11 research outputs found

    RepeatNet: A Repeat Aware Neural Recommendation Machine for Session-based Recommendation

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    Recurrent neural networks for session-based recommendation have attracted a lot of attention recently because of their promising performance. repeat consumption is a common phenomenon in many recommendation scenarios (e.g., e-commerce, music, and TV program recommendations), where the same item is re-consumed repeatedly over time. However, no previous studies have emphasized repeat consumption with neural networks. An effective neural approach is needed to decide when to perform repeat recommendation. In this paper, we incorporate a repeat-explore mechanism into neural networks and propose a new model, called RepeatNet, with an encoder-decoder structure. RepeatNet integrates a regular neural recommendation approach in the decoder with a new repeat recommendation mechanism that can choose items from a user's history and recommends them at the right time. We report on extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets. RepeatNet outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on all three datasets in terms of MRR and Recall. Furthermore, as the dataset size and the repeat ratio increase, the improvements of RepeatNet over the baselines also increase, which demonstrates its advantage in handling repeat recommendation scenarios

    Using implicit feedback for recommender systems: characteristics, applications, and challenges

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    Recommender systems are software tools to tackle the problem of information overload by helping users to find items that are most relevant for them within an often unmanageable set of choices. To create these personalized recommendations for a user, the algorithmic task of a recommender system is usually to quantify the user's interest in each item by predicting a relevance score, e.g., from the user's current situation or personal preferences in the past. Nowadays, recommender systems are used in various domains to recommend items such as products on e-commerce sites, movies and music on media portals, or people in social networks. To assess the user's preferences, recommender systems proposed in past research often utilized explicit feedback, i.e., deliberately given ratings or like/dislike statements for items. In practice, however, in many of today's application domains of recommender systems this kind of information is not existent. Therefore, recommender systems have to rely on implicit feedback that is derived from the users' behavior and interactions with the system. This information can be extracted from navigation or transaction logs. Using implicit feedback leads to new challenges and open questions regarding, for example, the huge amount of signals to process, the ambiguity of the feedback, and the inevitable noise in the data. This thesis by publication explores some of these challenges and questions that have not been covered in previous research. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, the thesis reviews existing works on implicit feedback and recommender systems that exploit these signals, especially in the Social Information Access domain, which utilizes the "community wisdom" of the social web for recommendations. Common application scenarios for implicit feedback are discussed and a categorization scheme that classifies different types of observable user behavior is established. In addition, state-of-the-art algorithmic approaches for implicit feedback are examined that, e.g., interpret implicit signals directly or convert them to explicit ratings to be able to use "classic" recommendation approaches that were designed for explicit feedback. The second part of the thesis comprises some of the author's publications that deal with selected challenges of implicit feedback based recommendations. These contain (i) a specialized learning-to-rank algorithm that can differentiate different levels of interest indicator strength in implicit signals, (ii) contextualized recommendation techniques for the e-commerce domain that adapt product suggestions to customers' current short-term goals as well as their long-term preferences, and (iii) intelligent reminding approaches that aim at the re-discovery of relevant items in a customer's browsing history. Furthermore, the last paper of the thesis provides an in-depth analysis of different biases of various recommendation algorithms. Especially the popularity bias, the tendency to recommend mostly popular items, can be problematic in practical settings and countermeasures to reduce this bias are proposed

    Short-Video Marketing in E-commerce: Analyzing and Predicting Consumer Response

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    This study analyzes and predicts consumer viewing response to e-commerce short-videos (ESVs). We first construct a large-scale ESV dataset that contains 23,001 ESVs across 40 product categories. The dataset consists of the consumer response label in terms of average viewing durations and human-annotated ESV content attributes. Using the constructed dataset and mixed-effects model, we find that product description, product demonstration, pleasure, and aesthetics are four key determinants of ESV viewing duration. Furthermore, we design a content-based multimodal-multitask framework to predict consumer viewing response to ESVs. We propose the information distillation module to extract the shared, special, and conflicted information from ESV multimodal features. Additionally, we employ a hierarchical multitask classification module to capture feature-level and label-level dependencies. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the prediction performance of our proposed framework. Taken together, our paper provides theoretical and methodological contributions to the IS and relevant literature

    Empirical analysis of session-based recommendation algorithms

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    Recommender systems are tools that support online users by pointing them to potential items of interest in situations of information overload. In recent years, the class of session-based recommendation algorithms received more attention in the research literature. These algorithms base their recommendations solely on the observed interactions with the user in an ongoing session and do not require the existence of long-term preference profiles. Most recently, a number of deep learning-based (“neural”) approaches to session-based recommendations have been proposed. However, previous research indicates that today’s complex neural recommendation methods are not always better than comparably simple algorithms in terms of prediction accuracy. With this work, our goal is to shed light on the state of the art in the area of session-based recommendation and on the progress that is made with neural approaches. For this purpose, we compare twelve algorithmic approaches, among them six recent neural methods, under identical conditions on various datasets. We find that the progress in terms of prediction accuracy that is achieved with neural methods is still limited. In most cases, our experiments show that simple heuristic methods based on nearest-neighbors schemes are preferable over conceptually and computationally more complex methods. Observations from a user study furthermore indicate that recommendations based on heuristic methods were also well accepted by the study participants. To support future progress and reproducibility in this area, we publicly share the session-rec evaluation framework that was used in our research