10,231 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Existential Positive Queries

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    We systematically investigate the complexity of model checking the existential positive fragment of first-order logic. In particular, for a set of existential positive sentences, we consider model checking where the sentence is restricted to fall into the set; a natural question is then to classify which sentence sets are tractable and which are intractable. With respect to fixed-parameter tractability, we give a general theorem that reduces this classification question to the corresponding question for primitive positive logic, for a variety of representations of structures. This general theorem allows us to deduce that an existential positive sentence set having bounded arity is fixed-parameter tractable if and only if each sentence is equivalent to one in bounded-variable logic. We then use the lens of classical complexity to study these fixed-parameter tractable sentence sets. We show that such a set can be NP-complete, and consider the length needed by a translation from sentences in such a set to bounded-variable logic; we prove superpolynomial lower bounds on this length using the theory of compilability, obtaining an interesting type of formula size lower bound. Overall, the tools, concepts, and results of this article set the stage for the future consideration of the complexity of model checking on more expressive logics

    A Theory of Formal Synthesis via Inductive Learning

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    Formal synthesis is the process of generating a program satisfying a high-level formal specification. In recent times, effective formal synthesis methods have been proposed based on the use of inductive learning. We refer to this class of methods that learn programs from examples as formal inductive synthesis. In this paper, we present a theoretical framework for formal inductive synthesis. We discuss how formal inductive synthesis differs from traditional machine learning. We then describe oracle-guided inductive synthesis (OGIS), a framework that captures a family of synthesizers that operate by iteratively querying an oracle. An instance of OGIS that has had much practical impact is counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). We present a theoretical characterization of CEGIS for learning any program that computes a recursive language. In particular, we analyze the relative power of CEGIS variants where the types of counterexamples generated by the oracle varies. We also consider the impact of bounded versus unbounded memory available to the learning algorithm. In the special case where the universe of candidate programs is finite, we relate the speed of convergence to the notion of teaching dimension studied in machine learning theory. Altogether, the results of the paper take a first step towards a theoretical foundation for the emerging field of formal inductive synthesis

    The Value of Help Bits in Randomized and Average-Case Complexity

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    "Help bits" are some limited trusted information about an instance or instances of a computational problem that may reduce the computational complexity of solving that instance or instances. In this paper, we study the value of help bits in the settings of randomized and average-case complexity. Amir, Beigel, and Gasarch (1990) show that for constant kk, if kk instances of a decision problem can be efficiently solved using less than kk bits of help, then the problem is in P/poly. We extend this result to the setting of randomized computation: We show that the decision problem is in P/poly if using ℓ\ell help bits, kk instances of the problem can be efficiently solved with probability greater than 2ℓ−k2^{\ell-k}. The same result holds if using less than k(1−h(α))k(1 - h(\alpha)) help bits (where h(⋅)h(\cdot) is the binary entropy function), we can efficiently solve (1−α)(1-\alpha) fraction of the instances correctly with non-vanishing probability. We also extend these two results to non-constant but logarithmic kk. In this case however, instead of showing that the problem is in P/poly we show that it satisfies "kk-membership comparability," a notion known to be related to solving kk instances using less than kk bits of help. Next we consider the setting of average-case complexity: Assume that we can solve kk instances of a decision problem using some help bits whose entropy is less than kk when the kk instances are drawn independently from a particular distribution. Then we can efficiently solve an instance drawn from that distribution with probability better than 1/21/2. Finally, we show that in the case where kk is super-logarithmic, assuming kk-membership comparability of a decision problem, one cannot prove that the problem is in P/poly by a "black-box proof.

    Querying the Guarded Fragment

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    Evaluating a Boolean conjunctive query Q against a guarded first-order theory F is equivalent to checking whether "F and not Q" is unsatisfiable. This problem is relevant to the areas of database theory and description logic. Since Q may not be guarded, well known results about the decidability, complexity, and finite-model property of the guarded fragment do not obviously carry over to conjunctive query answering over guarded theories, and had been left open in general. By investigating finite guarded bisimilar covers of hypergraphs and relational structures, and by substantially generalising Rosati's finite chase, we prove for guarded theories F and (unions of) conjunctive queries Q that (i) Q is true in each model of F iff Q is true in each finite model of F and (ii) determining whether F implies Q is 2EXPTIME-complete. We further show the following results: (iii) the existence of polynomial-size conformal covers of arbitrary hypergraphs; (iv) a new proof of the finite model property of the clique-guarded fragment; (v) the small model property of the guarded fragment with optimal bounds; (vi) a polynomial-time solution to the canonisation problem modulo guarded bisimulation, which yields (vii) a capturing result for guarded bisimulation invariant PTIME.Comment: This is an improved and extended version of the paper of the same title presented at LICS 201
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