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    Interes za učenje valutnega trgovanja

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    Background and purpose: This paper analyzes the interest of potential users for learning in the field of currency trading or foreign exchange (forex, FX). The purpose of our article is a) to present currency trading, b) to present different options, methods and learning approaches to educating in forex, c) to present the research results discovering the interest of potential users for learning in the field of currency trading. Methodology: For gathering data, an online questionnaire was used. It was distributed so that the survey sample covers socio-demographic variables (gender, age, working status, relationship status, financial status of credit and educational level). Interest in learning in the field of currency trading was assessed. Descriptive statistics, t-test, paired samples test, homogeny test of variances, and ANOVA were used. Results: It was determined that people are interested in learning about currency trading, especially younger ones (< 30 years), who prefer e-learning as their learning approach. Obtaining and possessing the right information is the strongest motivation factor and fearing not having enough necessary prior knowledge is the strongest discouraging factor for learning about currency trading. Conclusion: Education of users in the field of currency trading is becoming increasingly popular with the development of e-learning.Ozadje in namen: V znanstvenem prispevku analiziramo interes potencialnih uporabnikov za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja (forex, FX). Namen članka je a) predstaviti valutno trgovanje, b) predstaviti različne možnosti, metode in pristope k učenju za izobraževanje valutnega trgovanja, c) predstaviti rezultate raziskave, ki izraža interes potencialnih uporabnikov za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja. Metodologija: Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili spletni vprašalnik. Vzorec, ki smo ga zajeli v raziskavi vsebuje socialno-demografske spremenljivke (spol, starost, delovni status, odnos status, finančno stanje kreditnih in stopnjo izobrazbe). S pomočjo opisne statistike, t-testov, testa homogenosti varianc in testa ANOVA smo ocenili interes ljudi za učenje na področju valutnega trgovanja. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obstaja interes za učenje iz valutnega trgovanja, predvsem pri mlajših ljudeh ( < 30 let), katerih najljubši učni pristop je e-izobraževanje. Pridobivanje in posedovanje pravih informacij je najmočnejši motivacijski dejavnik za učenje med uporabniki valutnega trgovanja, medtem ko je najmočnejši odvračajoči dejavnik, slabo predznanje o samem trgovanju. Zaključek: z razvojem e-izobraževanja, izobraževanje uporabnikov na področju valutnega trgovanja postaja vse bolj razširjeno in priljubljeno