11 research outputs found

    Learning More From Less: Towards Strengthening Weak Supervision for Ad-Hoc Retrieval

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    The limited availability of ground truth relevance labels has been a major impediment to the application of supervised methods to ad-hoc retrieval. As a result, unsupervised scoring methods, such as BM25, remain strong competitors to deep learning techniques which have brought on dramatic improvements in other domains, such as computer vision and natural language processing. Recent works have shown that it is possible to take advantage of the performance of these unsupervised methods to generate training data for learning-to-rank models. The key limitation to this line of work is the size of the training set required to surpass the performance of the original unsupervised method, which can be as large as 101310^{13} training examples. Building on these insights, we propose two methods to reduce the amount of training data required. The first method takes inspiration from crowdsourcing, and leverages multiple unsupervised rankers to generate soft, or noise-aware, training labels. The second identifies harmful, or mislabeled, training examples and removes them from the training set. We show that our methods allow us to surpass the performance of the unsupervised baseline with far fewer training examples than previous works.Comment: SIGIR 201

    Improving News Popularity Estimation via Weak Supervision and Meta-active Learning

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    Social news has fundamentally changed the mechanisms of public perception, education, and even dis-information. Apprising the popularity of social news articles can have significant impact through a diversity of information redistribution techniques. In this article, an improved prediction algorithm is proposed to predict the long-time popularity of social news articles without the need for ground-truth observations. The proposed framework applies a novel active learning selection policy to obtain the optimal volume of observations and achieve superior predictive performance. To assess the proposed framework, a large set of experiments are undertaken; these indicate that the new solution can improve prediction performance by 28% (precision) while reducing the volume of required ground truth by 32%

    WeSAL: Applying Active Supervision to Find High-quality Labels at Industrial Scale

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    Obtaining hand-labeled training data is one of the most tedious and expensive parts of the machine learning pipeline. Previous approaches, such as active learning aim at optimizing user engagement to acquire accurate labels. Other methods utilize weak supervision to generate low-quality labels at scale. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid method named WeSAL that incorporates Weak Supervision sources with Active Learning to keep humans in the loop. The method aims to generate large-scale training labels while enhancing its quality by involving domain experience. To evaluate WeSAL, we compare it with two-state-of-the-art labeling techniques, Active Learning and Data Programming. The experiments use five publicly available datasets and a real-world dataset of 1.5M records provided by our industrial partner, IBM. The results indicate that WeSAL can generate large-scale, high-quality labels while reducing the labeling cost by up to 68% compared to active learning

    Generalized Weak Supervision for Neural Information Retrieval

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    Neural ranking models (NRMs) have demonstrated effective performance in several information retrieval (IR) tasks. However, training NRMs often requires large-scale training data, which is difficult and expensive to obtain. To address this issue, one can train NRMs via weak supervision, where a large dataset is automatically generated using an existing ranking model (called the weak labeler) for training NRMs. Weakly supervised NRMs can generalize from the observed data and significantly outperform the weak labeler. This paper generalizes this idea through an iterative re-labeling process, demonstrating that weakly supervised models can iteratively play the role of weak labeler and significantly improve ranking performance without using manually labeled data. The proposed Generalized Weak Supervision (GWS) solution is generic and orthogonal to the ranking model architecture. This paper offers four implementations of GWS: self-labeling, cross-labeling, joint cross- and self-labeling, and greedy multi-labeling. GWS also benefits from a query importance weighting mechanism based on query performance prediction methods to reduce noise in the generated training data. We further draw a theoretical connection between self-labeling and Expectation-Maximization. Our experiments on two passage retrieval benchmarks suggest that all implementations of GWS lead to substantial improvements compared to weak supervision in all cases

    Selective Weak Supervision for Neural Information Retrieval

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    This paper democratizes neural information retrieval to scenarios where large scale relevance training signals are not available. We revisit the classic IR intuition that anchor-document relations approximate query-document relevance and propose a reinforcement weak supervision selection method, ReInfoSelect, which learns to select anchor-document pairs that best weakly supervise the neural ranker (action), using the ranking performance on a handful of relevance labels as the reward. Iteratively, for a batch of anchor-document pairs, ReInfoSelect back propagates the gradients through the neural ranker, gathers its NDCG reward, and optimizes the data selection network using policy gradients, until the neural ranker's performance peaks on target relevance metrics (convergence). In our experiments on three TREC benchmarks, neural rankers trained by ReInfoSelect, with only publicly available anchor data, significantly outperform feature-based learning to rank methods and match the effectiveness of neural rankers trained with private commercial search logs. Our analyses show that ReInfoSelect effectively selects weak supervision signals based on the stage of the neural ranker training, and intuitively picks anchor-document pairs similar to query-document pairs.Comment: Accepted by WWW 202