT Government, Association, Reach, IT Skills). In the Colombian Health System, each entity generally has different systems to cover business processes, generating duplication of information, low data quality, low coverage, delays in patient care and difficulties in reporting information to surveillance and control entities. In this project, the Luftman instrument is applied to a healthcare entity in Villavicencio (Colombia), to generate a diagnosis on the degree of alignment maturity in the institution. The results indicate that the organization has a level 2 of maturity.Las Tecnolog铆as de la Informaci贸n (TI) aportan optimizaci贸n, mejora de servicios y mayor nivel de competitividad, agregando valor a los resultados estrat茅gicos de las organizaciones. Sin embargo, para maximizar estas potenciales contribuciones de TI, las organizaciones deben llegar a un alto nivel de alineaci贸n entre las estrategias de negocio y las estrategias de TI. Varios autores han planteado diferentes estrategias de alineaci贸n y han creado instrumentos de medici贸n para estimar su grado de madurez en una organizaci贸n dada. Uno de los m谩s reconocidos es el modelo SAM (Strategic Alignment Maturity) de Luftman, el cual especifica una escala de 5 niveles de alineaci贸n y eval煤a 6 dimensiones (Comunicaci贸n, Valor, Gobierno TI, Asociaci贸n, Alcance, Habilidades TI). En el sector Salud en Colombia generalmente cada entidad cuenta con diferentes sistemas para el cubrimiento de los procesos de negocio creando duplicidad de informaci贸n, baja calidad de los datos, baja cobertura, demoras en la atenci贸n a los pacientes y dificultades para reportar informaci贸n a los entes de vigilancia y control. En este proyecto se aplic贸 el instrumento de Luftman a una Entidad de Salud de Villavicencio (Colombia), con el prop贸sito de generar un diagn贸stico sobre el grado de madurez de alineaci贸n en la instituci贸n. Los resultados indican que la organizaci贸n tiene un nivel 2 de madurez.L铆nea de Investigaci贸n: Sistemas y OrganizacionesMaestr铆

    Mobile Technology Deployment Strategies for Improving the Quality of Healthcare

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    Ineffective deployment of mobile technology jeopardizes healthcare quality, cost control, and access, resulting in healthcare organizations losing customers and revenue. A multiple case study was conducted to explore the strategies that chief information officers (CIOs) used for the effective deployment of mobile technology in healthcare organizations. The study population consisted of 3 healthcare CIOs and 2 healthcare information technology consultants who have experience in deploying mobile technology in a healthcare organization in the United States. The conceptual framework that grounded the study was Wallace and Iyer\u27s health information technology value hierarchy. Data were collected using semistructured interviews and document reviews, followed by within-case and cross-case analyses for triangulation and data saturation. Key themes that emerged from data analysis included the application of disruptive technology in healthcare, ownership and management of mobile health equipment, and cybersecurity. The healthcare CIOs and consultants emphasized their concern about the lack of cybersecurity in mobile technology. CIOs were reluctant to deploy the bring-your-own-device strategy in their organizations. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential for healthcare CIOs to emphasize the business practice of supporting healthcare providers in using secure mobile equipment deployment strategies to provide enhanced care, safety, peace of mind, convenience, and ease of access to patients while controlling costs