16 research outputs found


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    On the approximability of average completion time scheduling under precedence constraints

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    Abstract We consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completiontime on a single machine under precedence constraints. We show that this problem with arbitrary job weights, the special case of the problem where all job weights are one, andseveral other special cases of the problem all have the same approximability threshold with respect to polynomial time approximation algorithms. Moreover, for the special case ofinterval order precedence constraints and for the special case of convex bipartite precedence constraints, we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm with worst case performanceguarantee arbitrarily close to the golden rati

    On the approximability of average completion time scheduling under precedence constraints

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    We consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on a single machine under precedence constraints. We show that this problem with arbitrary job weights, the special case of the problem where all job weights are one, and several other special cases of the problem all have the same approximability threshold with respect to polynomial time approximation algorithms. Moreover, for the special case of interval order precedence constraints and for the special case of convex bipartite precedence constraints, we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm with worst case performance guarantee arbitrarily close to the golden ratio 1 2 (1+5 v )˜1.61803

    On the approximability of average completion time scheduling under precedence constraints

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    We consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on a single machine under precedence constraints. We show that this problem with arbitrary job weights, the special case of the problem where all job weights are one, and several other special cases of the problem all have the same approximability threshold with respect to polynomial time approximation algorithms. Moreover, for the special case of interval order precedence constraints and for the special case of convex bipartite precedence constraints, we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm with worst case performance guarantee arbitrarily close to the golden ratio [..]

    On the approximability of average completion time scheduling under precedence constraints

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    We consider the scheduling problem of minimizing the average weighted job completion time on a single machine under precedence constraints. We show that this problem with arbitrary job weights, the special case of the problem where all job weights are one, and several other special cases of the problem all have the same approximability threshold with respect to polynomial time approximation algorithms. Moreover, for the special case of interval order precedence constraints and for the special case of convex bipartite precedence constraints, we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm with worst case performance guarantee arbitrarily close to the golden ratio 12 (1+5 – √ )≈1.61803

    Improved approximations for min sum vertex cover and generalized min sum set cover

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    We study the generalized min sum set cover (GMSSC) problem, wherein given a collection of hyperedges E with arbitrary covering requirements {ke ∈ Z+ : e ∈ E}, the goal is to find an ordering of the vertices to minimize the total cover time of the hyperedges; a hyperedge e is considered covered by the first time when ke many of its vertices appear in the ordering. We give a 4.642 approximation algorithm for GMSSC, coming close to the best possible bound of 4, already for the classical special case (with all ke = 1) of min sum set cover (MSSC) studied by Feige, Lovász and Tetali [11], and improving upon the previous best known bound of 12.4 due to Im, Sviridenko and van der Zwaan [20]. Our algorithm is based on transforming the LP solution by a suitable kernel and applying randomized rounding. This also gives an LP-based 4 approximation for MSSC. As part of the analysis of our algorithm, we also derive an inequality on the lower tail of a sum of independent Bernoulli random variables, which might be of independent interest and broader utility. Another well-known special case is the min sum vertex cover (MSVC) problem, in which the input hypergraph is a graph (i.e., |e| = 2) and ke = 1, for every edge e ∈ E. We give a 16/9 ' 1.778 approximation for MSVC, and show a matching integrality gap for the natural LP relaxation. This improves upon the previous best 1.999946 approximation of Barenholz, Feige and Peleg [6]. (The claimed 1.79 approximation result of Iwata, Tetali and Tripathi [21] for the MSVC turned out have an unfortunate, seemingly unfixable, mistake in it.) Finally, we revisit MSSC and consider the lp norm of cover-time of the hyperedges. Using a dual fitting argument, we show that the natural greedy algorithm simultaneously achieves approximation guarantees of (p + 1)1+1/p, for all p ≥ 1, giving another proof of the result of Golovin, Gupta, Kumar and Tangwongsan [13], and showing its tightness up to NP-hardness. For p = 1, this gives yet another proof of the 4 approximation for MSSC