21,635 research outputs found

    Spin-Cooling of the Motion of a Trapped Diamond

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    Observing and controlling macroscopic quantum systems has long been a driving force in research on quantum physics. In this endeavor, strong coupling between individual quantum systems and mechanical oscillators is being actively pursued. While both read-out of mechanical motion using coherent control of spin systems and single spin read-out using pristine oscillators have been demonstrated, temperature control of the motion of a macroscopic object using long-lived electronic spins has not been reported. Here, we observe both a spin-dependent torque and spin-cooling of the motion of a trapped microdiamond. Using a combination of microwave and laser excitation enables the spin of nitrogen-vacancy centers to act on the diamond orientation and to cool the diamond libration via a dynamical back-action. Further, driving the system in the non-linear regime, we demonstrate bistability and self-sustained coherent oscillations stimulated by the spin-mechanical coupling, which offers prospects for spin-driven generation of non-classical states of motion. Such a levitating diamond operated as a compass with controlled dissipation has implications in high-precision torque sensing, emulation of the spin-boson problem and probing of quantum phase transitions. In the single spin limit and employing ultra-pure nano-diamonds, it will allow quantum non-demolition read-out of the spin of nitrogen-vacancy centers under ambient conditions, deterministic entanglement between distant individual spins and matter-wave interferometry.Comment: New version with a calibration of angular resolution and sensitivity. Fig. 1 is also replaced to show an ODMR when the diamond is static to avoid spin-torque induced distortion

    Optimal Control for Open Quantum Systems: Qubits and Quantum Gates

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    This article provides a review of recent developments in the formulation and execution of optimal control strategies for the dynamics of quantum systems. A brief introduction to the concept of optimal control, the dynamics of of open quantum systems, and quantum information processing is followed by a presentation of recent developments regarding the two main tasks in this context: state-specific and state-independent optimal control. For the former, we present an extension of conventional theory (Pontryagin's principle) to quantum systems which undergo a non-Markovian time-evolution. Owing to its importance for the realization of quantum information processing, the main body of the review, however, is devoted to state-independent optimal control. Here, we address three different approaches: an approach which treats dissipative effects from the environment in lowest-order perturbation theory, a general method based on the time--evolution superoperator concept, as well as one based on the Kraus representation of the time-evolution superoperator. Applications which illustrate these new methods focus on single and double qubits (quantum gates) whereby the environment is modeled either within the Lindblad equation or a bath of bosons (spin-boson model). While these approaches are widely applicable, we shall focus our attention to solid-state based physical realizations, such as semiconductor- and superconductor-based systems. While an attempt is made to reference relevant and representative work throughout the community, the exposition will focus mainly on work which has emerged from our own group.Comment: 27 pages, 18 figure

    Strongly correlated Fermi-Bose mixtures in disordered optical lattices

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    We investigate theoretically the low-temperature physics of a two-component ultracold mixture of bosons and fermions in disordered optical lattices. We focus on the strongly correlated regime. We show that, under specific conditions, composite fermions, made of one fermion plus one bosonic hole, form. The composite picture is used to derive an effective Hamiltonian whose parameters can be controlled via the boson-boson and the boson-fermion interactions, the tunneling terms and the inhomogeneities. We finally investigate the quantum phase diagram of the composite fermions and we show that it corresponds to the formation of Fermi glasses, spin glasses, and quantum percolation regimes.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on `Theory of Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherence

    The dynamical role of initial correlation in the exactly solvable dephasing model

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    We investigate the effects of the initial correlation on the dynamics of open system in the exactly solvable pure dephasing model. We show that the role of the initial correlation come into play through a phase function and a weight factor, which would perform oscillations during time evolution, and find that the decoherence of a qubit coupled to a boson bath is more enhanced with respect to a spin bath in the short time. We also demonstrate that the trace distance between two states of a qubit can increase above its initial value, and that the initial correlation can provide another resource for the damply oscillation and revival of the entanglement of two qubits. We finally investigate the dependence of the crossover of decoherence from the dynamical enhancement to suppression under the bang-bang pulse control on the initial correlation and the statistics of the bath constituents.Comment: revised final versio

    Magnetic vortex crystals in frustrated Mott insulator

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    Quantum fluctuations become particularly relevant in highly frustrated quantum magnets and can lead to new states of matter. We provide a simple and robust scenario for inducing magnetic vortex crystals in frustrated Mott insulators. By considering a quantum paramagnet that has a gapped spectrum with six-fold degenerate low energy modes, we study the magnetic field induced condensation of these modes. We use a dilute gas approximation to demonstrate that a plethora of multi-Q\mathbf{Q} condensates are stabilized for different combinations of exchange interactions. This rich quantum phase diagram includes magnetic vortex crystals, which are further stabilized by symmetric exchange anisotropies. Because magnetic skyrmion and domain wall crystals have already been predicted and experimentally observed, this novel vortex phase completes the picture of emergent crystals of topologically nontrivial spin configurations.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; published in Phys. Rev.