411 research outputs found

    The Error-Pattern-Correcting Turbo Equalizer

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    The error-pattern correcting code (EPCC) is incorporated in the design of a turbo equalizer (TE) with aim to correct dominant error events of the inter-symbol interference (ISI) channel at the output of its matching Viterbi detector. By targeting the low Hamming-weight interleaved errors of the outer convolutional code, which are responsible for low Euclidean-weight errors in the Viterbi trellis, the turbo equalizer with an error-pattern correcting code (TE-EPCC) exhibits a much lower bit-error rate (BER) floor compared to the conventional non-precoded TE, especially for high rate applications. A maximum-likelihood upper bound is developed on the BER floor of the TE-EPCC for a generalized two-tap ISI channel, in order to study TE-EPCC's signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gain for various channel conditions and design parameters. In addition, the SNR gain of the TE-EPCC relative to an existing precoded TE is compared to demonstrate the present TE's superiority for short interleaver lengths and high coding rates.Comment: This work has been submitted to the special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory titled: "Facets of Coding Theory: from Algorithms to Networks". This work was supported in part by the NSF Theoretical Foundation Grant 0728676

    Asymptotic Improvement of the Gilbert-Varshamov Bound on the Size of Binary Codes

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    Given positive integers nn and dd, let A2(n,d)A_2(n,d) denote the maximum size of a binary code of length nn and minimum distance dd. The well-known Gilbert-Varshamov bound asserts that A2(n,d)β‰₯2n/V(n,dβˆ’1)A_2(n,d) \geq 2^n/V(n,d-1), where V(n,d)=βˆ‘i=0d(ni)V(n,d) = \sum_{i=0}^{d} {n \choose i} is the volume of a Hamming sphere of radius dd. We show that, in fact, there exists a positive constant cc such that A2(n,d)β‰₯c2nV(n,dβˆ’1)log⁑2V(n,dβˆ’1) A_2(n,d) \geq c \frac{2^n}{V(n,d-1)} \log_2 V(n,d-1) whenever d/n≀0.499d/n \le 0.499. The result follows by recasting the Gilbert- Varshamov bound into a graph-theoretic framework and using the fact that the corresponding graph is locally sparse. Generalizations and extensions of this result are briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures; to appear in the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, submitted August 12, 2003, revised March 28, 200

    Quantized Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding

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    We introduce a soft-detection variant of Guessing Random Additive Noise Decoding (GRAND) called Quantized GRAND (QGRAND) that can efficiently decode any moderate redundancy block-code of any length in an algorithm that is suitable for highly parallelized implementation in hardware. QGRAND can avail of any level of quantized soft information, is established to be almost capacity achieving, and is shown to provide near maximum likelihood decoding performance when provided with five or more bits of soft information per received bit

    Characterisation of a family of neighbour transitive codes

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    We consider codes of length mm over an alphabet of size qq as subsets of the vertex set of the Hamming graph Ξ“=H(m,q)\Gamma=H(m,q). A code for which there exists an automorphism group X≀Aut(Ξ“)X\leq Aut(\Gamma) that acts transitively on the code and on its set of neighbours is said to be neighbour transitive, and were introduced by the authors as a group theoretic analogue to the assumption that single errors are equally likely over a noisy channel. Examples of neighbour transitive codes include the Hamming codes, various Golay codes, certain Hadamard codes, the Nordstrom Robinson codes, certain permutation codes and frequency permutation arrays, which have connections with powerline communication, and also completely transitive codes, a subfamily of completely regular codes, which themselves have attracted a lot of interest. It is known that for any neighbour transitive code with minimum distance at least 3 there exists a subgroup of XX that has a 22-transitive action on the alphabet over which the code is defined. Therefore, by Burnside's theorem, this action is of almost simple or affine type. If the action is of almost simple type, we say the code is alphabet almost simple neighbour transitive. In this paper we characterise a family of neighbour transitive codes, in particular, the alphabet almost simple neighbour transitive codes with minimum distance at least 33, and for which the group XX has a non-trivial intersection with the base group of Aut(Ξ“)Aut(\Gamma). If CC is such a code, we show that, up to equivalence, there exists a subcode Ξ”\Delta that can be completely described, and that either C=Ξ”C=\Delta, or Ξ”\Delta is a neighbour transitive frequency permutation array and CC is the disjoint union of XX-translates of Ξ”\Delta. We also prove that any finite group can be identified in a natural way with a neighbour transitive code.Comment: 30 Page

    A study of digital holographic filters generation. Phase 2: Digital data communication system, volume 1

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    An empirical study of the performance of the Viterbi decoders in bursty channels was carried out and an improved algebraic decoder for nonsystematic codes was developed. The hybrid algorithm was simulated for the (2,1), k = 7 code on a computer using 20 channels having various error statistics, ranging from pure random error to pure bursty channels. The hybrid system outperformed both the algebraic and the Viterbi decoders in every case, except the 1% random error channel where the Viterbi decoder had one bit less decoding error
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