33,485 research outputs found

    Low Correlation Sequences over the QAM Constellation

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    This paper presents the first concerted look at low correlation sequence families over QAM constellations of size M^2=4^m and their potential applicability as spreading sequences in a CDMA setting. Five constructions are presented, and it is shown how such sequence families have the ability to transport a larger amount of data as well as enable variable-rate signalling on the reverse link. Canonical family CQ has period N, normalized maximum-correlation parameter theta_max bounded above by A sqrt(N), where 'A' ranges from 1.8 in the 16-QAM case to 3.0 for large M. In a CDMA setting, each user is enabled to transfer 2m bits of data per period of the spreading sequence which can be increased to 3m bits of data by halving the size of the sequence family. The technique used to construct CQ is easily extended to produce larger sequence families and an example is provided. Selected family SQ has a lower value of theta_max but permits only (m+1)-bit data modulation. The interleaved 16-QAM sequence family IQ has theta_max <= sqrt(2) sqrt(N) and supports 3-bit data modulation. The remaining two families are over a quadrature-PAM (Q-PAM) subset of size 2M of the M^2-QAM constellation. Family P has a lower value of theta_max in comparison with Family SQ, while still permitting (m+1)-bit data modulation. Interleaved family IP, over the 8-ary Q-PAM constellation, permits 3-bit data modulation and interestingly, achieves the Welch lower bound on theta_max.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. To appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory in February 200

    New Constructions of Zero-Correlation Zone Sequences

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    In this paper, we propose three classes of systematic approaches for constructing zero correlation zone (ZCZ) sequence families. In most cases, these approaches are capable of generating sequence families that achieve the upper bounds on the family size (KK) and the ZCZ width (TT) for a given sequence period (NN). Our approaches can produce various binary and polyphase ZCZ families with desired parameters (N,K,T)(N,K,T) and alphabet size. They also provide additional tradeoffs amongst the above four system parameters and are less constrained by the alphabet size. Furthermore, the constructed families have nested-like property that can be either decomposed or combined to constitute smaller or larger ZCZ sequence sets. We make detailed comparisons with related works and present some extended properties. For each approach, we provide examples to numerically illustrate the proposed construction procedure.Comment: 37 pages, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Duality and free energy analyticity bounds for few-body Ising models with extensive homology rank

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    We consider pairs of few-body Ising models where each spin enters a bounded number of interaction terms (bonds) such that each model can be obtained from the dual of the other after freezing k spins on large-degree sites. Such a pair of Ising models can be interpreted as a two-chain complex with k being the rank of the first homology group. Our focus is on the case where k is extensive, that is, scales linearly with the number of bonds n. Flipping any of these additional spins introduces a homologically nontrivial defect (generalized domain wall). In the presence of bond disorder, we prove the existence of a low-temperature weak-disorder region where additional summation over the defects has no effect on the free energy density f(T) in the thermodynamical limit and of a high-temperature region where an extensive homological defect does not affect f(T). We also discuss the convergence of the high- and low-temperature series for the free energy density, prove the analyticity of limiting f(T) at high and low temperatures, and construct inequalities for the critical point(s) where analyticity is lost. As an application, we prove multiplicity of the conventionally defined critical points for Ising models on all { f, d} tilings of the infinite hyperbolic plane, where df/(d + f) \u3e 2. Namely, for these infinite graphs, we show that critical temperatures with free and wired boundary conditions differ, Tc(f)T(f)

    High-rate self-synchronizing codes

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    Self-synchronization under the presence of additive noise can be achieved by allocating a certain number of bits of each codeword as markers for synchronization. Difference systems of sets are combinatorial designs which specify the positions of synchronization markers in codewords in such a way that the resulting error-tolerant self-synchronizing codes may be realized as cosets of linear codes. Ideally, difference systems of sets should sacrifice as few bits as possible for a given code length, alphabet size, and error-tolerance capability. However, it seems difficult to attain optimality with respect to known bounds when the noise level is relatively low. In fact, the majority of known optimal difference systems of sets are for exceptionally noisy channels, requiring a substantial amount of bits for synchronization. To address this problem, we present constructions for difference systems of sets that allow for higher information rates while sacrificing optimality to only a small extent. Our constructions utilize optimal difference systems of sets as ingredients and, when applied carefully, generate asymptotically optimal ones with higher information rates. We also give direct constructions for optimal difference systems of sets with high information rates and error-tolerance that generate binary and ternary self-synchronizing codes.Comment: 9 pages, no figure, 2 tables. Final accepted version for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. Material presented in part at the International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications, Honolulu, HI USA, October 201

    Revealing evolutionary constraints on proteins through sequence analysis

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    Statistical analysis of alignments of large numbers of protein sequences has revealed "sectors" of collectively coevolving amino acids in several protein families. Here, we show that selection acting on any functional property of a protein, represented by an additive trait, can give rise to such a sector. As an illustration of a selected trait, we consider the elastic energy of an important conformational change within an elastic network model, and we show that selection acting on this energy leads to correlations among residues. For this concrete example and more generally, we demonstrate that the main signature of functional sectors lies in the small-eigenvalue modes of the covariance matrix of the selected sequences. However, secondary signatures of these functional sectors also exist in the extensively-studied large-eigenvalue modes. Our simple, general model leads us to propose a principled method to identify functional sectors, along with the magnitudes of mutational effects, from sequence data. We further demonstrate the robustness of these functional sectors to various forms of selection, and the robustness of our approach to the identification of multiple selected traits.Comment: 37 pages, 28 figure