825 research outputs found

    There are Plane Spanners of Maximum Degree 4

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    Let E be the complete Euclidean graph on a set of points embedded in the plane. Given a constant t >= 1, a spanning subgraph G of E is said to be a t-spanner, or simply a spanner, if for any pair of vertices u,v in E the distance between u and v in G is at most t times their distance in E. A spanner is plane if its edges do not cross. This paper considers the question: "What is the smallest maximum degree that can always be achieved for a plane spanner of E?" Without the planarity constraint, it is known that the answer is 3 which is thus the best known lower bound on the degree of any plane spanner. With the planarity requirement, the best known upper bound on the maximum degree is 6, the last in a long sequence of results improving the upper bound. In this paper we show that the complete Euclidean graph always contains a plane spanner of maximum degree at most 4 and make a big step toward closing the question. Our construction leads to an efficient algorithm for obtaining the spanner from Chew's L1-Delaunay triangulation

    The Tight Spanning Ratio of the Rectangle Delaunay Triangulation

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    The Tight Spanning Ratio of the Rectangle Delaunay Triangulation

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    Spanner construction is a well-studied problem and Delaunay triangulations are among the most popular spanners. Tight bounds are known if the Delaunay triangulation is constructed using an equilateral triangle, a square, or a regular hexagon. However, all other shapes have remained elusive. In this paper we extend the restricted class of spanners for which tight bounds are known. We prove that Delaunay triangulations constructed using rectangles with aspect ratio \A have spanning ratio at most \sqrt{2} \sqrt{1+\A^2 + \A \sqrt{\A^2 + 1}}, which matches the known lower bound

    Liftings and stresses for planar periodic frameworks

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    We formulate and prove a periodic analog of Maxwell's theorem relating stressed planar frameworks and their liftings to polyhedral surfaces with spherical topology. We use our lifting theorem to prove deformation and rigidity-theoretic properties for planar periodic pseudo-triangulations, generalizing features known for their finite counterparts. These properties are then applied to questions originating in mathematical crystallography and materials science, concerning planar periodic auxetic structures and ultrarigid periodic frameworks.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper has appeared in Proc. 30th annual Symposium on Computational Geometry (SOCG'14), Kyoto, Japan, June 201
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