21 research outputs found

    The Price of Anarchy in Cooperative Network Creation Games

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    In general, the games are played on a host graph, where each node is a selfish independent agent (player) and each edge has a fixed link creation cost \alpha. Together the agents create a network (a subgraph of the host graph) while selfishly minimizing the link creation costs plus the sum of the distances to all other players (usage cost). In this paper, we pursue two important facets of the network creation game. First, we study extensively a natural version of the game, called the cooperative model, where nodes can collaborate and share the cost of creating any edge in the host graph. We prove the first nontrivial bounds in this model, establishing that the price of anarchy is polylogarithmic in n for all values of α in complete host graphs. This bound is the first result of this type for any version of the network creation game; most previous general upper bounds are polynomial in n. Interestingly, we also show that equilibrium graphs have polylogarithmic diameter for the most natural range of \alpha (at most n polylg n). Second, we study the impact of the natural assumption that the host graph is a general graph, not necessarily complete. This model is a simple example of nonuniform creation costs among the edges (effectively allowing weights of \alpha and \infty). We prove the first assemblage of upper and lower bounds for this context, stablishing nontrivial tight bounds for many ranges of \alpha, for both the unilateral and cooperative versions of network creation. In particular, we establish polynomial lower bounds for both versions and many ranges of \alpha, even for this simple nonuniform cost model, which sharply contrasts the conjectured constant bounds for these games in complete (uniform) graphs

    Strong stability of Nash equilibria in load balancing games

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    We study strong stability of Nash equilibria in the load balancing games of m (m >= 2) identical servers, in which every job chooses one of the m servers and each job wishes to minimize its cost, given by the workload of the server it chooses. A Nash equilibrium (NE) is a strategy profile that is resilient to unilateral deviations. Finding an NE in such a game is simple. However, an NE assignment is not stable against coordinated deviations of several jobs, while a strong Nash equilibrium (SNE) is. We study how well an NE approximates an SNE. Given any job assignment in a load balancing game, the improvement ratio (IR) of a deviation of a job is defined as the ratio between the pre-and post-deviation costs. An NE is said to be a ρ-approximate SNE (ρ >= 1) if there is no coalition of jobs such that each job of the coalition will have an IR more than ρ from coordinated deviations of the coalition. While it is already known that NEs are the same as SNEs in the 2-server load balancing game, we prove that, in the m-server load balancing game for any given m >= 3, any NE is a (5=4)-approximate SNE, which together with the lower bound already established in the literature implies that the approximation bound is tight. This closes the final gap in the literature on the study of approximation of general NEs to SNEs in the load balancing games. To establish our upper bound, we apply with novelty a powerful graph-theoretic tool

    An O(lognloglogn)O({\log n\over \log\log n}) Upper Bound on the Price of Stability for Undirected Shapley Network Design Games

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    In this paper, we consider the Shapley network design game on undirected networks. In this game, we have an edge weighted undirected network G(V,E)G(V,E) and nn selfish players where player ii wants to choose a path from source vertex sis_i to destination vertex tit_i. The cost of each edge is equally split among players who pass it. The price of stability is defined as the ratio of the cost of the best Nash equilibrium to that of the optimal solution. We present an O(logn/loglogn)O(\log n/\log\log n) upper bound on price of stability for the single sink case, i.e, ti=tt_i=t for all ii

    Enforcing efficient equilibria in network design games via subsidies

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    The efficient design of networks has been an important engineering task that involves challenging combinatorial optimization problems. Typically, a network designer has to select among several alternatives which links to establish so that the resulting network satisfies a given set of connectivity requirements and the cost of establishing the network links is as low as possible. The Minimum Spanning Tree problem, which is well-understood, is a nice example. In this paper, we consider the natural scenario in which the connectivity requirements are posed by selfish users who have agreed to share the cost of the network to be established according to a well-defined rule. The design proposed by the network designer should now be consistent not only with the connectivity requirements but also with the selfishness of the users. Essentially, the users are players in a so-called network design game and the network designer has to propose a design that is an equilibrium for this game. As it is usually the case when selfishness comes into play, such equilibria may be suboptimal. In this paper, we consider the following question: can the network designer enforce particular designs as equilibria or guarantee that efficient designs are consistent with users' selfishness by appropriately subsidizing some of the network links? In an attempt to understand this question, we formulate corresponding optimization problems and present positive and negative results.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Approximately Socially-Optimal Decentralized Coalition Formation

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    Coalition formation is a central part of social interactions. In the emerging era of social peer-to-peer interactions (e.g., sharing economy), coalition formation will be often carried out in a decentralized manner, based on participants' individual preferences. A likely outcome will be a stable coalition structure, where no group of participants could cooperatively opt out to form another coalition that induces higher preferences to all its members. Remarkably, there exist a number of fair cost-sharing mechanisms (e.g., equal-split, proportional-split, egalitarian and Nash bargaining solutions of bargaining games) that model practical cost-sharing applications with desirable properties, such as the existence of a stable coalition structure with a small strong price-of-anarchy (SPoA) to approximate the social optimum. In this paper, we close several gaps on the previous results of decentralized coalition formation: (1) We establish a logarithmic lower bound on SPoA, and hence, show several previously known fair cost-sharing mechanisms are the best practical mechanisms with minimal SPoA. (2) We improve the SPoA of egalitarian and Nash bargaining cost-sharing mechanisms to match the lower bound. (3) We derive the SPoA of a mix of different cost-sharing mechanisms. (4) We present a decentralized algorithm to form a stable coalition structure. (5) Finally, we apply our results to a novel application of peer-to-peer energy sharing that allows households to jointly utilize mutual energy resources. We also present and analyze an empirical study of decentralized coalition formation in a real-world P2P energy sharing project