3 research outputs found

    A Newton-like method and its application

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    AbstractIn this paper we prove an existence and uniqueness theorem for solving the operator equation F(x)+G(x)=0, where F is a Gateaux differentiable continuous operator while the operator G satisfies a Lipschitz-condition on an open convex subset of a Banach space. As corollaries, a theorem of Tapia on a weak Newton's method and the classical convergence theorem for modified Newton-iterates are deduced. An existence theorem for a generalized Euler–Lagrange equation in the setting of Sobolev space is obtained as a consequence of the main theorem. We also obtain a class of Gateaux differentiable operators which are nowhere Frechet differentiable. Illustrative examples are also provided

    A trust region-type normal map-based semismooth Newton method for nonsmooth nonconvex composite optimization

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    We propose a novel trust region method for solving a class of nonsmooth and nonconvex composite-type optimization problems. The approach embeds inexact semismooth Newton steps for finding zeros of a normal map-based stationarity measure for the problem in a trust region framework. Based on a new merit function and acceptance mechanism, global convergence and transition to fast local q-superlinear convergence are established under standard conditions. In addition, we verify that the proposed trust region globalization is compatible with the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz (KL) inequality yielding finer convergence results. We further derive new normal map-based representations of the associated second-order optimality conditions that have direct connections to the local assumptions required for fast convergence. Finally, we study the behavior of our algorithm when the Hessian matrix of the smooth part of the objective function is approximated by BFGS updates. We successfully link the KL theory, properties of the BFGS approximations, and a Dennis-Mor{\'e}-type condition to show superlinear convergence of the quasi-Newton version of our method. Numerical experiments on sparse logistic regression and image compression illustrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.Comment: 56 page

    Inexact Newton Methods For Solving Nonsmooth Equations

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    This paper investigates inexact Newton methods for solving systems of nonsmooth equations. We define two inexact Newton methods for locally Lipschitz functions and we prove local (linear and superlinear) convergence results under the assumptions of semismoothness and BD-regularity at the solution. We introduce a globally convergent inexact iteration function based method. We discuss implementations and we give some numerical examples. © 1995.601-2127145Brown, Saad, Hybrid Krylov Methods for Nonlinear Systems of Equations (1990) SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 11, pp. 450-481Broyden, A class of methods for solving nonlinear simultaneous equations (1965) Mathematics of Computation, 19, pp. 577-593Broyden, Dennis, More, On the local and superlinear convergence of quasi-Newton methods (1973) J. Inst. Math. 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