16,681 research outputs found

    Halo abundances within the cosmic web

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    We investigate the dependence of the mass function of dark-matter haloes on their environment within the cosmic web of large-scale structure. A dependence of the halo mass function on large-scale mean density is a standard element of cosmological theory, allowing mass-dependent biasing to be understood via the peak-background split. On the assumption of a Gaussian density field, this analysis can be extended to ask how the mass function depends on the geometrical environment: clusters, filaments, sheets and voids, as classified via the tidal tensor (the Hessian matrix of the gravitational potential). In linear theory, the problem can be solved exactly, and the result is attractively simple: the conditional mass function has no explicit dependence on the local tidal field, and is a function only of the local density on the filtering scale used to define the tidal tensor. There is nevertheless a strong implicit predicted dependence on geometrical environment, because the local density couples statistically to the derivatives of the potential. We compute the predictions of this model and study the limits of their validity by comparing them to results deduced empirically from NN-body simulations. We have verified that, to a good approximation, the abundance of haloes in different environments depends only on their densities, and not on their tidal structure. In this sense we find relative differences between halo abundances in different environments with the same density which are smaller than 13%. Furthermore, for sufficiently large filtering scales, the agreement with the theoretical prediction is good, although there are important deviations from the Gaussian prediction at small, non-linear scales. We discuss how to obtain improved predictions in this regime, using the 'effective-universe' approach.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Revision matching journal versio

    The Excursion Set Theory of Halo Mass Functions, Halo Clustering, and Halo Growth

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    I review the excursion set theory (EST) of dark matter halo formation and clustering. I recount the Press-Schechter argument for the mass function of bound objects and review the derivation of the Press-Schechter mass function in EST. The EST formalism is powerful and can be applied to numerous problems. I review the EST of halo bias and the properties of void regions. I spend considerable time reviewing halo growth in the EST. This section culminates with descriptions of two Monte Carlo methods for generating halo mass accretion histories. In the final section, I emphasize that the standard EST approach is the result of several simplifying assumptions. Dropping these assumptions can lead to more faithful predictions and a more versatile formalism. One such assumption is the constant height of the barrier for nonlinear collapse. I review implementations of the excursion set approach with arbitrary barrier shapes. An application of this is the now well-known improvement to standard EST that follows from the ellipsoidal-collapse barrier. Additionally, I emphasize that the statement that halo accretion histories are independent of halo environments is a simplifying assumption, rather than a prediction of the theory. I review the method for constructing correlated random walks of the density field in more general cases. I construct a simple toy model with correlated walks and I show that excursion set theory makes a qualitatively simple and general prediction for the relation between halo accretion histories and halo environments: regions of high density preferentially contain late-forming halos and conversely for regions of low density. I conclude with a brief discussion of this prediction in the context of recent numerical studies of the environmental dependence of halo properties. (Abridged)Comment: 62 pages, 19 figures. Review article based on lectures given at the Sixth Summer School of the Helmholtz Institute for Supercomputational Physics. Accepted for Publication in IJMPD. Comments Welcom


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    The mass density field in the local universe, recovered by the POTENT method from peculiar velocities of \sim3000 galaxies, is compared with the density field of optically-selected galaxies. Both density fields are smoothed with a Gaussian filter of radius 12 h1h^{-1} Mpc. Under the assumptions of gravitational instability and a linear biasing parameter b\sbo between optical galaxies and mass, we obtain \beta\sbo \equiv \om^{0.6}/b\sbo = 0.74 \pm 0.13. This result is obtained from a regression of POTENT mass density on optical density after correcting the mass density field for systematic biases in the velocity data and POTENT method. The error quoted is just the 1σ1\sigma formal error estimated from the observed scatter in the density--density scatterplot; it does not include the uncertainty due to cosmic scatter in the mean density or in the biasing relation. We do not attempt a formal analysis of the goodness of fit, but the scatter about the fit is consistent with our estimates of the uncertainties.Comment: Final revised version (minor typos corrected). 13 pages, gzipped tar file containing LaTeX and figures. The Postscript file is available at ftp://dust0.dur.ac.uk/pub/mjh/potopt/potopt.ps.Z or (gzipped) at ftp://xxx.lanl.gov/astro-ph/ps/9501/9501074.ps.gz or via WWW at http://xxx.lanl.gov/ps/astro-ph/9501074 or as separate LaTeX text and encapsulated Postscript figures in a compressed tar'd file at ftp://dust0.dur.ac.uk/pub/mjh/potopt/latex/potopt.tar.

    Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization Foreground Removal with the SKA

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    The exceptional sensitivity of the SKA will allow observations of the Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionization (CD/EoR) in unprecedented detail, both spectrally and spatially. This wealth of information is buried under Galactic and extragalactic foregrounds, which must be removed accurately and precisely in order to reveal the cosmological signal. This problem has been addressed already for the previous generation of radio telescopes, but the application to SKA is different in many aspects. In this chapter we summarise the contributions to the field of foreground removal in the context of high redshift and high sensitivity 21-cm measurements. We use a state-of-the-art simulation of the SKA Phase 1 observations complete with cosmological signal, foregrounds and frequency-dependent instrumental effects to test both parametric and non-parametric foreground removal methods. We compare the recovered cosmological signal using several different statistics and explore one of the most exciting possibilities with the SKA --- imaging of the ionized bubbles. We find that with current methods it is possible to remove the foregrounds with great accuracy and to get impressive power spectra and images of the cosmological signal. The frequency-dependent PSF of the instrument complicates this recovery, so we resort to splitting the observation bandwidth into smaller segments, each of a common resolution. If the foregrounds are allowed a random variation from the smooth power law along the line of sight, methods exploiting the smoothness of foregrounds or a parametrization of their behaviour are challenged much more than non-parametric ones. However, we show that correction techniques can be implemented to restore the performances of parametric approaches, as long as the first-order approximation of a power law stands.Comment: Accepted for publication in the SKA Science Book 'Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array', to appear in 201

    The Peaks Formalism and the Formation of Cold Dark Matter Haloes

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    We use two cosmological simulations of structure formation to study the conditions under which dark matter haloes emerge from the linear density field. Our analysis focuses on matching sites of halo collapse to local density maxima, or "peaks", in the initial conditions of the simulations and provides a crucial test of the central ansatz of the peaks formalism. By identifying peaks on a variety of smoothed, linearly extrapolated density fields we demonstrate that as many as ~70% of well-resolved dark matter haloes form preferentially near peaks whose characteristic masses are similar to that of the halo, with more massive haloes showing a stronger tendency to reside near peaks initially. We identify a small but significant fraction of haloes that appear to evolve from peaks of substantially lower mass than that of the halo itself. We refer to these as "peakless haloes" for convenience. By contrasting directly the properties of these objects with the bulk of the proto-halo population we find two clear differences: 1) their initial shapes are significantly flatter and more elongated than the predominantly triaxial majority, and 2) they are, on average, more strongly compressed by tidal forces associated with their surrounding large scale structure. Using the two-point correlation function we show that peakless haloes tend to emerge from highly clustered regions of the initial density field implying that, at fixed mass, the accretion geometry and mass accretion histories of haloes in highly clustered environments differ significantly from those in the field. This may have important implications for understanding the origin of the halo assembly bias, of galaxy properties in dense environments and how environment affects the morphological transformation of galaxies near groups and rich galaxy clusters.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, published in MNRA