4 research outputs found

    Forgalom modellezési módszerek fejlesztése = Advanced traffic modeling techniques

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    A projekt alapvetően sikeresen járult hozzá a vizsgált szakterület eredményeinek bővítéséhez és a résztvevő kutatócsoport fejlődéséhez. A projekt eredményihez kapcsolódó dolgozatok alapján PHD fokozatot szerzett Bodrog Levente és Saffer Zsolt. A projekt eredményeit összegző publikációk együttes impakt faktora ~22. A szakmai eredmenyek közül Markov érkezési folyamatok alapvető tulajdonságait összegző cikk (A minimal representation of Markov arrival processes and a moments matching method) emelhető ki, amelyik időközben az ezen folyamatok illesztési korlátait vizsgálló munkák alapjává vált. | The project successfully enhanced the field of traffic modeling of computer and communication systems and helped to improve the carrier of the involved research group. Based on the their theses summarizing parts of the results of the project Bodrog Levente and Saffer Zsolt were awarded the doctor of philosophy degree. The cumulated impact factor of the journal papers publish the research results of the project is about 22. The most remarkable research results are in the paper summarizing some basic properties of Markov arrival processes (A minimal representation of Markov arrival processes and a moments matching method), which become a basic reference for subsequent works dealing with the fitting properties of these processes

    On the Tradeoff Between Blocking and Dropping Probabilities in CDMA Networks Supporting Elastic Services

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    Abstract. This paper is a sequel of previous work, in which we proposed a model and computational technique to calculate the Erlang capacity of a single CDMA cell that supports elastic services. The present paper extends that base model by taking into account two important features of CDMA. First, we capture the impact of soft blocking by modeling the neighbor cell interference as a lognormally distributed random variable. Secondly, we model the impact of the outage by taking into account that in-progress sessions can be dropped with a probability that depends on the current load in the system. We then consider a system with elastic and rigid service classes and analyze the trade-off between the total (soft and hard) blocking probabilities on the one hand and the throughput and the session drop probabilities on the other

    On the tradeoff between blocking and dropping probabilities in CDMA networks supporting elastic services

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    none3This paper is a sequel of previous work, in which we proposed a model and computational technique to calculate the Erlang capacity of a single CDMA cell that supports elastic services. The present paper extends that base model by taking into account two important features of CDMA. First, we capture the impact of soft blocking by modeling the neighbor cell interference as a lognormally distributed random variable. Secondly, we model the impact of the outage by taking into account that in-progress sessions can be dropped with a probability that depends on the current load in the system. We then consider a system with elastic and rigid service classes and analyze the trade-off between the total (soft and hard) blocking probabilities on the one hand and the throughput and the session drop probabilities on the other.noneL. BADIA; FODOR G; TELEK MBadia, Leonardo; Fodor, G; Telek, M

    On the Tradeoff Between Blocking and Dropping Probabilities in CDMA Networks Supporting Elastic Services

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    Abstract. This paper is a sequel of previous work, in which we proposed a model and computational technique to calculate the Erlang capacity of a single CDMA cell that supports elastic services. The present paper extends that base model by taking into account two important features of CDMA. First, we capture the impact of soft blocking by modeling the neighbor cell interference as a lognormally distributed random variable. Secondly, we model the impact of the outage by taking into account that in-progress sessions can be dropped with a probability that depends on the current load in the system. We then consider a system with elastic and rigid service classes and analyze the trade-off between the total (soft and hard) blocking probabilities on the one hand and the throughput and the session drop probabilities on the other