65,838 research outputs found

    Triangle-Intersecting Families of Graphs

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    A family of graphs F is said to be triangle-intersecting if for any two graphs G,H in F, the intersection of G and H contains a triangle. A conjecture of Simonovits and Sos from 1976 states that the largest triangle-intersecting families of graphs on a fixed set of n vertices are those obtained by fixing a specific triangle and taking all graphs containing it, resulting in a family of size (1/8) 2^{n choose 2}. We prove this conjecture and some generalizations (for example, we prove that the same is true of odd-cycle-intersecting families, and we obtain best possible bounds on the size of the family under different, not necessarily uniform, measures). We also obtain stability results, showing that almost-largest triangle-intersecting families have approximately the same structure.Comment: 43 page

    A better proof of the Goldman-Parker conjecture

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    The Goldman-Parker Conjecture classifies the complex hyperbolic C-reflection ideal triangle groups up to discreteness. We proved the Goldman-Parker Conjecture in [Ann. of Math. 153 (2001) 533--598] using a rigorous computer-assisted proof. In this paper we give a new and improved proof of the Goldman-Parker Conjecture. While the proof relies on the computer for extensive guidance, the proof itself is traditional.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol9/paper35.abs.htm

    Torsion and ground state maxima: close but not the same

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    Could the location of the maximum point for a positive solution of a semilinear Poisson equation on a convex domain be independent of the form of the nonlinearity? Cima and Derrick found certain evidence for this surprising conjecture. We construct counterexamples on the half-disk, by working with the torsion function and first Dirichlet eigenfunction. On an isosceles right triangle the conjecture fails again. Yet the conjecture has merit, since the maxima of the torsion function and eigenfunction are unexpectedly close together. It is an open problem to quantify this closeness in terms of the domain and the nonlinearity

    Sufficient Conditions for Tuza's Conjecture on Packing and Covering Triangles

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    Given a simple graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E), a subset of EE is called a triangle cover if it intersects each triangle of GG. Let νt(G)\nu_t(G) and τt(G)\tau_t(G) denote the maximum number of pairwise edge-disjoint triangles in GG and the minimum cardinality of a triangle cover of GG, respectively. Tuza conjectured in 1981 that τt(G)/νt(G)≤2\tau_t(G)/\nu_t(G)\le2 holds for every graph GG. In this paper, using a hypergraph approach, we design polynomial-time combinatorial algorithms for finding small triangle covers. These algorithms imply new sufficient conditions for Tuza's conjecture on covering and packing triangles. More precisely, suppose that the set TG\mathscr T_G of triangles covers all edges in GG. We show that a triangle cover of GG with cardinality at most 2νt(G)2\nu_t(G) can be found in polynomial time if one of the following conditions is satisfied: (i) νt(G)/∣TG∣≥13\nu_t(G)/|\mathscr T_G|\ge\frac13, (ii) νt(G)/∣E∣≥14\nu_t(G)/|E|\ge\frac14, (iii) ∣E∣/∣TG∣≥2|E|/|\mathscr T_G|\ge2. Keywords: Triangle cover, Triangle packing, Linear 3-uniform hypergraphs, Combinatorial algorithm
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