1,236 research outputs found

    On the Workflow Satisfiability Problem with Class-Independent Constraints

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    A workflow specification defines sets of steps and users. An authorization policy determines for each user a subset of steps the user is allowed to perform. Other security requirements, such as separation-of-duty, impose constraints on which subsets of users may perform certain subsets of steps. The \emph{workflow satisfiability problem} (WSP) is the problem of determining whether there exists an assignment of users to workflow steps that satisfies all such authorizations and constraints. An algorithm for solving WSP is important, both as a static analysis tool for workflow specifications, and for the construction of run-time reference monitors for workflow management systems. Given the computational difficulty of WSP, it is important, particularly for the second application, that such algorithms are as efficient as possible. We introduce class-independent constraints, enabling us to model scenarios where the set of users is partitioned into groups, and the identities of the user groups are irrelevant to the satisfaction of the constraint. We prove that solving WSP is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) for this class of constraints and develop an FPT algorithm that is useful in practice. We compare the performance of the FPT algorithm with that of SAT4J (a pseudo-Boolean SAT solver) in computational experiments, which show that our algorithm significantly outperforms SAT4J for many instances of WSP. User-independent constraints, a large class of constraints including many practical ones, are a special case of class-independent constraints for which WSP was proved to be FPT (Cohen {\em et al.}, J. Artif. Intel. Res. 2014). Thus our results considerably extend our knowledge of the fixed-parameter tractability of WSP

    On the workflow satisfiability problem with class-independent constraints

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    A workflow specification defines sets of steps and users. An authorization policy determines for each user a subset of steps the user is allowed to perform. Other security requirements, such as separation-of-duty, impose constraints on which subsets of users may perform certain subsets of steps. The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) is the problem of determining whether there exists an assignment of users to workflow steps that satisfies all such authorizations and constraints. An algorithm for solving WSP is important, both as a static analysis tool for workflow specifications, and for the construction of run-time reference monitors for workflow management systems. Given the computational difficulty of WSP, it is important, particularly for the second application, that such algorithms are as efficient as possible. We introduce class-independent constraints, enabling us to model scenarios where the set of users is partitioned into groups, and the identities of the user groups are irrelevant to the satisfaction of the constraint. We prove that solving WSP is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) for this class of constraints and develop an FPT algorithm that is useful in practice. We compare the performance of the FPT algorithm with that of SAT4J (a pseudo-Boolean SAT solver) in computational experiments, which show that our algorithm significantly outperforms SAT4J for many instances of WSP. User-independent constraints, a large class of constraints including many practical ones, are a special case of class-independent constraints for which WSP was proved to be FPT (Cohen et al., J. Artif. Intel. Res. 2014). Thus our results considerably extend our knowledge of the fixed-parameter tractability of WSP

    On the Workflow Satisfiability Problem with Class-Independent Constraints for Hierarchical Organizations

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    A workflow specification defines a set of steps, a set of users, and an access control policy. The policy determines which steps a user is authorized to perform and imposes constraints on which sets of users can perform which sets of steps. The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) is the problem of determining whether there exists an assignment of users to workflow steps that satisfies the policy. Given the computational hardness of WSP and its importance in the context of workflow management systems, it is important to develop algorithms that are as efficient as possible to solve WSP. In this article, we study the fixed-parameter tractability of WSP in the presence of class-independent constraints, which enable us to (1) model security requirements based on the groups to which users belong and (2) generalize the notion of a user-independent constraint. Class-independent constraints are defined in terms of equivalence relations over the set of users. We consider sets of nested equivalence relations because this enables us to model security requirements in hierarchical organizations. We prove that WSP is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) for class-independent constraints defined over nested equivalence relations and develop an FPT algorithm to solve WSP instances incorporating such constraints. We perform experiments to evaluate the performance of our algorithm and compare it with that of SAT4J, an off-the-shelf pseudo-Boolean SAT solver. The results of these experiments demonstrate that our algorithm significantly outperforms SAT4J for many instances of WSP

    Pattern backtracking algorithm for the workflow satisfiability problem with user-independent constraints

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    The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) asks whether there exists an assignment of authorised users to the steps in a workflow specification, subject to certain constraints on the assignment. (Such an assignment is called valid.) The problem is NP-hard even when restricted to the large class of user-independent constraints. Since the number of steps k is relatively small in practice, it is natural to consider a parametrisation of the WSP by k. We propose a new fixed-parameter algorithm to solve the WSP with user-independent constraints. The assignments in our method are partitioned into equivalence classes such that the number of classes is exponential in k only. We show that one can decide, in polynomial time, whether there is a valid assignment in an equivalence class. By exploiting this property, our algorithm reduces the search space to the space of equivalence classes, which it browses within a backtracking framework, hence emerging as an efficient yet relatively simple-to-implement or generalise solution method. We empirically evaluate our algorithm against the state-of-the-art methods and show that it clearly wins the competition on the whole range of our test problems and significantly extends the domain of practically solvable instances of the WSP

    Algorithms for the workflow satisfiability problem engineered for counting constraints

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    The workflow satisfiability problem (WSP) asks whether there exists an assignment of authorized users to the steps in a workflow specification that satisfies the constraints in the specification. The problem is NP-hard in general, but several subclasses of the problem are known to be fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by the number of steps in the specification. In this paper, we consider the WSP with user-independent counting constraints, a large class of constraints for which the WSP is known to be FPT. We describe an efficient implementation of an FPT algorithm for solving this subclass of the WSP and an experimental evaluation of this algorithm. The algorithm iteratively generates all equivalence classes of possible partial solutions until, whenever possible, it finds a complete solution to the problem. We also provide a reduction from a WSP instance to a pseudo-Boolean SAT instance. We apply this reduction to the instances used in our experiments and solve the resulting PB SAT problems using SAT4J, a PB SAT solver. We compare the performance of our algorithm with that of SAT4J and discuss which of the two approaches would be more effective in practice

    Constraint Expressions and Workflow Satisfiability

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    A workflow specification defines a set of steps and the order in which those steps must be executed. Security requirements and business rules may impose constraints on which users are permitted to perform those steps. A workflow specification is said to be satisfiable if there exists an assignment of authorized users to workflow steps that satisfies all the constraints. An algorithm for determining whether such an assignment exists is important, both as a static analysis tool for workflow specifications, and for the construction of run-time reference monitors for workflow management systems. We develop new methods for determining workflow satisfiability based on the concept of constraint expressions, which were introduced recently by Khan and Fong. These methods are surprising versatile, enabling us to develop algorithms for, and determine the complexity of, a number of different problems related to workflow satisfiability.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1205.0852; to appear in Proceedings of SACMAT 201
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