5,472 research outputs found

    The Defect of Random Hyperspherical Harmonics

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    Random hyperspherical harmonics are Gaussian Laplace eigenfunctions on the unit dd-sphere (d≥2d\ge 2). We investigate the distribution of their defect i.e., the difference between the measure of positive and negative regions. Marinucci and Wigman studied the two-dimensional case giving the asymptotic variance (Marinucci and Wigman 2011) and a Central Limit Theorem (Marinucci and Wigman 2014), both in the high-energy limit. Our main results concern asymptotics for the defect variance and quantitative CLTs in Wasserstein distance, in any dimension. The proofs are based on Wiener-It\^o chaos expansions for the defect, a careful use of asymptotic results for all order moments of Gegenbauer polynomials and Stein-Malliavin approximation techniques by Nourdin and Peccati. Our argument requires some novel technical results of independent interest that involve integrals of the product of three hyperspherical harmonics.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit

    Gaussian Approximations of Multiple Integrals

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    Fix an integer k, and let I(l), l=1,2,..., be a sequence of k-dimensional vectors of multiple Wiener-It\^o integrals with respect to a general Gaussian process. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions to have that, as l diverges, the law of I(l) is asymptotically close (for example, in the sense of Prokhorov's distance) to the law of a k-dimensional Gaussian vector having the same covariance matrix as I(l). The main feature of our results is that they require minimal assumptions (basically, boundedness of variances) on the asymptotic behaviour of the variances and covariances of the elements of I(l). In particular, we will not assume that the covariance matrix of I(l) is convergent. This generalizes the results proved in Nualart and Peccati (2005), Peccati and Tudor (2005) and Nualart and Ortiz-Latorre (2007). As shown in Marinucci and Peccati (2007b), the criteria established in this paper are crucial in the study of the high-frequency behaviour of stationary fields defined on homogeneous spaces.Comment: 15 page

    Generating Functions for Coherent Intertwiners

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    We study generating functions for the scalar products of SU(2) coherent intertwiners, which can be interpreted as coherent spin network evaluations on a 2-vertex graph. We show that these generating functions are exactly summable for different choices of combinatorial weights. Moreover, we identify one choice of weight distinguished thanks to its geometric interpretation. As an example of dynamics, we consider the simple case of SU(2) flatness and describe the corresponding Hamiltonian constraint whose quantization on coherent intertwiners leads to partial differential equations that we solve. Furthermore, we generalize explicitly these Wheeler-DeWitt equations for SU(2) flatness on coherent spin networks for arbitrary graphs.Comment: 31 page
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